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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. Completely agree. I would like this design SO much more if the tailfins did... something other than just hang there.
  2. My order from Big In Japan just arrived. I am shocked, because I wasn't expecting it until Monday. Tokyo to Raleigh, NC in 3 days. That's almost ridiculous. I haven't opened the YF-19 box yet (other than lifting the lid for a quick inspection, and it all looks perfect so far), but I have to say that this was extremely well packed with great care. Tissue paper, bubble wrap, brown packing paper - it was all so neatly prepared that I am greatly impressed. I think that this store has earned my repeat business. Here's hoping that once I get the 19 out of the box that it will still be immaculate.
  3. Quoted for great truth. I just don't even like the underwing armaments on this Valkyrie. They seem out of place to me.
  4. Yes, I have shipping confirmation and a tracking number. No worries for me.
  5. I agree. This is my only gripe with this Valkyrie, and it's a BIG, probably deal-breaking, gripe for me... Everything else is just amazing.
  6. My money already got spent months ago when I preordered with Big In Japan. I've never dealt with them before, so you have no idea how nervous/anxious I am to have this finally arrive in my hands. If they do me right, then I will forever sing their praises. We're getting down to the home stretch now, so I'll find out soon enough...
  7. Got one! Thanks for the heads up!
  8. So... any not-insane preorders still out there anywhere...? I'm afraid that I'm becoming a little panicky.
  9. I'd go for it at that price. If you decide to back out or if your contact has room for one more order, then I'd be down.
  10. I severely regret not getting in on the preorder bandwagon now. I am increasingly fearing that the price of these is going to skyrocket by the time they are available. (Which is when, exactly...?)
  11. I am totally looking forward to seeing more Jaimie Alexander as Sif. She's lovely.
  12. OK, I will definitely be getting one of these. I'm kinda tickled that they finally did an underbarrel grenade launcher.
  13. LOL. My very favorite thing to do with all of the XCOM games was to tinker with the values of... well, just about everything. My guys were runnin' around with Gauss rifles which put the heavy sonic cannons to shame. And they could take different ammo types, too for high explosive and stun effects. SO much fun. And my blasters/disruptors could atomize small towns. I didn't mind the challenge of TFTD so much after I leveled the playing field a bit. I seem to recall the only thing which I didn't like about the game was the occasional "bug hunt" in a multi-level alien base. There would be one bastard cowering in a corner somewhere, and I'd have to go "quarter-in search-by-twos" until I found him. I did find Bradford's line in Enemy Within's fishing village special mission regarding "we should be thankful that it wasn't a cruise ship" pretty darned funny since I got the reference. I just hope that Firaxis is already hard at work on a proper sequel. Enemy Within was SO much more a complete experience. Now I want more bases! And more soldiers per mission!
  14. Eh, I dunno about that. Every couple of months, I wind up having to disassemble the hips on my VF-25S and re-super glue them. The glue seems to eventually... well, powerderize isn't quite the right way to describe it, but it deteriorates and crumbles. I'm using regular quality brush-applicable brand-name Krazy Glue in the green bottle. I've had to reapply this stuff at least 5-6 times now since I've had the Armored Messiah. I do transform it every so often, and I'm sure that that has a lot to do with this. I've also tried clear nail polish, and that didn't work well either. I think because the legs + armor cause so much wear on the ball joint, mine are difficult to keep in action poses. I wish that the stands for the renewals were a little shorter so that you could place the "feet" right on the SMS base and help reduce a bit of the load. (Anybody have any creative Shapeways solutions for this...?)
  15. Thanks for that heads up. I'm a sucker for a good deal on a Valkyrie. I had been so gung-ho to get the Super packs for my VF-25S, but now I'm just in love with the look of the Super packs on the VF-25A. Gotta have 'em both...
  16. Preordered with Big In Japan. Never done business with them before, so I hope it goes smoothly.
  17. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to preorder with them. I've never done business with them before, so it's a gamble. But for their price, I am willing to roll the dice.
  18. Just figured out how to customize decals in the BF4 beta. Now, whenever I kill somebody, they will see my decal. I have also learned that custom decals will be imprinted on any vehicle into which you're driving. So now I will have the "kite" plastered on my tanks, helicopters, and hopefully jets (in the full version)! It's not 100% perfect, but I'm satisfied with it.
  19. Who's currently offering the best price + shipping on the armor packs...? N-Y is asking 6,180JPY before shipping.
  20. What's the best deal going on a FAST Pack preorder? I see NY has them for 6,180¥.
  21. So beautiful. Cannot wait to see more. (Although I am terrified of the price tag...)
  22. Couldn't agree more.
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