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Jedi Knight

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Everything posted by Jedi Knight

  1. Never seen it or even heard of it, but here is a user quote from IMDB:
  2. Here is the scheme that I can fianlly start, now that I have enough kits for my custom. Crazy Canuck, was this originally yours, or TWDC's?
  3. Well, I STILL prefer to stick with the look and the ease of use of a 0.5mm mechanical pencil. You can do smearing/blurring very easily, and if you slip, just use a regular soft eraser. AND, you don't get dark black lines; insted, a nice medium grey (depending on the graphite you choose). But, it is always nice to have options available.
  4. Since it is only a model, I'm sure the catapult would just rip it to shreds. An "accidental launch" would be pretty funny, though.
  5. Why does the Airforce have control over the prototype YF-23's? Aren't they the property of their original contractor? (Sorry, I don't remember right now which company it was.)
  6. 1 million doooollars!!! JK - I have absolutely no idea. I'm no expert builder, and do all my painting by hand.
  7. Here are a few crappy screen caps on Skyfire in shuttle/fighter mode in the cartoon: Edit in: I have noted the cargo door, where regular Autobots and humans are able to walk/drive into for transportation.
  8. Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the additional info. I guess "rip-off" is a bit too strong. I guess I made the connection to Macross, because I'm more familiar with it, than Gundam, or many other anime series. I am glad that some people can see what I mean, and see the similarities. Anyway, thanks for the replies.
  9. When he was first dug out of the ice (crashed on Earth long ago) he was discovered by the Decepticons. He joined their side, until he saw they were the 'bad guys'.
  10. For info on Skyfire, check here. http://www.transfandom.com/matrix/display/...hp?story_id=152 Edit in: in the TV series, he transformed into a huge space shuttle. Large enough with a boarding ramp for vehicles to drive into his loading bay. Not quite the same scale as the single person VF-1 valkyrie that we all know and love.
  11. And this is for comparison....
  12. Okay, I was just suring the net for info and pics on the ORIGINAL transformers series, which I watched as a kid. Ahh the memories..........I digress. I was researching Omega Supreme, and came across a new toy in what I am guessing is a new Transformers series. This one is called "Energon Omega Supreme". When I saw this picture, I just stared. I couldn't believe it, our beloved SDF-1!!! Anyway, I don't follow any of these new Transformers series, so can someone explain how this toy is allowed (legally)? No fuss and hassle from Harmony Gold?
  13. Heck, I'm sure double-sided tape would work fine.
  14. Interesting that you should bring this up. I have slowly been buying several VF-2SS models kits, 1 for stock, and one for a custom MacrossWorld scheme. I will be basing my paint scheme on a scheme that one of our fellow MWers did about a year ago. I could not find my old PMs with this member, but would like to credit him for the basic color layout. As I don't remember who this was, I would appreciate it if they would make a post here, to jog my memory. Other than that, I have seen no actual MW paint schemes on either models or toys.
  15. Umm, I think that's the wrong link.
  16. Ummm, those look more like reflective/glow strips, and not lights, on that F-18.
  17. Forgive me if someone already said this (and I missed it), but that new cammo design and color at the start of this thread, looks like the army is preparing for the battlefield of today and the future - urban environments. (Just my 2 cents - I'm not military)
  18. When I finally get around to building my VF-4s, I plan on just using some VF-1 stickers. "NO STEP" still means "NO STEP", right? an ejection seat is still an ejection seat. Granted, not ALL stickers can be found or used from a VF-1 sheet, but they are a heck of a lot better then nothing.
  19. Can't wait to see the 19, 21, 1 all in the same scale in the same shot.
  20. The same goes for me; possibly 1 of each.
  21. That is just AWESOME!!!!! Can't wait to see more!! Keep up the incredible work!!
  22. "Have fun storming the castle!"
  23. That looks GREAT!! Well done!
  24. Hehe! I have the same INCREDIBLE picture as my desktop at here at work.
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