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Everything posted by Angesdad

  1. Angesdad

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Hopefully they fix the vertical stabilizer pin and upgrade packaging so nobody ends up with a broken head laser.😝
  2. Guess I wasn't the only one who's scratching the head about the colors of the new ss. - it seems overly vibrant and...purrrrple.😁
  3. Looks freakin' awesome. Love the subtle shade on the panel lines.
  4. Has anyone been charged or given updates for Alto’s vf-25 release due this month from any shops? The initial release date noted on HLJ is 4/22 but looks like it is being delayed now to May?🫀
  5. Man you sherlock homes! thanks to your ever so descriptive explanation of what could've possibly transpired in that DHL cargo plane, I can totally visualize the box being crushed in slo mo. and no @no3Ljm, I don't remember what kind of box the figure was in. Not sturdy enough I'd say!
  6. Yeah DHL, although the fastest of the bunch, has given me grief a few times with transit damage.πŸ˜” Not sure about SAL but I've had better luck with EMS for sure.
  7. Are you referring to Tamiya acrylic or lacquer? If you're touching up diecast parts I'd go with lacquer as it provides the strongest adhesion. a clean surface helps too. lacquer>acrylic>enamel.
  8. As unfortunate and troublesome as it is, I'm certain HLJ will take care of you.
  9. Made me think what you said about Bandai’s for a sec, but then I clued in!πŸ˜†
  10. JELLY!🀩
  11. now you make me regret not ordering one.😁
  12. Who knows, maybe the broken arm joint thing is purely an end user error.
  13. +1. My dx 19 box stays on top of everything else for this reason.πŸ˜‰
  14. I’ve just saved $500!πŸ˜†
  15. for someone like me who's completely missed out on the original release of VF-25 variant, it's a great news!
  16. Angesdad

    Hi-Metal R

    The size comparison to HMR is very helpful indeed as I've always wondered how big Hasegawa Regults are, built. I like my HMR Regult but standing right next to Hasegawa, the exposed knee joints are rather eye sore.
  17. Exactly what I was thinking the other day, try to be more selective with what I am buying vs buying blindly now.πŸ˜‚
  18. It's a different shade of blue than the promotional photo! PO cancelled!!x3
  19. Keep my eyes peeled for one now. Thought I'd be forever content with my DX 19 thus didn't jump on the PF wagon but over time I've come to appreciate Arcadia's take on the YF-19 more.
  20. it helps to have a stand if your vf-1's decked out with SSP & missile pack. I noticed it tends to lean backwards and legs gradually spreading apart. Without optional parts in its bare form, vf-1's seem to stand on its own no problem over a period of time.
  21. Yeah I can almost foresee it too, a set of two red skull circles coded with β€œ011” encased in the blister pack of VF-1A Hikaru on the lower level where the standard stand is included..and Bandai will do a reissue of SSP set to go with that.πŸ˜‰
  22. Angesdad

    Hi-Metal R

    ok it happened to me so i'm sharing. In battroid mode yes the heat shield needs to be pulled down as far as it can to fully cover the canopy. Just be careful not to manhandle it too much because the heat shield will make contact & rub against the black frame of the canopy and it WILL chip the paint off it. - happened to me twice in the same spot consistently.😁
  23. Doctor doctor anything please doctor doctor have mercy on me take this pain away~
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