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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. The Tachikomas are the same "guys" from as the 1st season. It's funny in the 1st episode of the 2nd GIG where the Tachis are reassigned to Section 9 after their dismantle. They sorta freaked Batou out by pretending to have a mechanical voice! So cutie~.
  2. No, just no.
  3. The spider tank at the end of the 1st movie is called the "Think Tank"? You gotta be kidding me. I've seen those gashapons on eBay too, but I never thought of looking up what the description is. The seller will probably just say, "Tachikoma". >_> Also, I'm busy going through my GITS manga (the original) trying to find the chapter where the fight takes place. I can't even remember anymore.
  4. Then what was proper terminology for the spider tank in the 1st movie?
  5. What I want to know is exactly where the hell this guys getting all his materials from. What type of plastic is that and where can I get it??? Also, I have yet to see a good 1/24 or something scale of the original Fuchikoma from the first movie. Now that is bad ass to the max.
  6. I found this site before the WAVE 1/24 Tachikoma kits were released. Absolutely amazing stuff that this dude has scratch built based on the Ghost in the Shell: SAC universe. Everything from the ARM Suit that nearly wasted Kusanagi in the first season, that MASSIVE tank from the 2nd episode of the 1st season, and even the drone helis from the beginning of the 2nd GIG series. And last but not least, the Tachikomas. This guy even scratch builds Batou, and even more so, that litte girl featured in the episode of "Tachikoma's Day Out". Why oh why are these people so talented? And for something sacreligious, "what's Macross again?" LOL just kidding!
  7. It's only 1/9 scale. FAIL! I WANT 1/6! 1/6 I SAY! (even though I'd probably never buy it)
  8. I'm actually not for the whole transforming thing. I'm more than happy if the VF-11 stays in fighter mode, forever. This should solve the whole "DONT BREAK THE FREAKING TOY WHILST TRANSFORMING" issue. See why I'm not a fan of the toys, but rather a whore for the model kits? <3 Hasegawa. Say it ain't so, but the whole GERWALK and Battroid mode never caught me. Sorries...
  9. Spatula

    Age Check! :)

    14/cali/f BLOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL!!!!!! Nah nah nah. 21 here. I like how pretty much most of us are 20+ since ya know, which 13 year old kid watches something from 1982? (they'll think its more like 1882). This board generally has an "older" audience, and when I mean "old", I think of well..young/mid adults, which is nice. Nice to talk to mature people. Well, maturity doesn't always correlate with age now, does it? As for Valks: HASEGAWA 1/72s: 1. VF-1 Built 2. VF-1D Built 3. VE-1 Elintseeker Built 98% done 4. VT-1 Super Ostrich - unbuilt new in box 5. VF-1S sitting in HLJ's warehouse in Gunma, Japan at this moment (on order) 6. VF-0D also in HLJ's warehouse 7. VF-19 also in HLJ's whore-house 8. VF-21...see above. RESIN KITS: 9. VF-4 Lightning - sitting somewhere in Valk009's house in HK right now... TOYS: 10. Yamato VF-11B just claimed today from Rob via eBay, whenever I get around paying him...sitting somewhere in Osaka whilst the writing of this post... 11. 1/55 Bandai Roy Focker VF-1J (3 feet away from me) 12. 1/55 Bandai Canon Fodder (3 feet away from me)
  10. I'm a fan of Macross since 2005. Well, but I do have a full time day job, that is, to pay bills for my company. WOOT! Yeah I pretty much live a "Dilbert" life, minus the comedy. Nah, it's not that bad now eh?
  11. C'mon buying a frigging huge ass TV from the internet? I mean I'd actually want to "test watch" this TV before even pull my Credit Card out. Paying for shipping would be a bitch, and plus what happens if it's, well, not want you want? I like internet shopping, to an extent.
  12. since no ones saying anything... I guess this is a junk toy that even the garbage would even refuse. TOO BAD! EDIT: TOO LATE
  13. Man o man, I just paid for the VF-4 Yesterday (not complaing here) and again for the Kaneda's Die Cast thing. But well I think this is a good deal... http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 NOTE: You're more than welcome to buy it.. I guess. HESITATION = DEATH when it comes to EBAY!!!
  14. What's scarier is that this is going to BE a movie. >_> Seriously now.
  15. I gave up on Lunar a long time ago. WAY too slow. Honestly I don't really care if one group uses more "accurate" words to translate. As long as I get the gist of what their saying, then I'm happy. I see that Dattebayo subs are one of the more popular ones..
  16. OKAY>>>>>>>>>>> Just send payment to awinkl@yahoo.com Yuppie!
  17. Okay fine, I received "her" the day I put in my order for the Aliens Dropship. Needless to say, if my toy display case was indeed a "TOY STORY", all the toys would be living in endless fear of being replaced. Snake is already collecting dust. In good news, she's fun to touch. Snake + Kusanagi = TOY Pr0n!
  18. Must....have...now...
  19. This is easy: 1) 1/6 Figures. I have two now: Solid Snake MEDICOM, Kusanagi Motoko TAKARA 2) I just bought the Aliens dropship and ordered the APC along with it 3) Video games. Valkyrie Profile being the most expensive at over $120 USD. 4) Rent payments to mom. Jesus >_>. 5) 1/12 scale DIE CAST bike from AKIRA. About $100. 6) School Text books. College isn't cheap. Thank god my company is paying for tuition, but I pay for books. Yeah, so when the Xmas bill came in at over $1000, she went ape sh!t.
  20. Okay, what is this? CG from 1993? Honestly even the mecha looked so static and not well animated. I don't even want to see the characters. This is worse than SHOGO
  21. Make sure it doesn't sink!
  22. Each to his own, Patlabor 2 was a masterpiece. Also, why dubbed? I can't stand the voice overs. I got the Manga release of the Patlabor movies and I'm happy with them. They don't have any features, but I'm not waiting for eternity just to see some behind the scenes stuff.
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