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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Got an Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War t-shirt from my best friend who manages a Gamestop. He still hasn't heard if this one will be coming with a stick and throttle, though... Anybody have any other word?
  2. Awesome, thanks! Now, if only I could find the AC5 soundtrack as easily...
  3. Hmmm! Since I have owned both Bandais and bootlegs at some point, I think I can field this one. I started out owning the bootlegs and got them on eBay many years ago, Unbeknownst to me, I was not aware that they were bootlegs until after I received them. The Fire Valkyrie is not so bad, really, but the Blazer leaves a lot to be desired. The one I had had red shoulders and the Fire Valkyrie's wings (molded in blue), whereas the Bandai Blazer's wings are the correct shape. Oddly enough, both the bootleg Blazer and the Bandai Blazer come with the speaker pod launcher which is completely incorrect. The stickers which came with mine were decent - almost on par with the Bandai ones. Plastic quality is just about the same as well, but the Bandai ones didn't have any plastic tree spurs or poorly-fitting parts. The bootlegs would make for decent customizers if you can get both of them for $35. I still have my Bandais, but I parted with the bootlegs long ago. My Bandais were the VERY FIRST Macross toys I ever owned, and I still love 'em to death. I was also fortunate enough to have gotten them directly from Graham many years ago. I still hope and pray that maybe someday Yamato will find a way to produce a VF-17...
  4. What the heck plane is that...?! It looks wicked! Definitely a strong resemblance to the 19, but I also see a little bit of the Mave from Yukikaze as well.
  5. Awesome! I still love both Dig Dug and Legos to this day. I would have never thought that Legos would lend themselves so well to old school sprites like these, but this is perfect.
  6. I love it. I can watch almost any of their shows with fighter planes in them - especially ones about the A-10 and P-51. I tend to see those more often than not.
  7. So this is a somewhat off-topic bit of questioning, but I have been playing Battlefield 2 lately and the new Euro Force expansion just came out. I have been looking so forward to this because of the addition of the Eurofighter Typhoon, but I can't understand a few things about how it "flys" in the game. I know, I know, it's just a game, but I am still curious about it. - I thought canard wings were supposed to make a plane more stable and thus could make better/sharper banking turns and have a tighter turn radius? That's not the case at ALL in BF2. I'd go so far as to say that the Typhoon is VERY poor in terms of yaw control as well. - In reality, does the Typhoon actually carry bombs close to the outside edges of its wings...? I always thought that bombs were carried closer to the fuselage. In the game, the bombs are so far out on the wings that it is VERY difficult to be able to drop 2 of them on a target the size of a tank. I have tons of bomb kills with all of the other fighters, but the Typhoon is going to take some serious practice. - One thing which I immediately recognized that the Typhoon does better than any other fighter is accelerate and decelerate. This is extremely advantageous in dogfighting. I couldn't bomb tanks worth a crap, but I was eating everybody else in the sky alive and was dodging missiles like I've never been able to before. - Just as a side note, the one in the game does have the gun. So... um... anybody else playing and can share some "real world" insight into this?
  8. Gah! Oh man, do I care! I'll get my best friend to grab me a free copy of that demo this weekend (hopefully). Now I just need a flight stick. I surely do wish I could find some kind of adaptor that would allow me to use my PC flight stick on my PS2...
  9. Just some random thoughts. - I really don't expect Baltar to remain with the fleet after this turn of events. That is, so long as this turn of events actually exists outside of his imagination... I hope that's not the case. - I wonder what Adama did with Sharon and the Cavil cylons? That was the #1 question I wanted answered about what happened during the period of the year. - Really now, why did the Colonials not spend the year fortifying their position? Seems like that'd have been the first thing I'd have done even though they felt like the Cylons had moved on. - Wonder what was done about having enough Tylium to continue to power the orbiting fleet?
  10. Reporter = D'Anna Biers Galactica Press liason = Doral Smuggler = Leoben Baltar's lover = Six/Shelley/Gina Doctor = Simon Preacher = Cavil Galactica pilot = Sharon
  11. Two new movies went up on Gamespot this week. Read the preview here! I see some things which I already really like. - The good ol' F-5E Tiger II is back. I still love this thing mainly because Shin Kazama flies it. - They specifically mention Huckebein by name in one of the movies! I really want to see more of Pops and Bartlett, so I hope Namco won't let me down. - The art looks simply astounding - superior to AC5 in terms of detail.
  12. Pegasus not being destroyed = YAY!!! This makes me extremely happy, for some reason. Cally being brutalized = BOO!!! I hope she is OK... I really don't want her to wind up dead. I am looking very much forward to the finale! Thanks for the plot summary! (I guess I'm in the minority, but I really like to know what's going to happen.)
  13. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode - significantly more so than the last two. One of the things which interested me the most was that we finally did get to see that the Pegasus has stacked decks, and one of them is for inverted landings. Something which I am now very curious about is whether or not the Pegasus will still meet an untimely demise now that Lee is in command. I believe that it's going to end badly for it sooner or later, but now I have the hope that it's a little more "protected" with a major cast member at its helm.
  14. Huh. I feel like my new Mustang GT handles much better in the turns than any of my previous ones ever did. I tend to be extremely agressive in corners (to the dismay of my tires), and I feel like it really doesn't lean as much as many other cars I've driven. It also has a significantly tighter turn radius than any of the other Mustangs I've had. It is very heavy, though! Bar none the heaviest "feeling" of all of them.
  15. Perhaps it's something as simple as the Cylons' "bargaining strategy for peace" would allow the Colonials to return to Caprica before they settle on the new planet so that they can extract the people left behind (the resistance)? Now there's a complex sentence.
  16. Finally, some shots of the Hasbro Titanium line. (Courtesy of Rebelscum.) Go here for the other images - they're at the bottom of the page. Toyfair 2006 coverage
  17. Y'know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm becoming increasingly worried about this show. The first half of season 2 was pretty good, but I feel like the second half is all over the map. How many times is Lee going to get shot/shot down? And how many more times can Starbuck be made to look like a complete screw up? She was a loose cannon before, but I could definitely enjoy that. It just seems to me like there has become entirely too great a focus on everyone's character flaws, and not enough focus on the imminent... "threat" of the Cylons. (Of course, they don't seem all that threatening right now.) And when was the last time Earth was mentioned? Well, here's hoping that things start becoming more appealing to me. I'm certainly not going to stop watching.
  18. Something which has been bugging me - do the mkVII Vipers have 2 cannons or 3? I could swear it's 3 since it appears that they have one on the dorsal fin, but I never have seen it being fired. What is this thing if it's not a cannon?
  19. Thank you so much for adding a page dedicated to the VF-0, Graham! This makes me . I am so looking forward to getting one of these.
  20. Absolutely agreed. I've never seen finished models of the quality that wm cheng turns out. His is a truly exceptional talent!
  21. Did anyone else notice Starbuck's scar on her abdomen? I had completely forgotten about that. Wonder what it's eventual significance - if any - will be?
  22. I definitely enjoyed this episode. What particularly did it for me is the notion that Raiders "learn" from their mistakes when they are reborn. I wish they had brought this up much earlier! I do find it interesting that the Pegasus has the ability to produce new Vipers. I wonder what else it's capable of? Against all odds, I sincerely hope that it doesn't meet an unfortunate demise... It's funny, I'm really pulling for Starbuck to get back to her guy now. I know what it's like when you get "hung up" on someone you really care for, and it's all you can do to stay focused because you think about that person so much. (Tom Arnold: "Women. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em." )
  23. Mirage = simply incredible. Can't wait for this one. Rumble = ugh. I also cannot stand the kibble. Let's hope this one turns out better than the concept art. Star Wars Transformers = For as much as I love Star Wars and as much as I love Trasformers, these are two things which just don't belong together. I absolutely loathe every one of these which I've seen so far, and they just keep getting worse.
  24. So let me go out on a limb here and ask a stupid question... does this mean that JLU is officially NOT cancelled?! I keep hearing so many crazy things about it and Teen Titans that I can't keep up with them all. If it's coming back to Cartoon Network in the near future, then HELL YES. I want a box set of this entire show so badly now.
  25. Mine stands on its landing gears pretty well. Not like 1/48 well, obviously, but they do all touch the ground. However, there's only a millimeter or so of clearance between the ground and the Cyclone storage compartment...
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