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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Right on. We, as the "good guys," think we're supposed to be better than that. And to see some of our own stoop to the levels of the "bad guys" can be very shocking.
  2. It's safe to say that this issue has definitely rattled the cages of many a viewer. I'll give the writers credit for that. What really hits home for me, though, is that in this case the act of rape shows how humans can still stoop to their basest and cruelest of instincts. It's an interesting plot point which I feel will really break Baltar into becoming openly sympathetic and will finally cause him to join the Cylons. I never thought I might be tempted to root for the them even just a little bit, but when you see the Colonials acting this way, it's hard not to. But my biggest question is this. Why didn't the Pegasus' "interrogation party" take Sharon back to the Pegasus with them? That seems to me like a huge open door for the story. Perhaps Adama will once again enlist in Sharon's help to cripple the Pegasus? I am just so curious as to how they have managed to escape the Cylon virus attacks. Even more so, how did they manage to take down 15 squadrons of Raiders? I'm taking a wild guess here and thinking that perhaps Roslyn will either demote Cain or promote Adama in an attempt to keep the peace. Either way, Cain is not likely to respect anything Roslyn does, though.
  3. For as much of a Star Wars toy collector as I am, I do not care for the Transformers in the least. And Optimus Prime as a pickup truck? WTH? BAD call, Takara/whatever you're called now. It's really fugly, too. I'd vote it as the worst looking Binaltech in the line so far. However... Mirage as a Ford GT? Oh HELL yes. Now that just makes me all kinds of giddy. I've wanted to see a GT ever since I knew Ford had agreed on the Transformers license. Although not an F-1 racer as many had hoped, I'm still thrilled that Mirage is on the way.
  4. I would like to go on record as saying that COMMANDER Cain should pimp slap ADMIRAL Cain. "I'd smack that gall monging wench but good, by Kobol." *sigh* I am not happy that the Pegasus is a ship of a-holes and Cain is coming across as a tyrant.
  5. No one's recommended a flight stick other than the original AC5 set...
  6. Now that is funny as hell to me. I never thought of it that way before.
  7. I guess I'm in the minority, but I absolutely loved Lloyd Bridges as Cain. It's difficult to explain, but I felt that he displayed such admirable confidence that I couldn't help but like him. He was a loose cannon, sure, but he always looked after his crew, he always brought them back alive, AND he was giving the Cylons what for. Oh yeah, and I thought it was hilarious how afraid Baltar was of him.
  8. Man... I can't believe just how excited I am about this game already. I think I've watched the trailer at least a dozen times. I can only pray that I enjoy this one as much as I did AC5.
  9. Hahahahaha! Boxy! (sp?) I was wondering if eventually he (or as the case may be, she) might enter into the story. So many tips of the hat, I just love it. I was a huge fan of the original series, so anytime the new one makes tribute to it, I can't help but smile.
  10. I wonder what the odds are that he flight stick/throttle combo will be rereleased when this game comes out? I am really wanting one now, but they are bloody expensive. Anyone have any good recommendations?
  11. HELL yes! Huckebein! Pops was definitely one of my favorite characters in AC5. Is it just me, or is it Bartlett who says "are you still alive?" at the end of the trailer? It sounded like the same voice actor. Can someone please confirm?
  12. Oh WOW. Now this is truly exceptional timing. I was just wondering yesterday if there was any word about any new Ace Combat games. This has made my day! Project Aces: "Nothing Else Comes Close." Damn right. I cannot wait for this.
  13. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no. Not THAT Street Fighter movie. I meant the anime. If you ask me, Kurt Russel's character Col. O' Neil in Stargate was so much more like what I envision Guile to be like than anything else I've ever seen.
  14. Wellllllllllll, I'm fairly partial for obvious reasons, but I still love Guile's Mustang in the Street Fighter movie. (And no, I didn't particularly love the movie, but I love the games like nobody's business.) Bean Bandit's car was pretty sweet, too. Someone told me that the Gunsmith Cats spinoffs have a Mustang, but I've never seen any of that. Oh yeah, and I kinda have an affinity for the Command Cars in Patlabor. LOL.
  15. I do indeed have some pics. Many pics, actually, but I'll use some restraint here. This is my 4th Mustang now. I don't know if I'll ever have a 5th, but since I'm in no hurry to get married and have a family, you never know. The one thing missing is a vinyl UNSF logo in the back left window. For so long now, I've wanted a softball-sized one which says "VF-1J." I still have yet to find anyone who can make one like I want.
  16. So I'm halfway through the series now, and I have to say that "Who Monitors the Birds?," "Never No More," and "The Angriest Angel" are three of the finest episodes of any sci-fi show I've ever seen on TV. However, strangely enough, I am still having the occasional odd framerate droppage. I can't explain it as I've never seen any other DVD do this. I'm going to try these in my PC and see what happens. It could just be my old Xbox... By the way, I still have yet to figure out what the heck that thing is in the top right corner of the menu on each DVD! Does anyone know for sure?
  17. The kit looks nice to me, but it doesn't impress me nearly as much as the wheels. The look like Edelbrock 454's or Hallibrands. I'd love to have a set of those on my GT.
  18. OK, I picked up my copy the day it came out and have already watched the first two DVD's. A few curious questions, though. - The title screens are certainly bland. But what the heck is that thing in the upper right hand corner? Is it just me, or does it look suspiciously like Babylon 5?! What the...? - I've noticed that the framerate on some of the episodes seems very choppy (especially the second episode). Maybe it's just my Xbox, but has anyone else noticed this on their DVD player? - I saw what appeared to be a complete screw up in the episode entitled "Eyes." If you watch when Hawkes is holding the gun against Chaput and McQueen steps in to try to stop him, the scene seems to "chop" shortly thereafter and replay itself. Very unusual. I wasn't sure if it was originally shot this way, or if this is a DVD screw up. Overall, I'm still very happy to finally have this DVD series, even if it does have its quirks. It's just sad to me that Fox really didn't go out of their way to polish it up a bit. I really, really despise the people at Fox TV on so many levels.
  19. So I had this thought earlier. If this episode had had the last few minutes (namely, the theatre scene) cut off of it and you had to play a game of "spot the Cylon in this episode," how many of you honestly think you would have guessed that the reporter was it? Maybe it's just me, but I certainly didn't see that coming. That development has huge ramifications for future plot development, and I hope the writers do something truly inventive with it.
  20. Yeah, too many previous failures made people wary. That's a damn shame, but sadly understandable. Oooh, no one mentioned Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram yet! I absolutely loved that game as well.
  21. Axelay

    M7 VF-19 Valks

    Y'know, back when I very first learned of Macrossworld many years ago, one of my first experiences here was asking about the Macross 7 toys. My anime club at my university was actually watching Macross 7 from start to finish (2 episodes per week), and believe it or not, those are some of my very favorite memories from college. I attempted to buy a Fire Valkyrie through eBay, only to be thoroughly disappointed to find when it arrived that it was a bootleg. (This was my very first eBay purchase!) I came here to ask for help in identifying which Valkyries were "real" and which were not. Of all the people to help me out, Graham himself was kind enough to help me acquire a Bandai VF-19 Kai, VF-19 Blazer, and a VF-17D. It was right then that I knew that this was a truly excellent community of true fans. These were the VERY first Macross toys I ever owned, and my collection has grown steadily over the years. I have quite a few other things not in this picture. Just thought I'd share.
  22. My gosh. That is absolutely exceptional work! I could not be any more impressed.
  23. What really impressed me about this episode is that no one on the Galactica knows just exactly how screwed they are now. Every single thing the reporter recorded could be gleaned for tactical information which the Cylons obviously will find useful. Now they know exactly how thin the fighters are spread, how low morale in the fleet is, and how tenuous the leadership position appears to be. In other words, the writers have once again created an excellent setup for the Pegasus to enter the story and provide the Colonials with a much-needed boost. I had thought they were going to drag out the rift between Adama and Roslyn and that ultimately the Pegasus would side with Roslyn in an attempt to take command over the entire fleet. However, that certainly went in a different direction than I'd have guessed. Now, though, I like this setup a LOT better. It reminds me quite a bit of the original series when the Cylons were certain that they had the Galactica on the ropes and finally moved in for the kill, only to have the Pegasus show up and give them a hell of a scare (and ultimately tip the balance of the next few battles). I can't wait to see how it all plays out. In case you couldn't tell, I am very anxious to see how the Pegasus will factor into everything.
  24. I don't mind at all saying that I still to this day despise the PS2 because of the fact that it was the death knell for the Dreamcast based solely on the hype. How stupid. If I could quantify the amount of "fun" I've had with the Dreamcast vs. the PS2, then the numbers would be so unbalanced in the Dreamcast's favor that it wouldn't even really be a competition. Hell, the one and only reason I keep my PS2 around is for the Ace Combat games.
  25. There is truly a special place in my heart for my Dreamcast and its games - all of which I still have. I absolutely loved Phantasy Star Online, and I can hardly wait for Phantasy Star Universe. But Power Stone, though? That was the game which sold the system for me. I would get on my knees and beg for a new Power Stone game, perferably one which is online playable. But nooooooo, Capcom has to be complete slackers and not make it happen. Who the hell is in charge of maintaining their fighting games licenses nowadays?
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