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Everything posted by Stranger

  1. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    I know the guy who runs the Scorched Earth blog/youtube that reviews macross toys - his wife super loves the Monster as well. https://youtu.be/UPuNAjNwh9c Lucky guy!
  2. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the lead! For future reference, where on the page do they list item condition grade? I can't see it.
  3. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    To be fair, its easier to make a toy look better when you dont have to also engineer transformations
  4. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    And based on secondary prices, there is way more demand for the the Bad Guys than things like the Elintseeker.
  5. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Have you seen the MEPToys Breetai? He's 1/100 so should be in scale and he looks pretty good.
  6. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    This is my first time seeing these prototypes - they look drop dead gorgeous.
  7. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha, I meant the Phalanx - always get those names mixed up.
  8. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    So, has Bandai given any hints on when the next release will be announced? Covid wouldn't make all toy companies put their plans on pause right? I am hoping for (in this order): Q-Rau armor, Battlepod Scout, Tomahawk, Monster. Hell - I'd throw this out there - how cool would a 1/100 SDF head/bridge be? Can recreate some nice scenes.
  9. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Their front page says that several shipping methods such as EMS have been suspended, but FedEx Priority, DHL, and Japan Post Surface are all still shipping to the US. And I don't see anywhere that says they are suspending their 45 day time limit. I just had an issue with them over shipping fees, and you would think that they would have mentioned waiting for EMS to open up again would be 1 solution if that was the case. In addition, when they shipped me something last week, they said I had 30 days to pay the packing/shipping fee before my time was up.
  10. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Wait, so they are extending their normal 45 day time limit?
  11. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Congrats! You got a great deal! I saw that one too, but was unsure about it since the image was a stock photo. Are items on the Jungle pretty safe though? (I guess I wasn't sure about its condition).
  12. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh perfect. Thanks everyone! Sounds like Surface comes with tracking and is the way to go. Does insurance come automatic or is that some extra thing?
  13. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Update for anyone curious or if someone has similar situation. I had purchased a Monster from FromJapan. When I purchased, I put in the Monster's box's dimensions in their shipping estimate calculator, it said Surface shipping would cost about $40. Once purchased, FromJapan said the shipping box would be twice as long as the Monster's box (61cm vs 30 cm) and not eligible for Surface. FedEx would cost $140. I emailed them - at first they said the packing materials to keep it safe required a large box. I let them know I was ok with less packing material (I dont care about the box being protected), and they let me know they would tell their warehouse to pack in a smaller box eligible for Surface and send me an update on new prices. New shipping came in: They are now using a 38cm x 38 x 34 box. Surface shipping is $35 and FedEx is $89. I want to thank FromJapan for working with me and having responsive customer service. I def will use them again. Now, I just need to decide between Surface and FedEx. Surface takes 2-3 months right now - I don't mind the wait, but more worried about if it gets lost as I would hate to bother FromJapan with more problems. Anyone know if Surface comes with insurance and tracking?
  14. FYI, I just ordered Minmei direct from them. Shipping was $8 but will take 2 months. They didn't specify or offer multiple methods to ship. Interestingly, if I had added Hikaru, the shipping would more than double to $18 I was hoping to pre-order Lisa from them for the discount and free shipping but was too late and they are out of pre-orders.
  15. I'm coming from being a Transformers collector although the Matchbox SDF-1 and Gakken Cyclone are the 2 prominent non-Transformers items in my display case. Then I discovered the Sentinel Riobot Cyclones this summer, and they got me hooked back in (picked up the Ray and Yellow figs). Then - I picked up some Hi-Metal R items, and told myself that would be it - my one line I'd collect. When I first saw these figures, I wasn't going to get them as I thought the price point for 1/12 scale action figures was more than I wanted to spend on non-mecha. But then seeing how well they fit with my Sentinel Riobot Cyclone figs got me interested. I pre-ordered the Roy Fokker, and will prob pick up the rest of the figures now. It seems that ordering straight from KitzConcept is actually the cheapest way to go? I still wish they were all $20 cheaper, but the reviews make it seem they are nice figures. Lots of accessories and good posability.
  16. Ahhh thank you! I found the original Kitzconcept thread and saw it was locked - handt realized a new thread had been made!
  17. Anyone else collecting these? At first, I wasn't going to as I thought the price point for 1/12 scale action figures was more than I wanted to spend on non-mecha. But then seeing how well they fit with my Sentinel Riobot Cyclone figs got me interested. I pre-ordered the Roy Fokker, and will prob pick up the rest of the figures now. It seems that ordering straight from KitzConcept is actually the cheapest way to go? I still wish they were all $20 cheaper, but the reviews make it seem they are nice figures.
  18. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my first Hi-Metal R units in - the Regault and Glaug. Great little pieces - heavier than I thought they'd be, which is nice. Seem really sturdy and nicely built. Looking forward to getting my Monster in and then getting some VF's in. I'm *super tempted" by the Kidzconcept 1/72 VFs, but I think I have enough shelving for 1 line of Macross toys, and I think 1/100 is gonna' have to be it with Hi-Metal's amazing diversity.
  19. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    But don't you runt he risk of making the plastic brittle with that much UV?
  20. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Does anyone know the exact limit for Japan Post Surface? Surface is still shipping to the US (and FromJapan is using them for orders), but FromJapan says the package is over the size/wight limit. However, the JapanPost website here: https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/service/i_parcel_en.html#:~:text=Features of International Parcel Post,weight limit is 30 kg. seems to suggest that weight limit is 30kg (my package is under 4 kg) and length needs to be under 1.5 meters (and they're giving a length of 61cm x 42 x 34 for my package). So I am hoping that maybe that they actually can use Surface?
  21. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Whats frustrating is that I was going to originally buy from a different site from Asia that had a brand new copy (FromJapans one was used) that would have been $200 plus $50 shipping. So this used copy will end up costing $40 more if they don't go down on the shipping. I am gonna try letting them know that the toy box being protected during shipping isnt a concern for me, so hopefully they can ship in smaller box or wrap it as a compromise. (I would rather trust the styrofoam to protect the toy itself).
  22. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    At this point, I'd rather they just wrap it in shipping paper and let the styrofoam protect the toy so I am not paying $100 for a box! I am going to message them that as a compromise.
  23. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you Ignacio! If possible, do you mind sending some photos of the box with the tape measure? I have a sad feeling that I may need to open up a Paypal Dispute, and could use some photographic evidence as support.
  24. Stranger

    Hi-Metal R

    Does anyone have the Hi-Metal R Monster box and can measure its dimensions for me? As mentioned, I purchased one from FromJapan over the weekend. I used their shipping estimator and put in Monster's dimensions I found on Amazon and HLJ here: https://www.hlj.com/hi-metal-r-hwr-00-mkii-destroid-monster-bann05211 as 30.2cm x 30.0cm x 27.1cm / 2.290 kg Using those dimensions, their estimate was 2900 yen. But now that the item has arrived to them, they are saying the final packing is Weight: 3.47 kg Dimensions: 61×42×34 cm That difference now makes the cheapest packing option 13,453 yen - which is a $100 difference!!!! Can someone let me know the actual dimensions of the box please? Thank you
  25. Any thoughts on how much a 1985 Matchbox SDF-1 is worth? I have the box, which shows wear and tear and the 2 of the shoulder cannons have their ends broken off. I see EBay has had some priced from 350-1000 but none of them sold.
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