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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I may have said this before, but I really wish that we could get a re-engineered YF-30 which uses the same transformation mechanics as the YF-31. I doubt that'll ever happen. I just don't like the look of the Kairos as much as I like the look of the Chronos. Say, how perpendicular to the ground is the wing/backpack supposed to be when in fighter mode? I see varying degrees of this in different photos. Some of them look like an almost perfect 90 degrees, but mine won't go down quite that far. I've transformed my VF-31F several times and feel fairly confident that I'm not leaving anything in the neck or chest in the wrong place. And is the back supposed to attach to the torso in a locking manner? I know that there are tabs which connect the lower folding wing to the upper non-folding wing, but that's all of which I am aware.
  2. What the...? http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/848209-first-look-at-the-predator-heading-into-battle-in-new-set-photo#/slide/1 I truly hope that this is just a "goofing around" kind of set pic.
  3. Oh, I absolutely agree with you. I can't stand Resurrection. I have grown more tolerant of Alien3 over the years, but I still don't feel the "need" to watch it. (I have almost forgiven the Colonial Marines game for "righting" something which I always felt was a grievous writing mistake.) Alien: Isolation was truly amazing for the suspense which it created.
  4. I will admit that I have not yet seen this, and now I don't plan to. After reading every single spoiler for this movie (as told by those who have already seen it), my interest in seeing it has been reduced to zero. (Which is a shame, because I am a die-hard Alien and Aliens fan.) I am really turned off by inconsistencies in the lore, if that makes sense.
  5. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmmm... I wonder if the YF-30 head would fit on the VF-31F?
  6. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow. The preorder for the FAST packs was a helluva lot easier than the VF-31F itself. I'm all set for my Delta purchases now. (Well... maybe when I see the SV-262Ba, I might change my mind.)
  7. Iranian homemade "stealth fighter?" I know there has been a significant amount of skepticism over this... "project," so I'm curious now if anyone has any new insight. I don't believe for one second that this thing is flightworthy.
  8. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Speaking of "odd" heads, I wonder if anyone may consider doing recasting for some swaps...? I would still not mind considering an S head for the VF-31F.
  9. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    YESSSSSSSS!!! Thank you SO much for the heads up on this! I finally managed to get a preorder!
  10. Well, I'm a whore. I went and bought a Master Grade Ingram Special kit with the shoulder lamps. It's unbelievable to me how much the Yamato version sells for these days. Holy cow.
  11. I would lose my crap if I saw that going down the highway... I actively am praying (aloud, mind you) that Headgear does a full series of the Patlabor Reboot. I can't count the number of times I have watched the short.
  12. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the heads up! Now to continue to search for a VF-31F.
  13. As a completely random and probably futile hope, I wonder if there is any chance whatsoever that Sega might consider porting Phantasy Star Online 2 to the Switch...? Seems like it might fill a nice little niche for the system.
  14. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just happened to randomly wake up before 5:00am and check this thread... and I missed it again. Ugh. I still appreciate people giving notification.
  15. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wish preorders on the VF-31F would reopen.
  16. I wish they'd do a VF-5000 from Dynamite 7...
  17. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have this sinking feeling that even though the Kairos doesn't just call out to me, I'll try to get one anyway. The Chronos looks superior in every conceivable way, to my eye. It's too bad that we likely won't see a reissued Chronos with the same engineering improvements featured in the Siegfried.
  18. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just want a not-insanely-priced preorder on a VF-31F... I still have yet to get in a single one anywhere.
  19. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I am absolutely fine with paying in full up front for a pre-order so long as I have some confidence that I will receive what I ordered. Knock on wood, but I've not been burned in this way by any sizable retailer yet.
  20. I kinda fell behind after seeing the first few episodes of season 3 (toddlers will do that to you), so when I saw TIE Defenders in this trailer, I squealed like a little girl. I am not at all ashamed of this.
  21. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Still want only Messer's. And with a recast (or part swap) of a VF-31S head. Because I make no sense sometimes.
  22. I completely loved the Wolf Predator... but I hated pretty much everything else about that movie.
  23. I finally just watched the 10-minute special yesterday, and it was BRILLIANT. I cannot put into words just how much I would enjoy seeing a full-fledged movie or series of this.
  24. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The only one I care to get is Messer's. Any expectations on when preorders for it will open?
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