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Everything posted by Stranger

  1. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    I checked out their website - does each armor fit any VF-1J or do you buy specific armor sets for specific VF's?
  2. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Just placed my order for the Monster!! So, I am coming from a Transformers collector background - so was using sites focused on importing 3rd party TF toys. This thread really introduced me to a lot of Japanese import sites! My original lead on a Monster was for $200 plus $60 shipping from a mainly Transformers site. Thanks to this thread, I head about Jungle and Manadrake. And then Anasazi37 mentioned FromJapan and Rakuten - so I ended up ordering the Rakuten Monser (using FromJapan's website since that was in English) to order the Monster for $153. Damaged box and missing instructions, but definitely a lot cheaper! Def looking forward to keeping my eyes peeled on these Japanese sites for the Regault, Officer's Battlepod, Destroids, and some VF-1's to add to the collection. I've never been this excited about a toyline before. I love how they are doing such a wide variety of characters and mecha. Thank you everyone!
  3. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Awww geez....I think you guys got me in! Ok, last question before I push the button - what do you think would be a good price for the Monster? Is checking prices on Jungle (which this thread just taught me about and it's an amazing site!) kinda the best way to gauge the going rate for various Japanese toys? (There aren't any Monsters listed right now)
  4. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Man, I found a great price for the Monster but $60 shipping is punch in the nuts! And then my brain says "Oh, well if you also add in the Max and Miryia set, that will make the shipping more efficient." - and I can see how Bandai Hi-Metal R is going to be a problem. LOL
  5. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi, I just discovered the Hi-Metal R. I think I'd like to jump feet first into it. Debating picking up the Monster as my first purchase. My question is does anyone know if Bandai plans on re-releasing their earlier releases like the Regult, Glaug, or some of the VF-1s?
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