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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. I really hope that they can go into the roster of the KOF series and not just stop at Kyo and Iori (which would be the givens). I need a Robert Garcia like I cannot explain. Waaaaaaay back in college, I won a KOF '95 tournament largely due to that one character.
  2. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't care about getting a VF-4 at all... until they did a Max version. And now I reckon I will be getting one. LOL.
  3. Axelay

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    (Or, if you prefer to read it in Isamu's voice, "Niu Edowadsu Testo Flighto Centa.")
  4. Axelay

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    New Edwards Test Flight Center.
  5. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    I finally unboxed my VF-1S Messer, and I am highly annoyed that the flight stand mount doesn't seem to fit correctly. I saw in one of Jenius' reviews that the included stand was intended to be used with FAST packs attached and thus doesn't tab in properly. Is there any way to get a correct non-super parts stand? Anybody maybe Shapeways one, or wants to part with an OEM one?
  6. Requiem itself is a terrible movie. However, the Wolf Predator is beyond question my favorite Yautja of them all.
  7. But is it poster size...? My classroom *needs* this in 36x24... I showed some of my robotics students the Reboot short from last October, and they were very interested.
  8. Sorry to do this, but noob questions inbound... - What's this coupon of which you guys speak? - If these won't fit v1 1/60s, what are some reasonably-priced still-available candidates for this armor? I seem to have stuck with the 1/48s back in the day...
  9. Is it safe to assume that these are for v2 1/60s and not v1s?
  10. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow, thanks for the heads up. I appreciate that! And thanks to Roy for jumping in and removing it. I wasn't even thinking about that when I posted. Duh.
  11. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why buying Macross items via Amazon may not be a good idea. I'm not sure where I should direct my anger first - the seller for shipping this in a padded envelope, or my mail carrier for literally cramming it into my box. While I have every intention of opening this, I am quite dismayed at its condition.
  12. I am dying to see what a set of this armor looks like on the VF-1S Messer version.
  13. MK3 Sub-Zero and Smoke are definitely on my want list now. I just can't believe that after all these years there are finally high quality figures from the game.
  14. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    CDJapan is showing "in shipping process" for my S preorder. Very excited! The movie armor set looks so over the top, but I know I'm going to want a set for this.
  15. Huh. I'm interested to see what that's like. I don't have a lot of faith at the moment.
  16. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm just ready for the VF-31S already...
  17. My local Target still had at least a dozen of them tonight at 7:00pm. I was very surprised by this. I ordered one from Best Buy as soon as they went online on Friday morning around 4:00am. (Thankfully, my infant daughter woke me up.) These may not be as difficult to come by as I had originally thought. But hey, at least now I can say that I have both the NES and the SNES. Now I just need a damned Dreamcast!
  18. Ermahgerd. Exceeding my expectations by a million times over...! I wonder if the minigun will be back in it? Or the Hunk mission?
  19. I dunno... that Reboot short back in November was so exceptionally good that I am still foaming at the mouth for more. That really hit all of the sweet spots for me, so I am cautiously optimistic that EZY will be in the same vein.
  20. Y'all... I am hard up for some EZY news. I needs it.
  21. I need this. It also underscores to me just how much I also need Dillon, Poncho, Billy, Mac, and Blaine. LOL. First world problems!
  22. Ugh. For as badly as I want it, I have neither the time nor the skill to put together a model of that complexity now that I have two children... LOL. I still have a Patlabor Ingram which has been waiting almost 9 months for some attention.
  23. Dude... that Metal Slug is AMAZING. How much was it, and where did you get it?
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