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Everything posted by Angesdad

  1. Hoping Bandai continues and finishes up the DYRL line.. 😃
  2. Hi @Marauder, if using Kiki, put it on and leave it for a couple of days to cure. It will not seize up as the instructions says. This stuff is quite thin to fill a considerable gap (in this case between the metal parts vs plastic) and you may need multiple applications to achieve a certain resistance in the joint. Well what can I say about Bandai’s lack of QC. Seems to me they send all the defective Valks to Canada, eh.😆
  3. I had pretty much the exact same issue on Hikaru 1S except mine was loose when the right foot is opened up in battroid/gerwalk mode. Turned out it is the roll pin not sitting flush in the groove, a manufacturer defect. Try grabbing the part that is loose and move it side to side, you may find some play where it shouldn’t. I just ended up applying some of that Kiki stuff in between which made it a bit tighter but we all know it’s only a temporary fix.
  4. Great minds think alike.. Might add the proper pilot decal as well..Thanks to @Anasazi37!
  5. That sounds like fun. The idea occurred to me too but I don't think it is easy to remove the canopy. - there's a top piece holding down the hinge towards the back, and most likely it's superglued on. You could however mask around the canopy and have a go at it.
  6. I sincerely hope Japan Post resumes EMS service to Canada becuase I am tired of being ripped off in fees by DHL. For every item they’ve been charging me $19.99 processing fee on top of 13% duties.😱 By the way anyone having paint issues with your 1D? On mine the orange paint on the backpack isn’t great..looks like someone touched it up but left a bad brush marks..
  7. Angesdad

    Hi-Metal R

    Sorry to see another member with a broken toy due to QC issue. Sadly enough, I have been a victim of this as well having to buy the same toy twice for replacement.😔
  8. My copy of 1D has arrived today. Overall I am happy with it, except I found a unsightly glue smudge with someone’s finger print on it😝. Looking forward to GBP release now..NEXT!
  9. Wow that's awesome, just like the tv opening!
  10. Thanks very much @sqidd!! Yeah I kinda remember reaching out to you but I wasn't sure..Thanks again, I'm happy now.
  11. Has anybody accidentally preordered an extra copy of the D by any chance? Help a brother out, don't wanna pay the current scalper's price please and thanks.
  12. On a happier note, I finally got my hands on an unopened TV Max! Talking about a payoff after months of searching literally everyday..You’d have missed it if you blinked, as popular valks get sold out real quick on Mandarake.
  13. A fellow Canadian member here getting ripped off by dhl and fedex in fees. I am hopeful though we also get EMS back soon as JPost resumed services to US as of June 1st.
  14. I have been reluctantly using DHL due to current shipping restrictions to Canada, and every time I am hit with their $20 processing plus duties which adds up quick...Lucky you south of the border, I hope Japan Post resumes EMS to Canada soon too.
  15. Threezero Berserker armor Guts just arrived. Very cool but I would have been happier if they didn’t forget a piece; Contacted Threezero CS and thankfully they’re fixing me up.
  16. Hi @Special Sauce, we on the same boat here. I am taking a chance with Nin Nin for the first time as well.. They better ship the damn thing before the PayPal's 180 day dispute window..Hopefully they make a believer outta me!
  17. All I see is them gorilla hands! I am wondering if we get a slight waist rotation with all this armor or no?
  18. I went with Nin Nin as well and it is my first purchase with them at their 3rd round price. Definitely not as confident as I was to preorder from guys like HLJ & AmiAmi, but on the last Roy release I seem to remember reading about members happy with Nin Nin...What's with Paypal exchange fees they add on anyways? BTW, do they accept preorder cancellations without much fuss??
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