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Everything posted by Angesdad

  1. C'mon people y'all know its eventual release, the question is how much freakin' longer do we gotta wait for it! With all this global anticipation, I can almost foresee PO night for dx yf-21, I'll be that miserable bastard at 302am without a toy panicking, furiously hitting 'add to cart' in vain, because I can not complete with those scalpers with the bots.
  2. No, there is another member I know of who requested an order cancellation and got his money back from nin nin.
  3. Wow a pretty penny but a bargain nonetheless considering current market for one of those! I am ok w/o the awakening but always wanted the winterfest 00. I do have a 09 and although it is quite similar to the 00 in the design and color theme, it just doesn't do it for me...I should have picked one up when it was about 600 bucks..6 years ago!
  4. I missed out on preorder night for Roy, ended up paying premium for my copies at about 26k yen. A Roy would cost you about the same a year after its release today, and it is rather easy to track one down. I feel it would be the same case for the GBP set. Anywhere between 35-37k now and will probably stay that way because of its production level being a major hero valk. btw, congrats you got money back from NY
  5. Jelly! The two Medicom RAH Eva’s I’ve missed and will never get to own🤣
  6. I think he better ship it to your door 'cause not everyone can cough up 2k, LEK or LED, not in this economy. The inflation has hit us up here in Canuckland like a b@#$%.
  7. Both but more of a fitment issue as 1D has a chest piece with flat top to compensate for the two seater design.
  8. That makes it even more optimistic for you eh @sqidd?
  9. I have been keeping my eyes on this listing for some time, but nobody seems to go for it.Odd, because it is a good deal even with all the proxy fees, shipping, and duties in. I almost bought another one but decided no because the armor parts is very specific to J and I don't see it go well with other vf variants.
  10. I was browsing Kijiji for any good local finds and came across probably “the LEK custom Jetfire” featured on Youtube a few weeks back for $2k https://www.kijiji.ca/v-toys-games/mississauga-peel-region/macross-chogokin-vf-1s-custom-cell-shaded-transformers-jetfire/1592542920
  11. I got one shipped from Manda for 8210 yen via DHL, total came out to 43,210 yen. the usual unopened, package damaged. But the condition is usually excellent and essentially new. and stuff gets snatched up real quick on Manda especially if it's a hot new release.
  12. No sir, I do not have a stand alone 1J because I jumped into this deep hole with Hikaru 1S as my first DX 1/48 Valk, and I mean to catch up.
  13. haha yeah, the going price for 1j alone nowadays..it makes sense to get a combo set if you're in it for the J for sure.
  14. Yeah I got my copy too and I kinda have mixed feelings about it. Besides the kite symbol, I wish the base color for the armors was a bit more gray like the illustration booklet. A tad too purple for my taste. I've just put it together last night but why do I get the urge to undo all that armor to reveal the J instead? - I believe I need two combo sets.
  15. Just what I needed to hear from someone who's attempted it. Thanks @levzloi, my biggest concern was exactly that which is to disassemble without causing damage but I guess it'll be extremely difficult as freezing heating prying dipping biting with teeth will have to be involved. Only if these parts weren't superglued..
  16. Hello, has anyone had balls to disassemble a DX 1J head visor because you had to fix it, repaint it, etc? - Just that my 1J copy has a rather bad paint job & finish on the clear green part that I would like to isolate and refinish the clear green. I tried polishing it with Tamiya polish but can't get rid of dust nibs. I've done a 1S as a big piece of fiber was stuck on clear green part and painted over. Yup, my OCD is kicking in.
  17. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with their BS. I was hopeful too but could not afford not to have buyer protection from Paypal seeing how they do business. If you go to Paypal under account activity, locate the transaction and click into it. It will tell you exactly when your dispute eligibility expires towards the bottom.
  18. Hey @peter, I did check on a few occasions but couldn't find a single AJ seller willing to ship to Canada at the time. Next time I will check more often..btw you got a great deal!
  19. That is awesome! - Now do buy from that local dude because I ended up paying approx. 560 for my copy. The combo I found was 35k yen which I believe is a good deal slightly above MSRP but DHL shipping+duties got me and left with little savings.
  20. I had friends who live in Japan send me some exclusive rare Japanese stuff and we are no longer friends.
  21. okay..embrace the suck a little longer while I wide open my wallet to DHL I suppose..Hey I am completely utterly aware to stay the heck away from NY but I've never read any heads up or the warning signs for Nin-Nin!
  22. I pray to EMS gods to show mercy and resume services to Canuckland. That's a BIG if... Seriously this guy's price is alright because most likely I will have to cough up extra $20 on top of that to get my copy at the end. (anticipating 70 CAD for duties and processing fee by DHL)
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