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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Regarding the upward bow of the fuselage, it appears to me that the culprit is how the notch in the "calf" connects to the arms when transformed into fighter mode. If that notch were to be moved about 1-2 millimeters higher on the leg, I think it would go a long way towards not having the arms pull the forward fuselage upwards. Case in point is if you don't lock the upper and lower arm together but then just loosely fit the tab into the notch on the leg, the whole fighter looks much more level. Maybe I can get some pictures of this. It would seem to me that if I had the proper tool to cut the notch higher on the leg, then I'd do it in a split second. Otherwise, the arms don't lock properly and the whole things bows up. I can't help but wonder how Toynami solved this problem in the fighters in their publicity shots? The tab on the lower arms obviously can't move any further down, and it's a shame that the joint in the shoulder won't extend slightly towards the rear of the plane. Therefore, the notch in the leg seems to be the only place where improvements could readily be made. Anyone have a suggestion as to which type of tool could do this precise cutting? I'm not sure if Dremel has an attachment for what I have in mind.
  2. Man, did I get lucky. I just got my blue Alpha yesterday and I am apparently one of the few who got a completely flawless one. No bad joints, no broken parts, absolutely nothing wrong with it. After transforming it a few times, I do have some minor complaints, but otherwise I'm pleasantly surprised with it. I suppose I can say that because I expected a complete dud, but it was worth the $65 I paid for it. - I definitely need to find some better way to make the arms connect to the legs in fighter mode. It's close, but there's still a gap left between the upper and lower arm joint. - The fuselage (back) doesn't hold together particularly well in battroid mode. - The landing gear SUCKS OUT LOUD. Has anyone considered creating a replacement, or is this even feasible? I can't wait to see more about the Beta now.
  3. Say, here's a thought. Could those of who who own Alphas list a few suggestions or tips as to how to properly transform them and keep them from breaking? I will be getting my first one any day now and I'd really like to be able to keep it in decent shape. I'd definitely appreciate it.
  4. Never saw Chicken Run, so I am not sure...?
  5. Well, I know I am in the very small minority, but I am one of those people who genuinely enjoys Macross 7. As for the thing I like best about it, though... - The VF-17 Nightmare, one of my all-time favorite Valkyrie designs. - Max's exceptional confidence and his ability to constantly outthink and outmaneuver the enemy forces. - Gamrin's ongoing character development from "I hate this (music)" to "I understand this and now see its importance and will fight to protect it." - The belief that music and the passion which it can instill in people can change the way they feel about things. But most importantly of all... - To absolutely never, ever, ever give up, no matter how bleak the situation might look.
  6. Excellent! Thank you for the info, Gaijin!
  7. That $79 one is probably the original series on DVD. That's what it was going for. The Septemper released New Galactica set has more extras AND the miniseries for less than $50 I believe. 325061[/snapback] No, according to this, it's not the original series. Season 1 on DVD at Best Buy I can't understand why my local Best Buy would mark it up $10... Someone please straighten this out for me? The exact same item is listed at Amazon for $41.
  8. Wow, I'd love to know this as well. I'd love to be able to play Alpha 2 against real people once again.
  9. Hey, can someone please clarify something for me about the DVDs? I am definitely looking to pick up the miniseries and season 1, but I don't understand the difference between the UK versions and the USA versions. (Well, other than the fact that the USA version isn't out until 9/20, that is.) The UK version costs $49.99 at my local Best Buy, but they have the USA version listed in their computer for a whopping $79.99. What are the differences between the two? Does the USA version come with the miniseries? Even if it does, I could still get the miniseries and the UK version cheaper if I bought them seperately. Commentary and whatnot really doesn't do a whole lot for me - particularly seeing as how so much additional content can simply be found online. I just wanna see the episodes.
  10. OK, time to get this back on the right track! Space: Above and Beyond DVD set at Best Buy Hits shelves on 9/6/2005. I'll be picking mine up that very day, hopefully.
  11. Oooooh! Now I'd like very much to see Zarek as President eventually. It may not make the best sense in terms of the story, but I just want to see Richard Hatch have an active ongoing role. I definitely believe that the Pegasus will bring with it a group of new characters. Remember Sheba from the original series? I can't help but wonder if she'll be in this new one. I am becoming increasingly convinced that Baltar is just flat out insane. He's not bugged, he's not a Cylon, he's just an A-1 nutboy. LOL. I really can't wait to see what they do with him. I definitely agree that Starbuck should go have a medical exam ASAP. And what's up with what looked like Boomer giving birth in the preview for the next episode?
  12. Yeah, i've posted this a couple times before but I don't mind doing it again (forgive my lack of a green MPC... still waiting to find the perfect deal on that item) 323743[/snapback] WOW. Now that's an impressive Alpha collection. Thanks for the pics.
  13. YES! That is precisely what I've been looking for! Thank you, Osean!
  14. OK, so tonight's episode definitely had a lot of things in it which kinda made me cringe. Boomer suddenly shooting Meier seemed rather screwed up to me that she could do it and not be shot in the process. However, the bumps were all negated by one line. I laughed hysterically when Dr. Kottle shouted "Will you STOP goin' crazy in there?" to Baltar. I honestly am really starting to get into the direction they're going with Baltar. On the other hand, I have no clue where they're going with Boomer... And I sorely miss seeing space combat. Doesn't look like any is forthcoming in the next episode either. I had an interesting thought - I can't help but wish that we might sometime see Richard Hatch's character pilot a Viper eventually. Not at all likely, I know, but I can hope. Dear Pegasus episodes: Please kick ass. Thank you.
  15. Wow. I am very jealous now. Could you take more pics of how you have them displayed? I'm still looking for a sub-$65 blue Alpha, by the way. There are a few on eBay now starting at $49, so I'm still hopeful I can snag one soon.
  16. I guess the next closest thing would be the OICW. Which raises a curious point. If the M41A fires caseless rounds, then what (in the reality of the movie, that is, not in real reality - LOL) is being ejected when it fires? I think in this situation, caseless refers to non-jacketed ammo. I've just never been clear about this. Does it say anything about it in the USCM Technical Guide?
  17. Well then, by all means, where can I get one for $65? That's exactly the price range I was hoping for.
  18. OK, slight problem here. Now that I know the Beta is eventually coming, I have definitely been bitten by the "gotta have an Alpha" bug. The problem is that I only want the blue one (Scott's), but I've read that they have the worst quality of them all thus far. I've never even seen one of these in person, so I'm very reluctant to drop the cash to buy one sight unseen. Does anyone know if there's been word as to whether or not these will be reissued? Anyone know? If I could find a blue one for a decent price, I'd go ahead and buy one now...
  19. That Sunstreaker is beastly. I absolutely love it, even though it's nothing new. I guess I just fell in love with it way back before Dead End was announced, and I was extremely disappointed that it never made it out.
  20. ... from it in Starship Troopers? Specifically, the scene where the mobile infantry is first being dropped on Klendathu. It sounds exactly like the scene in the first episode of Zero when Shin first engages the MiG 29's. The Starship Troopers score was composed by Basil Poledouris (of Conan fame, BTW). That track on the The Macross Zero soundtrack I have is credited to Kuniaki Haishima. If that's the case, then which came first? Sorry if this is old, but I just now observed this while the TV was running in the background.
  21. Well, I'm enjoying the show so far. I am still a bigger fan of the original, but this one is definitely keeping me entertained. I can't wait to see how the Pegasus plays into things. On another note, I did some research on the FN Five-seveN which is being used in the show, and that is a truly fascinating handgun. Twenty round magazines, light armor piercing capacity, extremely light weight, highly concealable, and supposedly accurate out to 100 feet with iron sights. It sounds like it's almost too good to be true. I'm trying to find out if they are legal in NC without having to have a Class III FFL, because I'd like to add one to my collection.
  22. A few random thoughts after watching tonight: - Is it possible that Baltar is a Cylon...? ("They? You're talking to me as if I'm one of them.") - I can't help but wonder if the Imperious Leader or Lucifer will make an "updated appearance" at some point. - How is it that the handguns Apollo and Starbuck were using were taking out the Centurions so easily this time? I thought they had to use special APDS rounds on them? And exactly how many rounds do those things hold, anyway? - I really did not like how the new CAG was protrayed as so incompetent. I mean, c'mon. - How has it been shown that Boomer is actually pregnant?
  23. It would seem that I have become a HUGE fan of the first Conan movie after finally seeing it reel-to-reel for the first time this year. For reasons I can't quite understand, I used to be absolutely loath to watch it. Now I watch it every single time I see it on HBO or Cinemax, which is quite a bit as of late. I have got to find the soundtrack. I have to admit, though, that I refuse to watch the second Conan movie because it just doesn't seem... right. Now, my question. I read on IMDB that the runes on Conan's father's sword say something like "Suffer no guilt, ye who wield this in the name of Crom." (Absolutely awesome.) I was wondering if the runes on Conan's sword mean anything, or if they are runes at all?
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