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Everything posted by Angesdad

  1. This would mostly likely be TWE, wouldn't it? - at least it's apparent that it will not be sold as a combo set with Hayate's resale.
  2. Can't achieve this cocktail of setup unless you got both the armor set and the upcoming ghost of course. Well played Bandai, well played.
  3. I have a question for those with Arad’s 31S. Is it expected to inevitably end up with some paint rub and chipping where the dragon skull emblem is? - I was lifting the container arm up *gently* for the first time on my recently acquired S, and a chunk of paint just rubbed off right before my eyes.😱 I looked at my other 31 variants, looks like some of them have the rub on the same spot…Any fixes available or am I simply SOL? Thanks..
  4. Looking at the drooping guns, curious if you've pulled all the way up on the new sliding forearm gimmick. - because I find that's the culprit to make things misalign.
  5. Looking forward to September now. This bird will display well next to Mirage's AX with the same family crest and all.
  6. After much deliberation I've decided on Arad's 31S and skipped Bogue's this time. Oh boy, late man's tax sucked on this one. I figure Bandai will release Chuck's AX down the road with the asymmetrical head design, which I find more appealing over Bogue's.
  7. Anyone received the toy yet, waiting on first impressions😃 BTW I am trying to decide between Bogue’s new AX or Arad’s old 31S, any input would be appreciated!
  8. The drooping guns and the wing peg have improved significantly on Mirage release already. It looks about the same to me.
  9. Does this 40th anniversary release include any known upgrades/improvements (such as plastic converted to diecast parts) or would it be exactly the same as the previous release?
  10. I see it. A heat gun is like bazooka it works great but there’s a risk of melting the plastic (and I have). To be on the safe side, I’d put the kettle on and dip it in hot water, shape it, then shock it in ice water.😃
  11. There you go; https://fext-hobby.myshopify.com/collections/fext-system/products/sci-fi-03-display-set-second-production-pre-order Apparently in stock. You will need more than one set I believe.😃
  12. Ditto! Skip the obnoxious armor set and give me Mirage SP instead!
  13. My copy of Mirage AX had a backplate on the wing assembly put together rather poorly from factory which made it look real gappy. It has been bothering me until today my OCD has taken over.😆 At the same time I added some colors to the missing detail, thanks to much needed tips from @Lolicon. For those who wish to disassemble the wings for whatever reason, there are 4 screws underside that are hard to miss. Simply undo the screws and wiggle out the entire back piece. The only thing will get in the way is the folding arm connecting the gunpod, just got to find the right angle and carefully slide it out.
  14. Unexpected and I’d like Mirage SP first but hey it will be my first 31 armour set.😄
  15. Nothing kiki/nail polish/ca glue won’t fix.😀
  16. This is exactly how I envisioned it to be! Nicely done sir.😀
  17. I’ve rarely had a valk that was problem-free out of the box, but it definitely has gotten worse since covid. I read on other forums that factories running at reduced capacity and hours in China due to shutdowns. Bandai’s retracted presence in quality control with scheduled production deadline to meet does not help the situation either. Back to Mirage, both of my copies have issues in various places but I take what I can get in these crazy times.🤣
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