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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Huh. Is that Red Skull's car on the right? And standing in front of it, could that possibly be the Russian from the Punisher movie...? (Nah, way too far a stretch.)
  2. For some reason, the thought of Ryu trying to fly something like this amuses me to no end. He really looks like he's pissed off making the attempt. 🤣
  3. Wow. That thing looks like it's got some beef. Really want to see the cycle mode now.
  4. As a devout Cable collector, I must have that new version. However, recycling the weapons is just insanely lazy - especially when this one passes so easily for Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Thankfully, I can hope that 3D print customizers should be able to solve this eventually with some new offerings.
  5. Also watched the first 3 today. I can't help but feel, though, that in order for this season to work in terms of (sequel) canon, won't it have to have a particularly unhappy ending? Unless the "storytelling out" is that Project Necromancer isn't actually a success and Palpatine has to resort to other not-as-perfect means...?
  6. So the Japanese version will have an English translation option...? I want this in a big way - mainly for my man Gamrin - but I don't want Harmony Gold to have anything to do with it.
  7. I've been askin' about that for, what, 3 years now? 😭
  8. Which raises the question, why would Thrawn commit such resources to taking out Bo-Katan? She doesn't seem like she's in a position to be much of a threat at the moment. But logistically speaking, given that Interceptors and Bombers weren't as common as TIE Fighters, it makes sense that they would have come from a full-size ISD. It makes me wonder from where they were deployed (as in how close to the planet so as not to be obvious), though.
  9. Well that certainly took a rather dark turn. Never once before have I ever stopped to think that the clones and First Blood-era John Rambo might have something in common. They were trained for one very specific purpose, and so what do they do with their lives once they are no longer ordered to serve that purpose? I am very curious to see where Crosshair has wound up.
  10. Every single one of those is a must-have. Wow. The only nitpick is that Low Light's gun seems a bit on the small side. Good thing that Gridiron just dropped their big honkin' M82 Barrett.
  11. I'm so annoyed that I can't seem to get Legacy Dead End anywhere - even online - without having to pay more than twice retail. That's the last one I need to finish Menasor.
  12. Axelay

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I am well into the minority, but I absolutely LOVE this color scheme. I've wanted this exact Star Mirage since I first saw it all the way back in college.
  13. Which will still make me squeal like my daughter when I see it. 🤪
  14. I'm still hung up on Kenari, largely due to one line of dialogue... I guess we won't know for sure for at least another two years. Ugh.
  15. OK, I have questions about loose ends... I'm not expecting answers to most of these, but it's more a matter of whether or not anyone else is also wondering about these same items. Eh, just randomly thinking.
  16. Axelay

    Hi-Metal R

    That really high-pitched squealing sound you heard a little while ago? Yeah, that was me when I saw the photo of the Hi-Metal Fire Valkyrie. The Kai will always, always have a very special place in my heart.
  17. What are the odds that this would get a worldwide rerelease now that there are rumors of Bandai doing so with older Valkyries...? I still have my original one, but would be more than happy to buy a second with new shoulders.
  18. Got preparation notification from BBTS. My Pile of Loot is going to be epic if Kintaro doesn't break everything else in the box...
  19. Whoa. Now that is awesome looking...
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