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Everything posted by Angesdad

  1. It is @Anasazi37.
  2. I was in the market for the same thing and your best bet is to keep checking Mandarake (search keyword; dx chogokin vf-1) they come and go real quick.
  3. Ditto. The level of anticipation and excitement for a new DX toy has diminished for me as well unfortunately. Got two incoming but feelin'...meh. @Anasazi37, I would like one of two decals as well please shipped to Canuckland?
  4. So my takeaway from sourcing Roy via proxy service such as Tenso and FJ is that they should be my last resort. With EMS not available since Nov 27th, I am basically being robbed with shipping and end up paying the average, if not more. Here's the damage report; roy #1 26000 yen. Tenso FedEx Int Priority shipping & fee 7150 yen. total 33,150 yen roy #2 24200 yen. FJ DHL Shipping & fee 9954 yen. total 34,154 yen I would have saved a bit more if I had gone with the ones offered by vendors who ship internationally on Amazon Japan. Pretty pathetic eh. I was hoping to save some by shopping around.. You win some lose some. In this case YOU LOSE.
  5. What the heck. I am on From Japan checkout and with FedEx Int Priority, it comes to 9,654 yen. With DHL, 10,983 yen???? It is just for a package containing Roy. What’s going on here? Is this the norm?
  6. Enjoyed your review, great stuff thanks @jenius!
  7. Well, my first and prob last transaction with DHL was for a $380 USD item shipped from the US. The driver presented me with the item and an invoice for $118 CAD. Oh yeah, they are lightning fast in many ways.
  8. A question for you @technoblue regarding DHL. Did they hit you with so-called brokerage fee + processing fee at delivery? I am dreading to go with DHL regardless of the speed (them quick for sure) because one time I got ripped off pretty good that now I shiver when I see the yellow cargo van. Or is it just for us lucky Canadians?
  9. So my sleep was well interrupted the past few nights trying to score a Roy or two. Man, this dx collecting is indeed exhausting and addictive. I’ve never browsed internet so damn hard like this, not even for something that is much higher in value and rarity.. Dude where is my Roy(s)!
  10. Thanks, @F360 and @Ryoma
  11. I got a Roy via proxy shopping with From Japan. First time user, are they reliable? I paid for it and I suppose the next step is for them to purchase it from the seller, etc etc. How long does it usually take until your item arrives at their "warehouse"? Thanks!
  12. Heads up for those who still in the market for one of these; DX Chogokin YF-29 Durandal Valkyrie (Alto Saotome Use) Full Set Pack by Bandai (hlj.com) at 23k decent price better than Amazon jp, and we know HLJ is dependable.
  13. No problem borgified. I ended up picking up my 4th set in hopes to complete DYRL Skull Squadron someday and what a sense of achievement and void in my bank account. Sayonara SSP set don't ever wanna look it up again.
  14. DX SSP on Mandarake; https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1128767132&ref=list&keyword=dx chogokin vf-1&lang=en 15k yen for unopened. good deal in current market. hurry.
  15. Saw a SSP set on Mandarake this morning for 15k yen, sealed. I passed because I am currently all in for Mr. Focker..looking to get two sets at least. How many are you getting and how many is enough? I have a feelin' some would go for three because it is a magic number.
  16. Got my ass whooped good for buying three DXs'...over relatively a "short period of time" according to wife. ..Damn you joint account.
  17. Being a sore loser on the Roy preorder night, I initially got one from Luna Park for 38500 shipped..talking about scalping price. After calming down a bit, I couldn't justify paying that much and since Amazon Japan's offerings have come down significantly, I decided to get one with proxy purchase via Tenso. Luna order cancelled. I have a feeling the price will go down even further towards the release date closer to MSRP and keep my eye balls peeled for a second.
  18. I am also into restoring and refinishing unsatisfactory mass-produced factory paint jobs myself, and just want to share my utterly unpleasant finding that what appears to be unpainted surface on Bandai DX VF-1, the main body in particular, is in fact finished with clear sealing coat.. The red marker on the wing tip on my copy was scuffed from factory,(thanks Bandai) so I decided to remove and repaint all together. In the process some red paint smudged onto the surrounding area. No big deal, simply clean with some Mr. Hobby thinner right? because it isn’t painted..wait, what the @#$&. The thinner reacted with the finish and left some kind of smudge which does not go away. It only expands and gets worse if you use more thinner. Tried enamel thinner too but no luck. I suspect it isn’t bare plastic and they must be finishing with sealer coat at the factory. Sorry I just needed to vent and share so that it don’t happen to others. I suppose a hit of clear coat will fix it? I hope so. *Update - The affected panels were refinished with semi-gloss clear coat and it is now restored to factory finish. Thought it was matte first but semi-gloss coat is actually much closer to original finish.*
  19. I forced myself to watch the movie Macross Frontier goodbye wings of something in short clips only because of this release. It's cool but I am not jumping the gun to get it. Oh the peer pressure...Am I missing out?
  20. Out of all the good things I am absorbing from MWF, I learned by heart not to shop at NY. What a joke they seem to be.
  21. So...has anyone attempted to crack open a SSP missile pod yet
  22. Retractable wings to be designed and incorporated for upcoming DX's Bandai . Ab-crunching Valkyries would be awesome. They can build in a pullout metal joint where the nose cone meets the cockpit at the rotation point!
  23. As far as the final attack pose, I find this to be really good and dynamic considering the articulation limitations of the toy.
  24. Slave IV I didn’t mean to worry you, just that in my reading there has been instances where a bad batch of rubber chemically unstable was used for the bumpers that resulted in the unwanted reaction. Regardless, I can not afford to risk it, don’t want any surprises thus my inquiry. I did think of using some tape over it if I was to buy the Flightpose stand..
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