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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Yeah, but I actually really want to keep this one since I previously only had the Yamato Nora version. And the deal I got on this was pretty unbelievable, so it's kind of special to me now.
  2. Thus far, I don't think that they are willing to help.
  3. Still in need of a replacement leg... I reached out to the original owner and he indicated that he bought it from HLJ, but he's not able to provide a receipt. (Makes sense, as you wouldn't just give some stranger your payment info. I don't begrudge him that.) When I contacted HLJ previously, they were unwilling to help unless I had purchased the unit from them. Anybody know if HLJ records serials of units sold so that it could be verified in that manner? I'm really grasping at straws here.
  4. May check there next, if that's the case. The listing did indicate that the seller "thought" that the legs were correct, but they definitely are not. I can see why someone might not know, and for only $150, it's absolutely not worth my making a claim and sending it back.
  5. Haven't attempted to yet, but may wind up giving that a try if nothing else comes through. I am thinking that I might be able to ask a MW friend in Hong Kong if they would be wiling to receive it for me and then relay it here to the USA. Was just hoping to go a more direct (not to mention quicker) route before resorting to such measures.
  6. Attempted to ask if HLJ would be willing to sell me a replacement leg even though I didn't purchase from them. The answer, sadly, was "no." So, back to trying to find another way...
  7. Holy thread necropathy, Batman! I recently had the extraordinarily good luck to acquire one of these on eBay for the unbelievable price of $154. Sadly, it appears that the unit which I received has the bad left leg in battroid mode. Aside from that, it looks almost brand new. Does anyone still have any extras and would be willing to sell me a replacement? Please let me know. Thank you!
  8. Yes, Max specifically uses a VF-22S with a fold booster to jump from the orbiting frigate Stargazer into the battle over the planet where the Protodevils are imprisoned. (He used all of the mixed Valkyrie flight groups as the spearhead and only jumped into the battle as a last ditch contingency if things were going south.) I'd need to go back and watch again very closely to see if his Sturmvogel has FAST packs visible. For all of the ordnance he expended (including reaction weapons) during the battle, I would lean heavily toward the answer being yes.
  9. Now that I have this, I just need for EZY to come out in December...
  10. If anybody has an extra Trooper which they would be willing to sell, I'd be interested. Between my teaching schedule and my children, I don't have the ability to drop everything and go run to Target often. Every time I've seen them in stock on Popfindr and then go to the store to try to grab one, the employees won't give me the time of day no matter how polite I may be. I'm just beyond frustrated. I never had any idea that these would be so difficult to acquire.
  11. Woohoo! I just got mine today! Haven't opened the box yet, and am shocked to see it since I didn't ever receive any shipping notification.
  12. Hmmm! I wonder how much longer it will be before Threezero starts fulfilling preorders placed through their site?
  13. Very sharp looking!
  14. Could someone please tell me if Japan Post is still suspending shipping to the USA? My Legioss order through Anime Export still hasn't moved, and they have not yet responded to my inquiry about it. Their site has a blurb about Japan Post suspending overseas shipping, but it's dated April 24th. I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the lack of response, and am not sure what recourse to take.
  15. Quick question to those of you who have one of these in hand - the placement of the wings in fighter mode is curious to me. I guess I just don't remember them having a downward cant, even though the lineart may have shown this. What's the feasibility on the toy of having them be parallel to the ground? Heavy modification, or just a small tinker?
  16. Still no word from Anime Export on the status of this order. It shows in the control panel as "being packed for shipping," and that I'm supposed to be contacted via email to have it shipped, but I have not yet received anything. I'm going to have to reach out directly and find out what's going on.
  17. Anybody else preorder from Anime Export? My order was "ready to be shipped" almost two weeks ago, but I got no notification. Once I logged in, I had to manually set the order to "ship," but it hasn't moved since. I'm not super worried yet, but I do wish that there could be some movement on this...
  18. Anyone else who ordered Unit 1 directly from Threezero's website gotten an update yet? I know things are delayed right now, but I was hoping to hear even a little bit of news.
  19. I saw it in the theater when it came out. I also definitely remember being extremely concerned that the writers were trying too hard to shoehorn a Padawan in for Anakin and how little sense it made. And I really didn't care much for Ahsoka at the time, either! How the times have changed...
  20. Well, I'm a whore for anything Batman Arkham-game related, so I'm in on these. It's the only franchise where I can claim absolute 100% all achievements on every game to this point. Only one of these figures I have so far is Superman, and I still can't get over the fact that he can't look up far enough to create a convincing flying pose.
  21. Man, I'd love to see some photos and hear your thoughts on this one. I don't have any of their other Vipers, but this one is really calling to me.
  22. Haohmaru is a must-have for me. But I wonder what has happened to the unmasked Mortal Kombat 3 Sub-Zero which was shown last year? I actually really wanted that one and am much less interested in the masked one shown above.
  23. Kuma, fantastic review of the MB-11 God Armor! You have sold me on getting a set for my Power Baser. I don't even have the first clue about the Japanese version of God Ginrai, but it surely does look nice. Thanks so much for making that video - it's exactly what I had wanted to see.
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