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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. The Nostromo was a mining tug. The Prometheus is a dedicated research vessel which is probably ridiculously well-funded. It seems to me like the type of equipment between a mining tug and a research vessel is probably going to differ drastically in quality, even if there is a time gap between the two.
  2. Define "fairly reasonable" in terms of armor pack, please?
  3. This was utterly fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing more!
  4. LOL!!! "Hulk smash... dem guts!"
  5. Forgive me if I'm out of line for asking this, but what if we were actually willing to fly all the way to CA just to see May'n? I've contemplated this quite seriously.
  6. Is there any hope of still finding a VF-25S Ozma renewal anywhere without having to resort to eBay? I can't believe that these are going for almost $400 now...
  7. I utterly cannot believe that the Ace Combat 6 flight stick won't work with this game. That pretty much demotes this game from "will buy" to "will not go anywhere near" for me.
  8. Does this game work with the Xbox 360's Ace Combat 6 stick? Just want to be sure...
  9. I'm surprised no one has yet posted the Trigun Cowboy video. Hands down the best one I've ever seen. On Youtube
  10. Got a new batch made and have posted info in the For Sale section. Please take a look if you're interested. Thanks! New batch of decals for 2011
  11. I'll be posting info about these in the For Sale thread once I have them in hand. I'm really aiming for $10 each + $1 for shipping just like I did back in 2005.
  12. Thought I'd share this for the newer members of this community. Back in 2005, I had an idea to create a super high-quality UN Spacy decal for my new Mustang. I didn't want some sticker on the outside of the car - I wanted something which would be placed on the glass on an inside window and would last for years. Here we are in 2011, and I've had a couple of people ask me about doing another run of these decals. It's taken 6 years, but my original is starting to fade just a little bit. Here are some images from the first run. Each of these decals is 4.5" in diameter and is very glossy. Mine has remained applied to my rear windshield ever since I first put it there and has never bubbled or cracked. I once considered doing a low-visibility version of this decal in gray tones, but I never got a prototype created. One more project which I never got completely off the ground was a mockup of a UNS base parking pass. I did have a prototype of this made, but it was the only one which I ever did. It was designed so that people could change the numbers and could add in their own text for the main field (e.g. 05, 66, and AXELAY could be customized). I recently had to have my windshield replaced, and I lost my one-of-a-kind decal along with it. I'm tempted to see if I can get this project back out of storage and make another one of these as well.
  13. I really, really want to know who the animals were battling in this episode. We didn't see a single second of any opposition aside from the big cannon.
  14. Ugh. Now that I'm finally in the market for a Fire Valkyrie, I can't find one in stock. HLJ is on backorder, Amiami is on backorder, and most other places are marking them up a decent bit. Any suggestions?
  15. Where would be the best place (price + shipping) to have one of these sent to the east coast USA? I've slaved like a crazy person building my school's new network this summer, and I think I may just reward myself with a Fire Valkyrie.
  16. I think she flew one in one of the end-of-episode shorts back when she was Gamrin's instructor. Top Gamrin, I believe.
  17. Best. Macross. News. Of. The. YEAR. Give me the D, please, and I will put down a preorder on it right now.
  18. A Max VF-22 for under $100? Yes, please. Now I can finally take that super disappointing VF-25S Armored Messiah off of my desk.
  19. Oh... wow. I had not seen that video before. As a HUGE fan of MKII, I am starting to look forward to this one. I would honestly love to see Kintaro return. Screw that awful Motaro.
  20. You have my undivided attention now. I would like to know more about this when the information (e.g. pictures) becomes available.
  21. I think I found just the book I need to prove my point. Iron Man: The Art of Iron Man 2 at Amazon There's a video clip someone posted of a flip-through of the book, and you can see that there's a section for the Mark VI. I really want this book now.
  22. *sigh* Nerd anger on: Was at the midnight showing at my closest theater, and the manager did a trivia thing for prizes before the show. He asked which suit was the one with the triangle on it, and I answered Mark VI. He said this was wrong, and he called on someone else who said that the answer was the Mark IV. I was like WTF, I've been reading about this for almost 6 months now. Today I went to Target and bought the Mark VI suit of the "Hall of Armor" toys which comes with the light up base and took it back to the theater. I politely introduced myself and explained that I felt like the answer last night was incorrect, so I showed the package to the manager who then claimed that the toy was wrong. Um... OK, so Marvel is gonna let Hasbro make millions of dollars of these toys and other merchandise and they're all labeled wrong? I then pulled out my phone and went to the Wikipedia page about it and showed him what it says about each of the suits in this movie and he claimed that it wasn't a credible source. So then I went to find production images and showed him the scene with the 4 suits in the workshop and pointed out that the Mark IV in the background still has the circular chestpiece. He claimed that since he had read the answer in a Marvel encyclopedia that he was correct and I was wrong. Ugh. If there wasn't a prize involved in this (which was a stack of free movie passes), I'd be content to let him continue to be wrong, but noooooooooooooo. Now I just can't let it go. LOL. I don't suppose anyone knows of any official images or storyboards with labels online which clearly specify which suit is which?
  23. I have to say that I'd buy the costume pack simply because Garrus' damaged armor drives me crazy. Surely he could get a new suit at some point.
  24. Please... please... let it be able to hold its gunpod in fighter mode... 'cause I WANT it.
  25. I say with tremendous pride that the old Bandai VF-19 Kai is the first Valkyrie fighter I've ever owned, and I got it from Graham, no less. I couldn't be any happier about this news. This is a must-have for me. I look forward to seeing pictures.
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