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Jedi Knight

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Everything posted by Jedi Knight

  1. Somehow, I don't think too many of us want to hear BAD news about the proposed new YF-19 FP. How many would be happy if, to shut the forums up, Graham just said that the new -19 was totally cancelled (even if it wasn't)? Personally, I'm really hopeing that the delay is because of Yamato's increasing dedication to quality and DETAIL. And because a 1/72 scale YF-19 could not properly support the level of detail and transformation they want, they decided to resculpt in a larger scale, hopefully one that would match a current scale of VF-1. Now THAT could potentially be worth the LONG no-news wait, since this project supposedly began. [Lando immitation ON] Come on Yamato (old buddy), don't let us down! [Lando immitation OFF]
  2. Well, here's another (unlikely) possibility for sweeping the 19's wings full back. What if the entire wing structure pivots 90deg down, swing the wings full back, then pivot the wings back up. This way, the back edge of the wings wouldn't cut into the engines. Edit in: This is how its done on the Yamato toys.
  3. LOL - Nice!!!!!
  4. SWEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!! Totally AWESOME work as usual!!!!
  5. Jedi Knight

    1/60 Gbp

    FINALLY the GBP is here!!!! I can't wait to get mine.
  6. So far, I'd vote for the grey shirt, but with the larger Monster picture. What about a shirt design that has the 2 primary VF-0 designs on it, 1 front, 1 back? Another idea, how about the word Macross, but in Japanese? Just a few thoughts.
  7. I'm looking for useful help in locating a diecast (metal) scale replica of a 1969 Pontiac GTO, standard hardtop version. NOT the 'Judge' edition. I'd like to get no larger than 1:18 scale, due to cost. I do note have too much more information, other than exterior color of grey/silver. I do also know that it needs the door type that has NO door frame around the windows. Can anyone point me in the direction of a reputable (online) seller? If there is more information needed, I can call my Dad. Oh, 1 more thing, apparently the original color was a 2-tone blue, and my Dad had it repainted a greyish-silver. Original interior was blue. The grill was black with chrome highlights, NOT all chrome as some were. Any useful help would be great. This is a Father's Day gift, so the sooner the better. Thanks!
  8. Another Canadian for you: Lat: N51d 09' 52.5" Long: W115d 33' 50.8"
  9. Those are looking pretty good. Got plans for any heavier weapons, like a shoulder rocket launcher, or some other bazooka-type weapon?
  10. quack - quack ROTFL
  11. Those of us that own the AWESOME Macross Design Works book, should immediately recognize the style.
  12. That starship Enterprise is hilarious!!!
  13. YES!!! I think that scheme (hellohikaru's) would make the VF-11 a great companion to your incredible VF-4, Gorgon.
  14. I've been wondering what ever happened to this thread AND project.
  15. Well, I'm sure I'll get at least 1 VF-0, and maybe a few stands. On another note, regarding possible quality or lack thereof, of the VF-0... From my experiences, and from what I have read, even on Yamato's WORST day, they could still beat even the BEST that Toynami/HG have to offer, the master piece o' crap. This has gotta be true, since my entire valk collection is fueled/supplied by Yamato, thanks to fellow MWer reviews.
  16. Interesting that this topic comes up now, as I preping my next Yamato shopping list; it's been a long time since I bought any valks. -1/60 VE-1 (x1) -1/60 VT-1 (x1) -1/60 VF-1D (x1) -1/72 VF-11 FP ver (x1) Hopefully I can order the first 2 in the list soon.
  17. LOL How about chipmunks fed sunflower seeds?
  18. There is another AWESOME cutaway of just the VF-1, which seems to rarely ever be mentioned. It is from the Macross Plus TIA book, the one with the "Variable Fighter's Aeroreport". (I HIGHLY recommend this incredible book!!) In it's original printed form, one full page is the cutaway with only the circeled numbered points. On the facing page, were full descriptions, in Japanese. I do think that most of these translations are correct. Some are missing, but I have recently had them translated, but not added. NOTE: This file is NOT my own creation, and is 96dpi, 1090x750 at 792kb.
  19. Okay, two things. First, the original poster size: 28.5"x20.5". Next, here is a photo of the original poster. I believe this file actually came from another MWer when I was first researching this poster myself a year ago.
  20. After a year of searching and a few auctions, I finally managed to acquire an original copy of this AWESOME poster last summer. Since I am not at home right now, I cannot measure it, but it is smaller than the standard poster size of 24x36. It is printed on a satin black in 2 tones of silver. The lighter silver was used for the basic plane, and the darker tone was used for all the add-on strike parts and weapons. Due to the type of paper, it picks up fingerprints VERY easily, so I had mine laminated. The creases are nearly gone. Getting an original version of this poster was like hunting for the Grail.
  21. I like! I like!
  22. TWDC, that plain white VF-1A actually looks pretty cool without any extra colors, especially with your great shading and weathering.
  23. Cool deal! Was it the blue Yamato VF-19? That game edition version? If it was, I couldn't pull the 10 out fast enough. And then RUN. And when out of sight, laugh and shout! Did you check it for illegal items? Maybe it was used to smuggle stuff across the border. Anyway, nice find, ESPECIALLY if it is a Yamato.
  24. Sweeeeeeeet!!!!!
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