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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. Indeed. I won't mind the studio take a season break and conclude the Aizen arc in September or so. By the looks of it, this arc will go up to about episode 75, which leaves 25 to conlude the Aizen arc.
  2. It says "March Release" at this moment for a preorder. The Tachikomas have been placed order stop just very recently. I put in my order for two of them... EDIT: Nevermind, the Tachikoma's are back for Feb restock.
  3. Bring down the TV to the basement so your wife can watch TV and if she get's bored she'll watch you. Teach her how to model* maybe? *Cat-walk not requried
  4. Just watched 67. Is it just me or do I really HATE these fillers. "Okay, Ichigo, let's waste the viewers' time by playing stupid games! " All these past episodes of the fillers are poorly done episodes. What is this? Detective Ichigo and his pup squad?
  5. HASEGAWA 1/72 VE-1 ELINTSEEKER I just finished making the base and placing the Valkyrie on top. I'm quite surprised my two magnet approach worked for this, since I was quite apprehensive to drill a hole into the model. I find there would be an extremely small margin of error if I were to follow the latter method to prop up the model. There were times that the Valkyrie did fall off due to weight distribution. I managed to let the super glue settle in and find a balance. This is my third Valkyrie that I've done.
  6. I think 1/35 would be a good scale...perhaps 11 inches in height?. Rex is about the same height, or a bit taller than the Ingram AV-98 from Patlabor. I'm judging purely on how Snake's height compared to that of Rex in the last few stages of MGS1.
  7. Still, I'm very surprised that a large and affluent company like Bandai wouldn't make a 1/35 Metal Gear Rex/Ray. I mean, talking to Konami shouldn't be much of an issue hey in terms of licensing? They've made 12 inch and 5 inch figures of the MGS cast, so why not the mechs? After all, the series is named after them.
  8. I'm going to order probably 2 more weapon sets just in case. I have one now, but these things pretty much are on a 1 to 1 ratio. Perhaps I'll grab also 2 more Strike Valkyrie kits. I've pretty much got everything else I need. So far here's my list: VF-1A - built VF-1D - built VE-1 Elintseeker - almost complete VT-1 Ostrich - new VF-1 Super/STrike - new YF-19 - new YF-21 - new VF-0D - new Weapon Set - new I'm actually not too fond of the Macross Zero stuff, save for the VF-0D.
  9. Dude, just be wary that I'm only at Episode 18. I still have a ways to go. A few questions. Alex Thurston is the old grandpa we see in the first two episodes right? Who is the father of Renton Thurston and what's so special about this father, Ageris or whatever his name may be?
  10. Still no VF-11 nor VF-4. Well actually my resin VF-4 is on it's way, so it'd kinda suck to have the plastic kit come out so soon. But the VF-11... sigh. I never knew there was a low viz VF-1 by Hasegawa. I should check that out.
  11. What the hell, your joint came right off but mine snapped. Look at that white part. LOL @ ATTACHMENTS. What a stupid looking thing.
  12. What's that white piece there? Where did you get it? Why do you need a replacement screw? Let me post pics of what I have going on here.
  13. Well now I just pulled it out of the garbage. I put it back in the box and hopefully one day I can get someone to help glue the legs back together - both broke now, fuk. I didn't intend to get the early version, it's just that seeing it for $65 seemed like a good price back then...what 2 weeks ago? So yeah, blame me. Most of the time whatever I get stuff from the internet most of it, well 99% seemed to be perfectly fine. Like holy crap, the Aoshima drop ship was like made from the hands of God. So how did you get the legs back on for this thing. Super glue didn't work... which I bought today, along with a stand for my Elintseeker. Again, I want to stress that I really don't care about transforming this, so fighter mode is fine. I just want the legs back on, that's all I care about now.
  14. You know what, to hell with this. Anyone know how good this is? http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=921 Yeah, it's in the garbage. I don't want to see that crap haunt me, for christ sakes.
  15. Yeah, I just got so pissed off trying to fix it, I slammed it on my desk. Good bye. See you in the garbage can. What a Fukking waste of $65 plus shipping. I honestly want my money back, but like that's ever going to happen. Worst Toy Ever. Fuk sakes.
  16. I can really see the quality shine there. Yes, but not on eBay at the time I ordered. Needless to say, regarding this breakage issue: Caveat Emptor. Well hearing other VF-11B's break, although somewhat sadistic, somewhat elevates my cognitive dissonance of buying this thing. I'm sorry, but Yamato won't be suckering me for anymore products. I also read of some problems with the VB-6 Monster, which I was at one point intending to buy. Yamato, you ain't going to sucker me no more, even with your "exquisite" 1/48 Strike Valks.
  17. I'm sure you're not the only one. God, now I have to go buy super glue.
  18. No, not desperate. I already blew a whole chunk of change on this. Strong joints are no longer relevant as I have no intention of transforming this. Forever it will stay in fighter mode. Well, it looks like my future was already fore told by myself.
  19. Well, I did state earlier that I'd always keep this in fighter mode. The more I think of it, the more I should have gotten this then: http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=921 Too late now anyways.
  20. Wow, the leg just broke off. What the hell....
  21. I like how you didn't even answer my question. ~so helpful!~ EDIT: Well I just found out that the rear landing gear pops up if you push one end. And as well as the rear elevators. But I'm still having quite a bit of trouble lining everything up properly!
  22. WOOT! Got it today (as well as my AKIRA bike)! Thanks to Rob. My question is...how the heck do you get this to fighter mode PROPERLY? For some reason I seem to not get the shoulder parts fitted properly. See pics: Is the ridge part supposed to go under? How do you get the rear landing gears to open as well as the rear elevators?
  23. Damn man, you're getting me all hot now!
  24. Since I've gotten the Aliens dropship ( MEGA LOVE), I MUST get my hands on Corporal Hicks. Damn, that thing kicks ASS!
  25. More pics plz. I just finished my workout. Want to see what I'm working towards, ya know.
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