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Everything posted by Via

  1. more METAL BUILD GUNDAM ASTRAY Blue Frame 2nd Revise on okini.land : https://okini.land/fr/20427-metal-build-mbf-p03r-gundam-astray-blue-frame-second-revise-bandai-spirits.html
  2. I'm thinking about the Perfect strike, would you think we will see a brand new wing striker packs to connect the launcher and the sword striker or just an adapter (image on the left) as seen on the astray alternative strike with new connections to do that ? and an other question according to you, are these connections (image on the right) planned for example to add at the same time the three striker packs (Wing, Launcher and future Sword) on the astray ?
  3. Hello there =) new to this forum, 1. Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise Sept Release 2. Launcher Striker pack Sept Release 3. Aile Striker Oct Release All three are up on anime export : http://www.anime-export.com/search?search=metal+build
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