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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    Man, I really hope that the Max-color VF-4 is still on the way...
  2. Getting frustrated that both versions of Cable which I preordered back in July are repeatedly being delayed. It's looking now like the ETA for both is February.
  3. I can't even wait to see what in the hell is going on with Ozymandias. I'm increasingly wondering if the writers are going to interject Dr. Manhattan any time now. I feel like they've been extremely clever in not focusing on him for any of this so far.
  4. Thanks for all of the helpful links! I decided to go with Anime Export ($215 USD) on this one. No telling what the shipping will be, but I'll post here once it updates. Hope I don't get screwed on the fee.
  5. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    Do we know for certain that the VF-4 in the Max colors is still coming? (Sorry if this is a dumb question. I don't follow Hi-Metal too closely...)
  6. WOW. Watched the first episode this morning and am completely on board with this. I cannot wait to see where this goes - especially with the big spoiler at the end of the episode. Talk about some implications for the future of the franchise! I feel like we're in good hands with Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. I hope I don't get proven wrong about this by the end of this season. I do find it intriguing now that the last episode is set to premiere after Rise of Skywalker. Wonder if there's going to be any sort of tie-in?
  7. Yeah, man. Sure feels that way looking at some of the Facebook collecting groups of which I am a member. Quite a bit of the the feedback I have read on there indicates that people aren't thrilled with this wave. Hopefully that'll just make it easier to hunt down. (It'd be fantastic if Best Buy carries this wave.)
  8. So, um... any news on EZY?
  9. Oh, that is so very cool. I might need to get this.
  10. I'm glad to be in the minority on this one, but I am buying every single Age of Apocalypse figure which they produce. And I really only ever cherry pick these!
  11. I know that I am so deep in the minority, but I still love the Fansproject ninja-type Insecticons from years ago... I never felt motivated to replace them in my collection with anything else.
  12. Wow, I dig it. Nice work.
  13. I wish that someone at CAPCOM would resurrect the Power Stone franchise for the Switch... I miss those games entirely too much.
  14. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well... against my better judgment, I went ahead and ordered through Nippon-Yasan. I just wish the armor color highlights were red.
  15. So... Tom Hanks' Big (1988) + super powers = Shazam...? I'm not ragging on it - it actually looks like a lot more fun than any of the other DC movies which have thus far come out. I may go see this.
  16. Wow, that Kyo is amazing! Bring on more of the roster! (But, uh... for as much a hardcore fan of KOF that I claim to be, I personally can't stand this character. I can count the number of times on one hand that I've ever used him, and I own almost all of the KOF games in my MVS. )
  17. I could really use some suggestions on how to display the UCS Falcon. My wife shocked me at Christmas and got this for me, but I don't dare attempt to build it until I can first defend it from my overly curious 2-year-old. I've already looked at many forums and photos, but I'm hoping that someone here may have a flash of inspiration which doesn't involve me having to spend as much on a display item as the cost of the set itself... I'd ideally like to be able to show it on its landing gear and not on its side on a stand. I know that this is going to create a large footprint, so I'm thinking that the coffee table route may be the way to go. (I just wish that Ikea had something pre-made which would work.)
  18. Seeing as how there's more talk about "gray market" Valkyries these days, I wouldn't be at all opposed to buying a third party attempt at a YF-30 if it had the VF-31's locking internals for battroid mode. Actually, I do wonder what a VF-31A would look like with the YF-30's paint scheme and a head swap...
  19. Axelay

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup. I passed on the SV-262 because I wanted the Ba version. Had I known that by 2019 there still wouldn't be any sign of one, I might have taken the bait on Keith's.
  20. Here I was hoping to see some tidbit of news about EZY... I was really hoping to get at least one episode before this year ended.
  21. I'm so weird when it comes to flight sticks. I bought the AC6 bundle with the stick and I hated it because I had become so used to the twisting single-stick-and-throttle getups from my PC days. (Anybody remember the crazy Gravis Phoenix? That was my jam for X-Wing and TIE Fighter.) I even tried some high-end Saitek sticks back when Battlefield 4 came out, but I always felt like there was something off about them. Too much deadzone or something. On a whim I went and bought a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro stick and shortly thereafter went on to hold the top scoring record in my state for air-to-ground kills for several months. I'm getting AC7 on PC solely so that I can use that stick again. I'm gettin' olllllllllllllld.
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