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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. WOW. I'm shocked. I had thought for the longest time that I might be the only Macrossworlder in North Carolina. I don't suppose you have a pic of your sticker...? Those are truly excellent tips, though, and I thank you for them. I would not have thought of looking for something like that. I simply have no clue where to start!
  2. Well, if I could just get a small sized static one, I't absolutely put it on my car. I'll have to see if there are any such places which make these kinds of stickers here in the Raleigh, NC area. Highly doubtful, though... Is there any place on the internet where I could send them the image, and they'd create one and mail it to me?
  3. Hmmm. Somebody point him in the direction of this thread, please!
  4. Howdy. I'd posted this topic a looooong time ago, but never had any luck. Can someone please help me find a classy looking UNS logo sticker for my car's inside rear window? I'd prefer a static sticker that will not leave permanent marks, and I really don't care for a huge one. Maybe about the size of a baseball would be PERFECT. Anyone know where to find one...? Maybe something like this: I'd really like one that looks just like the markings on the fighters. Help!
  5. Wow...! I'm trying to keep up here. This has got to be one of the most informative threads I've ever read on ANY message board. I'm also pleased to see that even after 6 pages, it hasn't spiraled into anything nasty or childish. David, how in the world do you know so much about this stuff? I'm thoroughly impressed.
  6. Southpaw Samurai, I get it! And your haiku is simply awesome, as well.
  7. SWEET! Thanks for the info!
  8. While we're mentioning the running color-inspired theme, I'd like to speculate on upcoming Alternators for just a second. Now, I have NO clue for certain who has and who has not agreed to allow Takara/Hasbro to license their vehicles other than the ones we have already seen. Just because Subaru has licensed the WRX does not mean they have agreed to do anything else. It's fun to guess, though! With that having been said, I've given a lot of thought to Sideswipe in particular. I thought the Viper was an EXCELLENT choice (you may disagree, but I stand by it) for a high-profile car for Sideswipe. If you recall, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were brothers, right? Well, then, in keeping with the color theme, I'd love nothing more than to see Takara/Hasbro find some miraculous way to arrange a license with Ford to do a yellow Ford GT. That's another excellent American-made high-profile car which would make a perfect "brotherly" counterpart to the Sideswipe Viper. What concerns me, though, is that in the interview with Kobayashi I read on page 3 of this thread, one of the things he mentions is that "We had no choice but to scrap that and start with a certain well-known American sports car, but we couldn't get the OK for that, either." I am dying to know which sports car he's referring to. Please, God, don't let it be Ford who would back out of this kind of opportunity... I would be very displeased if I knew that some Ford exec said "no" to having Transformers made using the designs of some of my favorite automobiles. But I digress. More speculation from me and ONLY me! Unless I am way off the mark, Subaru, Dodge, Chevrolet, and Jeep have all got licensing deals. There are some mighty fine vehicles from each of these companies which would make excellent Transformers. Keep in mind that not all Transformers are supercars! Subaru - The Outback would be good. Dodge - The Durango! I'd love to see some good trucks. I'd even like to see an Intrepid. Chevrolet - Man, we gotta have that new Corvette. I'm hoping that's the one that's licensed. How about a huge honkin' Suburban or Avalanche? Even the SSR might be interesting. Jeep - Have you seen the new Rescue? I would LOVE to see that one! Let the guessing games begin!
  9. Oooh, sounds nice! Both the plot and Mila, that is.
  10. (OT, obviously.) GreenGuy42, welcome to the Mustang camp! I've been in it since I was 15, and I'm planning to buy my 4th one once the new models are released.
  11. They should ask MIG for 3 reasons. one; everyone thinks of them as enemy fighters anyway, Two; they need the money and Three wouldnt StarScream look cool as a MiIG 29!?! Hybridchild BEST suggestion I've seen yet. MiG and even Sukhoi, perhaps? That would be so cool!
  12. YES! YES! YES!!! I love the RX-8! This makes me SO happy. Now... if dream beyond dream, Ford could see fit to license one of the new Mustangs, I think I would probably cry tears of joy. Way to go, Mazda!
  13. Well, there's only one way to catch whomever is doing this in the act: claymores and tripwires. Let's see 'em try to run away from the door before you catch 'em then. That'll show 'em what they can do with their holiday cheer. Kidding, kidding!
  14. Very interesting! It does look rather old school, which is nice to see. I hope it will be as good as - if not better than - the original. It has been a long time since I've seen "the last of the gunfighters" in action.
  15. Hey, good things come to those who wait. The way I see it, I'm EXTREMELY thankful to have excellent modern-day Macross toys. If Yamato has shown me anything, it's that they have really improved their design processes to make better and better Valkyries. (Of all the Yamatos I have bought, I have not had a problem with any of them thus far.) Also, I'd prefer to stretch out this Macross toy renaissance for as long in my life as is possible. I'd hate to wake up one day and have all of the Macross things I want... and then have nothing left to get. "When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Just keep it comin' Kawamori-san and Yamato. I'll be there.
  16. Woohoo! ANBU-AonE, I love you!
  17. OK, here are my suggestions: Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo - This game just plain owns. It's the best puzzle game I have EVER played, and the GBA version is an amazingly good port. Even all of the voices and music are there! Madden 2003 - C'mon, I'm the first one to recommend a sports game? Hey, I LOVE football. Madden 2003 is really an excellent game with pretty good AI. Lots of plays, lots of spontaneous surprises. If you ever played Madden on the SNES or Genesis, then you should really check this one out. Advance Wars 1 and 2 - These games are SO much fun. They remind me ever so slightly of Conflict on the NES. (I used to be addicted to that game.) I'd strongly recommend playing the first one before you try the second one, though, or you'll have a hard time following the story. These games are very challenging and will definitely keep you coming back for more. There are also LOTS of unlockables to earn as you work your way through the campaigns. F-Zero Maximum Velocity - An AMAZING racing game. I loved this one tremendously... until I realized that the computer is an outright cheat. On higher difficulty levels, many of the computer cars will outrun you even though they don't have the stats to be able to. I was infuriated when I learned about this, but I'd still recommend the game highly.
  18. Yes, I am finding out all sorts of bad things about this person after the fact. However, I did cover my bases pretty well in that I asked him all about this cart before I bid on it. He still claims it's authentic, and I'm having a harder and harder time believing that after seeing what the people on neo-geo.com said about him. I may just take a chance and pay and see what happens. If it's a bootleg, then you had better believe that I will follow up and shut him down. I'm still waiting to hear back from him again after I questioned him one more time about the authenticity of the cart. I get the sneaking suspicion that he's going to try to bail out on me now that I'm on to him.
  19. Really...? Hmmm. I may need to look into this further. He/she claims that it is an authentic item. I'm glad I have not yet sent any payment.
  20. WOOOOOO! Samurai Shodown for $159! It's all mine, baby! I asked the seller a whole mess of questions, and it seems to be a legit cart. I sure hope so, anyway... Samurai Shodown 5 eBay auction
  21. It just occurs to me that the most squealingly cool thing Takara could do to Starscream is make him... a YF-23! Oooooooh YES. C'mon Transformer gods, please hear my plea!
  22. Wow, thanks for the tip. I want that game SO BADLY now. I wonder if I got it, if it would be possible to charge admission to come to my house and play it? Heh. I feel extremely confident that I'd be the only person in the entire state of North Carolina to have it. That's a sad state of affairs... but good for me!
  23. I agree about Warpath - they should try to do something a little less obvious than the M1A1. How about a smaller tank like the M550 Sheridan? I think that's the one that the 82nd Airborne can drop from a C-130. I doubt we'll reach the point where we'll see Warpath, though. However, if Takara can just keep up the excellence of this line, then I'll stand right with them and buy ALL of them.
  24. Check out the artwork on this page, and I dare you to tell me it's not beautiful. Somehow I MUST find a way to get this for my MVS. Guard Crush
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