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Jedi Knight

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Everything posted by Jedi Knight

  1. WOW - nice job touching up!!!! My new wallpaper.
  2. Nice. Where is that picture from? I don't remember that scene from M7. Any way of getting a less blurry image, or is the original too small?
  3. Okay, I finally got around to making some scans. Since I don't read/speak Japanese, the first may not have any new or useful informatin. What about thses 2 circles, I have sircled in yellow? Now the SECOND, shows something I find VERY interesting: these mysterious "chest tubes" in mid-transformation. I have circled the section in yellow. Any thoughts on what is going on there? After seeing this pic, I believe that the "tube" are just something for fighter stabilization. Any thoughts?
  4. Welcome to MacrossWorld Juan Ignacio! Have a good look around, as there is PLENTY to see.
  5. Years ago, I found software online, somewhere, to make digital instructions, and build digital lego models/kits. Has anyone else ever seen this software?
  6. Does the phrase "Just wait" mean anything? It just aired yesterday. It will be out when it's out. http://www.animesuki.com Thank you VERY much for the link!! I'm not impatiant - I've only seen the FIRST episode!!!!!! I was just looking for a source for the episodes.
  7. LMAO!!! Damn!!! There are some FUNNY things posted in here!!!! Even the sarcastic coomments are funny. While reading people talk about buying blank cd/dvd media, I remembered a website that I stumbled across a few days ago. I didn't look into it, but the name was frackin' hilarious: The Coaster Factory It's actually a useful site, but I have my own "coaster factory" right here at home - well, I used to, anyway.
  8. Pssssst....anyone have a link for good quality torrents with (good) subs, for Gundam SEED DESTINY? Please?? My usual sources seem to be coming up dry.
  9. Hmmm, I might be able to try a small squadron recolor, some time. As for the Metal Siren, let me see if I can find a suitable pic. And as for the VF-2JA - wasn't that an atmosphere-only valk? In any case, I'll see what I can find for that also. Perfect top views are rather tought to find, though.
  10. All righty folks. I feel it is time I contributed something a little more than scans, to this community. This is mainly for the MacII fans and/or the VF-2SS SAP fans. So, here is a wallpaper I created from a scan of the cover from the Macross II roleplaying book. Those of you that own the book, will see my changes immediately. For those that don't, here ya go. I am posting a 1600x1200 size in jpeg. My original finished piece is 21.2MB 3980x2985 photoshop psd file. Feel free to comment (or request something.) Look for another VF-2SS SAP project from me soon. I am almost finished it, and will create a new topic for it. It's just a WEEE bit more than a desktop wallpaper. EDIT: Tweaked and submitted a newer version for higher contrast monitors, especially LCDs.
  11. Jedi Knight


    LOL - I think the second one is great!!
  12. Here, this should help you out a bit. You are missing the VF-17, VF-11, VF-5000, and the VA-3. There is no VF-1 in the pic, and only 1 VF-19.
  13. Hmm, a 4-barrel gatling gun - not much better than the standard 3-barrel gatling GU-11 gunpod. Maybe a higher rate of fire? But if that is the case, faster fire = out of ammo faster, unless, of course, this custom 4-barrel also had custom clips. Or, could this 4-barrel be energy-based?
  14. Did you try looking in the Color Scheme Thread? There should be something in there you can use.
  15. And finally..........SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your hard work on this project hellohikaru. Once my part is done, I'll post a small version here, and send you a larger version.
  16. Hehe, I was thinking the EXACT same thing when I posted a few days ago and bumped this topic back into the light.
  17. Whatever happened to this topic?
  18. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!! :o Where's my drool bucket?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That is freakin'..........AWESOME!!!!!!!! I get goose-bumps just lookin' at that! Bah, where's my thesaurus?!?!? Once again, NICE WORK!!!!!!! Thank you VERY much for all your work on this VF-2SS project. Hopefully we can collaborate on something else in the future.
  19. Another amazing piece of work. Thank you VERY much!!
  20. Well, regarding the UUM-7 missile pods: according to the VF-1S schematic poster that comes with the famous "Gold" DYRL book, there are missiles facing forward (with 5 for reload), and 5 facing backward. The pod is also depicted as having a removable rear hatch. But if all 15 do fire forwards only, that would be for reloading back at base. Then again, wouldn't used pods be jettisoned to improve performance, like spent fuel tanks? As for venting, isn't that what the "vanes" going around the entire pod just in front of the mounting support, are for?
  21. I'va always loved the Enigma scheme, and I still do. But then again, I drool over any and all customs, especially since I don't own an airbrusher (nor do I currently have the space). Every single model I have done has been spray cans and hand-painted. Hmm, maybe someday I'll pull them out of storage and take some pics. Edit in: Yes, the decals on the gunpod are correct. They are supposed to be readable (right-side-up) when in fighter-mode.
  22. Any updates on this much-anticipated project?
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