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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. *BUMP* So no one likes my figs? DUDE... This is mega ;_; news.
  2. So I started episode 14, and I really don't like the new OP. It's not that bad, it's just not as "melodically satisfying" as the first OP theme. At any rate, I'm working on this now, I just finished up Rozen Maiden: Traumend.
  3. Yes, FB2012 is a lot of "fluff", but not annoying now is it? It's just like a teaser. Think of AMV Hell 3 - It's for pure entertainment only right?
  4. Really? FB2012 was just one helluva long anime music video. C'mon, it's got the VF-4 in it. Misa looks hotter than ever. What's so bad? HATE AGAINST FB2012 IS NOT ALLOWED AND SHOULD BE A BANNABLE OFFENCE! For the sake of the thread, I've never seen M7, but from all the strange reviews I've been seeing, it looks like a love-it-or-hate-it series, much like Evangelion. Now I've opened up a can of worms. (And for the sake of the Eva discussion, I loved episodes 1 up to 23 or 24 where Shinji kills the last Angel, but ONLY up to that point). BACK TO M7 DISCUSSION NOW.
  5. Okay, I want to quit my job and start modeling full time. Oh wait, where all ma money! >_> Maybe I could make a living off of this? No, Cheng's probably doing that now!
  6. Hey! Barney stole my candy. SHOT HIM DEAD.
  7. Which explains my reasoning of my post. STRIKE FIRST Also, what Digimon?
  8. AOSHIMA 1/72 DIE CAST DROPSHIP - ALIENS And now some pictures of the box: FRONT BACK LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE BOTTOM AND TOP Notice something missing in these pictures? Prep for paint job. And no, my APC hasn't arrived yet; it just shipped off today from Hobby Link Japan. Your patience is appreciated. EDIT: FOR ALL YOU POOR PEEPS OUT THERE, MAKE YOUR OWN DROPSHIP. LOL
  9. I would have ordered Minmay to be my sexual slave for 2 weeks on board the Macross whilst trapped. A copy of Kama Sutra is bound to be somewhere on the Macross. I mean, c'mon, along with the 50,000 some people that somehow moved into the Macross, there's gotta be a copy of this book somewhere in that place. Then I'd kill her and hide her body in the giant fish's head. Then when people asked what happened to her, I'll explain that the fish ate her, "There's always a bigger fish". NO WITNESSES. No, I'm not sadistic. Yes, I'd prefer Misa.
  10. I like how it can kick my Aoshima Aliens Dropship anyday of the week. Oh wait.
  11. Being born in Malaysia, squat-style toilets were part of my childhood, believe it or not. However, I still prefer western type toilets anyday of the week. At least I can stand up without my blood circulation all funny. I won't hesitate using a squat-style toilet when it's very urgent.
  12. WELL.. I'm seriously thinking of manually painting the missle pods in the front to olive green. I do have aqueous-gunze olive drab which I could use a brush. Do you guys think this will work? I really think the peachy-yellow sticks out way too much.
  13. Stop the madness. Okay, the 1st season was actually "watchable". Wait, what am I saying?
  14. If this were a WOMAN...[censored].
  15. Sweet, I just got my Dropship yesterday. The APC will be coming in another shipment. Yeah, stupid small washrooms in Japan, I feel so claustrophobic in their hotel stand up showers. SO TINY!!~~~ LOL @ XBOX 1. But pretty much everything else was nice when I visited there.~~~
  16. DigiMOM had an opening theme? I always thought it'd be a recording of the sound of thirteen helpless children caged in a cell forced to recite "Mary had a Little Lamb" in Japanese whilst being fed spam and shredded wheat with NO2, all of this after suffering from watching Pikachu's eyes flash brilliantly on-off-on-off-on-off. Oh wait, it's a false positive. *SNAP*.
  17. In other words, read my signature. I hear it's a good sign of what I'm hinting at.
  18. I'm going to report myself.
  19. I still watch Sailor Moon. Oh wait, no.
  20. Until you hold such a magnificent artifact made only of the utmost precious materials and unpararelled craftsmenship, you have held nothing worthy to hold the name bequeathed as,"The Dropship".
  21. THIS IS NO ORDINARY SHIP, SDF-1, THIS IS THE DROPSHIP. THAT'S RIGHT! THE DROPSHIP, SON. (13 inches/32 cm from rear elevator to nose, excluding the detachable wire antenna)
  22. THE MASTER HAS RETURNED! Good to see you again, Mr William-Super-Dee-Duper! Remember about my whole fiasco with the Elintseeker where I cried and cried for days and days with the whole putty issue? Well, man it's still waiting patiently for a base for me to mount it on. I'm thinking of getting a round/circular acrylic base about 3/4 inches thick that can be drilled and get a acrylic dowel to support it. I connect the model to the rod with magnets, so I can remove the Valkyrie away from the base whenever I please. Meh, so lonely, what a lonely Elintseeker. (psst, apologies for stealing your thread again...sorries) Meh, okay this one I blame the stupid digi cam. I'm terrible with that thing, so no, the Elintseeker doesn't look nearly as horrible in the pic. Really! Plus all the detail of the panel seems to be gone in the picture.
  23. Well then, now since I do have my 1/6 Solid Snake and Kusanagi, why not share some pics? Yeah I suck at using the digi cam, but this is my draft for now. I'll do another photo shoot this weekend when I'm more awake... But ya know, I just got my dropship just tonight after finishing writing a stupid accounting test. Good thing it was bloody easy. Without further adieu... MEDICOM 1/6 SOLID SNAKE TAKARA 1/6 KUSANAGI MOTOKO - NINJA VER
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