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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. EVA now isn't so much a mystery to comprehend, but still, it's damn weird, visually speaking, don't you agree? I mean, wow, Rei just turned into a giant OH SH--! get what I mean?
  2. CW Orange was good, but weird. EOE was strange AND weird.
  3. Okay alright, I guess the virtuous worker would like to support his/her company by buying the goods. I mean there are some stuff that demands money, ie model kits and dropships, and I'll gladly lay down some bling $$$ to get it, since that's where quality matters. (Quality matters also for a good viewable electronic material, but usually the booted stuff work good enough for me). Gundam Wing wasn't that bad, c'mon. Sure it's got the whole 5 man Sentai element to it, but it attempts to be somewhat sophisticated with the whole war thing ( as much as any other military based series). I remember getting my VCR to tape the Escaflowne episodes in English like 5 years ago. I got up to half way since I started to not like the series. That Hitomi was such a biatch yelling about this and that... I was also thinking of getting the whole smack of Evangelion, but ended up getting it rented from a friend. Best $150 saved, ever. All I'll say about EVA is episodes 1-24 I absolutely loved, last 2 are no. And EOE was just Clockwork Orange on acid. Oh wait. Wow, sorry for the derailment. Okay for a shitty recent anime series? Um, I hated Xenosaga the Animation. Terrible terrible rip off from PS2 game with same name.
  4. You buy anime? Whoa. That's crazy talk. (Actually I was at one time contemplating on getting the whole GITS: SAC season 1 on regular release DVD...but I learned to torrent. My anime world changed, for the better). LOL. Okay, to be fair, I do have the Manga release of the Patlabor films, since I loved them so much. But I think that's pretty much it for actually anime bought. Yeah the Manga release sucks, but that's all I have at that point. They're being re-released again...I saw in some thread. I save money for stuff like...the aliens dropship, HELLO?!?!?!? Mr March!
  5. Oh! HELL NO! GIANT FISH HEAD FOR GREAT JUSTICE! Take off every zig!
  6. So recently I've started POSTING (not lurking, I've been doing that for quite some time now), on probably the most infamously grotesque and unique image boards on the English speaking side of the Internet. You can pretty much find groupies of every possible group imagined. Very little "serious" talk develops there. Perhaps the only thread area that can come with any coherant and somewhat sane discussion is the photography group /p/ and the mecha group /m/. Much of the rest, especially /b/ - random constitutes images of the twilight zone and beyond. What's surprised me is how addictive it is, especially the weird and guro threads. But perhaps the reason behind all this madness is the anonymity of it all. I've made a few "threads" or entries and always left them as "anonymous". Strangely I guess most people feel they can put in their 2 cents of guro or mutilated hentai and just walk away in the /h/ and /r/ threads. Strange. Seeing a cat caged up, doused with gasoline, and set on fire is extremely disturbing, yet I some how mustered enough guts to watch this sickening act. What's happening to my brain? Lynn Minmay, please sing for me. I've scoped out 2chan from time to time, but obviously nagivating in a foreign language in which the only thing you know how to say is "toirei wa doko ni desu ka?" (a very useful phrase for the gaijins) can prove some what challenging. Also, WAPANESE rule that board (4chan), no really.
  7. Ramming fists into peoples' stomachs is a good coercive tactic, so I hear.
  8. True...Soooo true... 363601[/snapback] Which is why I recently blew off close to $200 just on Macross kits from HLJ on top of the previous $200. I ordered 2 more of the weapons sets, just in case, as well as the #17 Valk Strike Valk, AND more of the VF-1As... just love em. Jesus, why oh WHY didn't I know about HLJ like 3-4 years ago. DAMN. I'm still pretty pissed at having to spend 4 times the regular price for the Patlabor kits. And now who knew the Command Car would be such a pain in the ass to find. And I thought Valkyrie Profile was something "hard to find" on eBay. >_> Also, it looks like the Tachikoma kits from WAVE are April-restock. Guess who pushed it that for? HEHEHEHEE.......
  9. Hey, she's "15" quote-unquote. That's good enough for me. WOOT!
  10. mmmm....rukia i'd hit her definately...yummmm
  11. You should at least watch the special, as it explains what's up with those 3 brats. A bit cliched, but nicely ties in IMO.
  12. Nice! What I was (not really) surprised about is how adamant Kojima was against this blasphemously preposterous notion. I loved how he stepped out of the “tatamae†of not wanting to offend “the public†and basically said, “Hell noâ€. Bow down _|ï¿£|â—‹         グッジョブ!!           ∩   ∩        _ _∩           (⌒ )   ( ⌒)       ∩_ _ グッジョブ!!         (ヨ,,. i             |  |  / .ノ        i .,,E) グッジョブ!!  \ \          |  |  / /         / /   _n      \ \   _、 _  .|  | / / _ã€_    ï¼ ãƒŽ  (  l     _、 _  ï¼¼ \( <_,` )|  | / / ,_ノ` ï¼‰ï¼ ï¼ã€€ã€€ã€€ _ã€_    グッジョブ!!   \ \ ( <_,` ) \         ノ(       ï¼ï¼¿___( ,_ノ` )    n     ヽ___ ̄ ̄ ノ   |      /   ヽ      | __      ï¼¼     l .,E)       /    /     /     /    \     ヽ   /     /\ ヽ_ï¼ ï¼
  13. IT DOES! And it wraps it up quite nicely, as a matter of fact. Finally we see some good old friends back, but then it looks like another small filler arc. Hopefully this one takes about another 5-6 episodes to wrap up to 75, then the AIZEN arc beings! WOOT!
  14. Yuppie, looks like it's a 68-69 special "1 hour" which really translates to 40 minutes. Bleh. I hope with this that it wraps up this crappy filler. TOUZEN AIZEN WHATEVER THE THIRD GUY OH YEAH GIN COME!!!!
  15. What is this "Hasting's"? Is this a particular type of toy/goods store or is it an internet store?
  16. I'm perfectly fine with Dattebayo's work. No major qualms here.
  17. What? Did you say the unthinkable... Buy anime? nah, must have just been the wind. Oh wait. So... no episode 68 huh? I've been watching animesuki like a hawk for the past hour, since they release at around this time. But if indeed it's a 40 minute special, then I wonder why so soon? We already had one to conclude the SS arc.
  18. The Cloud & Fenrir would nicely go along with my AKIRA bike... I've seen it for about $59 USD. So the pic shown there: This is customized, as I have read. But the question is, how easy to customize it to have the sizes open up for the swords' stowage?
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