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Everything posted by Angesdad

  1. Ditto I got my copy coming in from LP just last night. Checking it out I am actually quite content with it. All the complaints and the apparent QC issues seem to have prepared me well.🤣 One thing I had to correct immediately was the right arm, which was frozen solid at the joint from some glue sipping into it during assembly. What can I say, the usual I come to expect from Bandai... BTW, kudos to LP for sturdy packaging this time, item arrived undamaged and intact!
  2. Hi Does anyone know of retailers that still accept preorders for 31AX Hayate super parts, besides Luna park & nin nin ?
  3. I can’t speak for Sahra because I never picked up anything from that branch, but I’m fairly positive, at least from my recent purchase experience from various branches, that shipping for the same item is usually standardized across the board. What I do to avoid high shipping & surprises is I specifically ask for what Mandarake box No.(1-12) to be used for shipping at the time of checkout. Yes you will learn their boxes once those toys have been flowing in 🤣. They overcharged me once for shipping an item that could have been placed in a smaller box at a cheaper rate.
  4. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That's awesome @chriswoo, thanks for the reference exactly what I was looking for.
  5. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hi I need help from someone who has a keen eye for color and can reference to Mr.Color Lacquer paint system. It is the dark gray portion circled below on the 31J Kai that I need identified; Any input would be much appreciated! (Thanks @Saburo for the awesome shot)
  6. No worries there. Bandai has given us optional numbering decal sheet before for mass production models. They'd leave it out so that you choose what number. An example comes to mind is the GFFMC green Zaku II.
  7. Just give us Do You Lemember Rove Max & Roy already for the sake of completing the squad and be done with it!
  8. Nice. I gotta admit all my DX VF-1's gettin' no love right now all boxed up in the dark collecting dust. BANDAI REKINDLE MY FIRE...with the same toy...again.
  9. They must have flooded the market with surplus because the GBP set was at 14k yen for quite some time. Man, 10k is tempting for sure.
  10. Yeah that will be beyond me and better just leave it to a pro, right @Anasazi37?🤔
  11. Painting to match the 31S color scheme sounds fun something I am definitely inclined to do. The only downside is that you will lose all the tampo printing where custom colors need to go on. Yeah hard to come by but still obtainable at 14-15k yen at Mandarake.
  12. Password reset completed and back online😗
  13. You can massage it a little and it goes away, until you breathe on it.🤣
  14. Wow this would be an awesome build! didn't know such thing even existed..
  15. What a relief to see LP taking ownership and making it right for their customer. I hope they see that had they packaged better in a proper shipping box in the first place, none of this back and forth wasting everyone’s valuable time and money would’ve been necessary. Well it’s a process I suppose, I am hopeful LP will pull through.
  16. Just finished dressing up Mirage. Getting excited for the new AX release next month.
  17. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, the worst part of it was to remove the outer armor piece otherwise fairly doable for the inclined & patient. I found that hot water really does the trick and loosens the Bandai'd glue! No bushing. Instead I found a square piece which the male pin pegs into inside the arm. No other mentionable damages to report thank god.
  18. Putting it up here as per a member request; Had an excessively wobbly arm joint on vf31 as shown in the photo below. Unscrew x1 on the backside of the shoulder piece and the whole arm detaches. The upper arm (grey part) is two halves put together by x1 screw, and to get to it you need to take off the outer armor piece. Use Hot water to submerge the part to loosen glue inside. Slide it out horizontally using a nylon/plastic pry tool to minimize damage. Once the armor is off, tighten the exposed screw and even apply a dab of CA glue to keep'em shut. The wobble significantly improved. One happy customer.
  19. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Will do, thanks. Paypal conversion rate incorporates like 4% fee so it's not ideal rate-wise but you have that peace of mind due to purchase protection you get with Paypal should things go south. If you're about to pull the trigger on Madarake, there're Paypal or credit card payment options at the checkout. If going with credit card for better rates offered by your bank, make sure it is Mastercard or Visa with 3D verify enabled otherwise it don't work! - Happened to me a few purchases ago so I had to ask them to switch to Paypal..
  20. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This evening I worked up the nerve had a go with the wobble. Turned out the two halves of the upper arm were not tightly closed/glued, which contributed to excessive play at the joint. Thanks Bandai!
  21. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for checking! My other two 31's okay too with tolerable wiggle, cute in comparison to this particular 31c I am dealing with. The lower arm below the problematic swivel joint almost feels like it's dangling. Feels like something's missing on the inside like a bushing. Oh well, got me a dud again. Any brave soul who has taken apart the 31 arms?
  22. Angesdad

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hi has anyone had a wobbling elbow joint on a VF-31? The elbow joints on mine have a bit of play more than I’d like side to side, and front to back at the seam where it rotates. It almost feels like the person who put it together left out a bushing of some sort. Wonder if KiKi would work...
  23. Yeah I doubt it myself as well but hey let us hope you're wrong this time. (getting my file and sandpaper ready)
  24. You wanna be late because the first release (AX Hayate) has tolerance/fitment issues and we're hoping for revisions implemented in the upcoming releases starting with Mirage. Still interested? - You can snag one from Mandarake for 30k (unopened) plus shipping.
  25. Easy solution to that involves zero mod and messy swaps...GET THEM ALL! 🤑
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