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Everything posted by roboemo

  1. So is this a good place to share fan art of Mospeada as well?
  2. Yeah, but being out of print and hefty price on Amazon didn't help. But still glad to hear about it. Also what about Genesis Breakers?
  3. Hmmm, never notice that, just found it on an old post not too long ago (week or days agao). But the way it was written seems to be more focused on Mospeada.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Robotech-Visual-Archive-Genesis-MOSPEADA/dp/1772940259
  5. Curious but any updates on Genesis Breaker? What about the upcoming artbook?
  6. Also maybe attempt to do it in comic hasn't gone well. Gassing people, keeping slaves, and caste system that would make Tau blush. Are you sure they're supposed to be good guys. Even Games Workshop did better on Tau.
  7. Neat robots actually. Ironically, any updates on Genesis Breaker? Will it be an anime or a model kit storyline like Lego or 40k.
  8. The question being about the appearance of JB armor on Houqet and if their equipment color was red or Houqet had it painted over its original color. Oh, I see. Thought they were different model with its story (like the old toys with storyline), but glad that they are making a side story (plus a chance to see female in Marsbase Jumpsuit, or maybe life on Marsbase).
  9. In Mospeada case, Mars base jumpsuit seems to be skin-tight, so more curves shown to not be mistaken. (This is the fan art, but kinda wonder how she would look if she was given a uniform jumpsuit albeit with Jupiter Base symbol).
  10. Well, she was a reporter and her suit doesn't seem to be uniform (though like the black patterns on her red suit though). But yeah, thanks for unit numbers. (To be honest, not sure when and how did Jupiter Base participated or just a random symbol to differentiate Houqet from other characters. Consider that she had that before the first episode meant that she looted off from wreckages or robbed off from soldiers) Yeah, I got the point. Maybe we got used to attractive female pilots archetypes, and my imaginations of how female would look in Marsbase jump suits (skirt is cute and all, but jumpsuit is also nice with showing their trim and athletic figure and all). The closest thing to Mospeada's female in skintight pilot suits is Shadow Chronicles, but this was Robotech canon and different design. Also maybe being more knowledgable of Gundam--like having female pilots (Emma, Pharaoh, and Lila Rira) in futuristic sci fi setting, more so in Zeta Gundam--also had much in my thoughts. Yeah, they are in futuristic and militarized society that might have leeway for female to serve. Plus imagine female in skintight jumpsuit uniform before they suited up and head to hangar.
  11. Just had a thought. Was it me or Mospeada should have arts or at least background extras being female Mars Base pilots? Just a thought based on a female soldier in form-fitting jumpsuit, either 2nd or 3rd liberation fleet*. * I know Robotech dub had deviations, but was the 3rd fleet part of Mars Base or Jupiter Base. Other than Houqet's armor (probably the first fleet and she might have done custom paint job), not sure how she got it, we don't see much of Jupiter Base or maybe other colonies.
  12. I remember the comic more, not sure if how Tommy and Billy will be made since magic don't exist in MCU and Scarlet can't use it. It went south the moment Byrne took over and dislike Wanda and Vision romance due to "having a relationship with a toaster". It brought us Wiccan but it also brought House of M and turned Wanda into genocidal monster.
  13. Thanks. To be honest, Complete Art Works seems to be out of print.
  14. Yes, that one. anything new added to it?
  15. So a dumb question. What was the new Mospeada artbook again? Not the Complete Works, the other? Between that and the new one, which one should be better (but both of them are expensive)?
  16. And which website, book, interview, or magazine was it?
  17. Any mention of that in that episode, I only remember the crashlanding and being rescused by the girl.
  18. Well, I meant the Artland designs. Sonoda didn't make the Revolution.
  19. I agree to that. Then again, I do find their uniforms interesting, even it felt too Regal than utilitarian. Was thinking about commissioning arts based on that (not as good) spin off, haven't found the West force (the green one, especially the shoes, worn by everyone by Luffy--though consider that she had an astronaut-looking suit, so basically stuck with undergarments-equivalent).
  20. Just curious, but does anyone watched Gall Force Revolution, the Japanese-only reboot? It was a drastic change from the original, like entire conflict turned into Solnoid Civil War.
  21. Yeah, I think bias may have been the point. But even then Star Wars and almost every space opera do have uniforms for villains.
  22. Yeah, to be honest, I watched the show (at least skim through it and it doesn’t seem to show enemy uniforms at all and wonder why.
  23. Well, thanks. i think I was also looking for the uniforms of enemy side also. like Four Nations Alliance as stated in the OP.
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