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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. The main thing which I like about Macross 7 is that it makes me believe that with the true power, passion, and conviction of emotion, it IS possible to change someone's heart. Basara absolutely would NOT give up under any circumstances, and I want so badly to be able to have that same kind of determination. So many of the characters in Macross 7 put their "heart and soul" into everything they do, and they become bigger than life because of it.
  2. The Roush, hands down. And someone mentioned Lotus earlier... my God, I'd just be giddy if Takara could get a Lotus license. If they could do Cliffjumper as an Exige, that'd be so tight.
  3. Wow! AlphaHX, thanks VERY much for the VF-17 wallpaper! I had completely forgotten that I had asked about it, so please forgive me for not thanking you right away. I do appreciate it! And if you ever need any more VF-17 pics in the future, I have quite a few.
  4. My God. If you can turn him into a proper Saleen, I'd be tempted to see if I could negotiate buying one from you.
  5. I'd absolutely love a nice VF-17D wallpaper... Please?
  6. areaseven, I just can't even believe how nice that looks. I had hoped that Takara would choose to use the Z06 anniversary scheme for Tracks, and now you've shown me that it's possible. Aside from getting the labels from a model kit, what other customizations have you made? I'd really like to know, as I'd love to try to accomplish the same thing once I get a blue Tracks.
  7. Oh WOW, I love the "Jazz" labels. Where can you buy them? I'd definitely like a set.
  8. It's funny, really. I had never even heard of Anderson before Resident Evil. The trailers for it really looked bad, and I swore I'd never go see it... until one of my friends dragged me along, and I was completely surprised by how much I did enjoy it. (And I've played nearly every RE game made to date.) So when I heard he was doing AVP, I thought, "well, let's give him a shot." After I saw AVP, though, I was not terribly impressed and thought it definitely could have been better. But now... after having seen Resident Evil Apocalypse... I'm full on ready to have him lynched. That movie was so unbelievably bad that I almost feel insulted to have watched it. And now he's going to do the next Alien movie? You've gotta be kidding me. This does not inspire my confidence.
  9. I can personally vouch for the VF-1S Max. I ordered one from Neova, and it is absolutely flawless! I would never ever even guess that it was a custom. It really is THAT good. If you're a true hardcore Max Jenius fan, you owe it yourself to get one of these.
  10. Hey, there's my beloved VF-1S Max! Thanks again for helping me with that, Neova. Mine stands ever so proudly on my desk at home.
  11. Wow! Awesome work with this project! I look forward to seeing what you'll do next!
  12. Hmmm, OK, I'd like to add in some comments to what you mentioned. I'm not trying to flame, just add some thoughts. 1. Queens are pretty big by comparison. The one in Aliens was still significantly bigger than the power loader suit Ripley used. The one in AVP was certainly big, but I didn't think it was unusually so. 2. Good point - it didn't take any time at all for the chestbursters to emerge. But you know, in the original Alien, it was only a very short time after the facehugger came off of Kane that he bought it. 3. I thought about this as well, but considered that the casters in the pyramid had to have been at least 100 years old. Micronization would account for why the casters in Predator and Predator II are so much smaller. Obviously the Predator technology would have to be getting better and better all the time. The casters in the pyramid might be an equivalent of a musket loader, whereas the ones they currently use are cutting edge. 4. Well, I was surprised at how much content was lifted from the Dark Horse comics. It was so close that I know I would have preferred a direct adaptation of the comics story... but oh well. I agree, though, that with all the time this has had to be developed, it could have been much more substantial. It just seemed WAY too short for my tastes. 5. Well... it's a stretch, but the slogan kinda refers to the fact that Predators have been using us for centuries now. And of course, the Aliens need us to be hosts... Yeah, the movie was OK. It didn't just blow me off of my seat, but I'll probably go see it again just for sport. After all, I do still have my free pass from the Predator Collector's Edition.
  13. Ford's SVT (Special Vehicle Team) has already laid claim to most of the major features (such as the hood scoops, 18" wheels, rear panels, factory Shelby stripes, and taillight assembly) seen on the Mustang concept. The reason? Carroll Shelby. Word has it that the SVT is eventually gonna reproduce the Shelby Mustangs of the late '60's, but don't expect them for at least another 2 years. Check out The Mustang Source if you're really curious about learning everything there is to know about the new Mustang.
  14. OK, that's amazing. Here in Raleigh, NC, there are more 20th Anniversary Optimus Primes sitting on the shelves than I can count. They are literally in EVERY major retail store I go into. I've had mine since before they came out, but this has led me to believe that they didn't sell very well. Maybe I should scoop up several of them and sell them...?
  15. YES! I got CHARLIE! He's my all-time best Street Fighter EVER! SFA2 lives on at my house!
  16. ABSOLUTELY 100% blue Tracks for me! Please, please let it be real!
  17. Well, I know I'm in the minority here, but I really liked the trailer. I want to see the Predators be REALLY badassed in this movie, and so far I'm getting what I wanted. The metal music didn't faze me. Oh, and I also loved Resident Evil and have played every one of the games.
  18. she is very cute. I thought i was one of the few that thought so. Man. Where'd you get that pic?
  19. OK, I know y'all are gonna think this is crazy, but I absolutely *swooned* over the girl dressed up as Yomiko Readman. Her costume is so classy, and she looks so cute! Man... who is that girl?
  20. By chance, you wouldn't happen to know which Wal-Marts in North Carolina...?
  21. Wow. Simply stunning. Your work is always incredible, WmCheng. Even my friends who aren't big Macross fans marvel at your pictures.
  22. Gotta admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the first one. The previews made it look like ass, and I swore to never see something so stupid looking even though I have been a diehard fan of the games ever since they came out. HOWEVER, one of my friends took his wife with him to see it, and she was so disgusted with him a week later that I knew there had to be something good about it. Sure enough, I loved it. I can't wait for the second one!
  23. Ooooooooh...! The more I think about it, the more I want to see Roy use a VF-1 to put the hurt on DD. C'mon Froating Head, make it happen...
  24. According to the latest article about the PSP which I read on Gamespot, they state that the circular thing underneath the control pad actually IS an analog stick.
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