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Everything posted by roboemo

  1. So why does Lois look like Luz and Superman look like Voltron Shiro?
  2. Well, it’s just a header preview. No web publications until 2nd week of July.
  3. Preview from the artist Mercy Rabbit on their twitter. Stated that it's gonna have ship designs on the new issue released right now (magazine at least).
  4. From the short story's paragraph. 「判るわ…第一次、第二次降下作戦の戦死者は地球に置ける三回の世界大戦の4倍。そして成果はゼロ。次が最後の降下作戦。不成功ならもはや極端な作戦しか残されていない」  とエブリが理解を示した。(Original Version) "I understand... The number of casualties in the first and second descent operations is four times that of the three world wars that can be placed on Earth. And the result is zero. The next is the final descent operation. If unsuccessful, only extreme operations will be left. No” Evry understood. (Translated Version) The numbers seem inconsistent (or translation issue), like those events cost millions but the figures in Mospeada is Hundred of Thousands at best. But still, probably be seeing that demographic crisis might be an issue in Mars Base since young adult population being recruited and probably became part of debris. Maybe why they started using shadow drones to make up manpower shortage for 3rd invasion.
  5. New chapter is up. https://hjweb.jp/article/1016994/
  6. Or Triton kept a harem and Ariel’s mom as senior wife.
  7. Tell me about it. Broadway had similiar thing with Black Triton and multi racial kids. I did crack polygamy joke after Little Mermaid movie was announced, like maybe if he had consorts and Athena being chief/favorite wife but the old woman friend do see that element as “not family friendly” (to western audience).
  8. Not sure but Mospeada had same design team from Macross. Plus having elements of concept art dump didn’t help either.
  9. Chapter 9 up on HJ Web online. https://hjweb.jp/article/958272/
  10. I don’t know but part of me wanted to see Gate in Mars Base military jumpsuit Ala Stick. Maybe variations on different units, like we haven’t seen Jupiter Base and Saturn Base.
  11. Chapter 8 story of Genesis Breaker Mospeada up on HJ Web today. https://hjweb.jp/article/951850/
  12. Same. Just wanted to see Mars Base soldiers, or at least different regiment or occupations. Plus a chance to see female in jumpsuit similiar to stig.
  13. https://hjweb.jp/article/916477/ The HJ Website version of Genesis Breaker Mospeada part 7 is up.
  14. Kinda enjoy it, but a bit iffy on the knife part (like doesn't seem good for a scalpel or bone saw). Seems that they have artificial food, but wish they explore civilian life (Lunk/Jim did say that he joined to feed his family, so possible rationing). Like that they kept the original pistol but feel that rifle attachment is cumbersome. Also not sure if they have a prosthetics kit, like something that can be done in a field hospital for wounded Mars Base soldiers. Part of me wish they made uniforms or soldiers aside from Breaker Team.
  15. New story is up. https://hjweb.jp/article/860328/
  16. Yeah, it's all soft metal or rubber on soft parts. Plus still waiting on uniforms for other possible regiments, or maybe departments (like Gibby's son dress uniform and such).
  17. Still annoyed at bunny ear helmet though
  18. https://www.facebook.com/GenesisBreakerMospeada/posts/pfbid036Bx6s8ZwSezpSM69VSPJBxm4GeCWQhrFYVQkLmJtKph2Z88cvuoQH1LHRPw3Levol Sorry if it took long, but here is the translation from the page. Grizzly and Side Car The Grizzly is an Armor Cycle for soldiers who underwent minimal brain and brainstem non-biological mechanization. In Ride Armor mode, rather than a powered suit that traces and amplifies human movements, it functions as additional reinforcement to expand the capabilities of mechanized soldiers. Of course, the legs and arms are mechanical, and moreover, in order to operate additional weapons, each of the four arms can be moved independently. It’s also bulletproof, has the hovering ability and protective functions of the original Ride Armor system, so it has the potential to be an even more powerful weapon. Along with the Grizzly, a sidecar container can be attached to safely transport and protect Foresight, the important "equipment" for the military. When the Grizzly changes to Ride Armor mode in a battle, the sidecar has a wheel section that opens on the left and right and flies off as a drone and evacuates the battle area to keep Foresight out of danger.
  19. New story is up online. https://hjweb.jp/article/830829/
  20. Even if the comic was popular, they might change it for “compromise”. Just look at Star Wars sequel trilogy to supplant Star Wars EU. OR just a reference nod with her ancestor if they were merciful. Other than that, maybe Musket wielding foot soldiers. I know they did diddly against predator but western made Samurai sure needs gunpowder (Total War doesn’t count).
  21. Either a new story or reimagining Machiko in that setting. Maybe Machiko as a liaison to Dajima or Dutch colony, like before Bakufu they do have more open ports (one of them being Shimabara, where lord use the export wealth to abuse his power that led to the titular rebellion) and delegation were sent to Spanish and Dutch outposts.
  22. So a page from new issue of Hobby Japan shared from Facebook. I think they decided to include psychic, which they planned but never fruition in production. Still fewer sketches or art on Mars Base accesories, regiment uniform colors, and uniform, but at least it was something (like beret, dog tags, and t-shirt).
  23. https://hjweb.jp/article/825539/ New issue is up online now.
  24. Yeah. Abit too over the top by now. Still, I used google translate and I was right about one “robot” being Samuel from Doom reboot. At least robot with human brain. Not sure if the dead soldiers meant damaged ships carrying fallen ones on board or someone scavenged the floating wreckages orbiting Earth.
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