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Everything posted by LRS

  1. Honestly it feels like they are trolling. Why not just say 100 dollar shipping and be done with it.
  2. Hmm so wait till next year to receive my packages or give DHL my first born son as payment
  3. Oh. My. God
  4. I've gotten an email from okini saying they have shipped mine
  5. You don't. That's why I'm not used to it. I typically don't buy anything from Japan...until I rediscovered this hobby.
  6. I've learned I will never use NY for anything ever based on what I've read here. I've Blacklisted them.
  7. Guess I'm just not used to that. I get pissy for anything over 10 dollars in shipping These shipping companies must love it when foreigners buy things from Japan
  8. Yay! My pre-order for fast packs shipped!! I wonder when next year they'll arrive
  9. I swear I read exactly that years ago. Macros mecha manual maybe? Although it doesn't say that now.
  10. Huh. Well I learned something today. Those suits looked sweet. Would have liked to see more of those. Oh! Almost forgot to ask. Are there model kits or toys of those suits?
  11. agreed. I still have those series.....you know what? I actually never watched the last episode of zero. I should rectify that. It's been on my to-do list for a long time. I suppose the singing wasn't in your face like it is now. It wasn't like Minmei was piloting a vf-1. It was pretty background stuff
  12. I was under the impression that the zendradi terrorists were micronized ones that refused to integrate into human society and thus weren't true Zentradi in the....big sense. At least wasn't that the case in macross plus? Weren't those sweet power suites actually piloted by micronized people?
  13. Thanks! I didn't know about the Mac 2 history.
  14. Well you all raise excellent points. I forgot about there being more Zentradi. I'm torn, should they bring back the Zentradi as a prominent recurring antagonist or would that be recycling plot. Seems odd that the Zentradi would ignore humans considering the damage they did. There still seem to be a ton of them out there. I'd be interested to see if any other fleets or factory satellites have different enemy mecha. Too bad about destroids. I liked them. I thought macross 2 wasn't cannon. Ill watch macross delta. Maybe ill like it. Watches intro of first episode. Ooh zombie virus that sounds cool. Gets to walkure tactical sound force . Sigh...I'm just not Japanese. I can't with the idol stuff And while I'm being a crotchety old man, I miss hand drawn animation.
  15. Has anyone thought that transforming fighters post Zentradi are kind of pointless? Ok, let's put aside the fact that its a transforming robot show I get it. But it seems to me that the shows don't do a good job of showing the military necessity for a transforming plane and instead focus on transformation because its cool or because they can. It would seem to me that the majority of the military should be non transforming planes with a small amount for special ops situations. If you need bipedal mecha what about the poor unloved destroids. Granted I haven't seen some of the newer shows but have there even been any new destroid designs other than the monster because no one on this forum really talks about them if there are. Have they scrapped the destroid idea because I guess they are redundant. Maybe I'm just thinking the macross franchise is becoming a bit stale creatively. Seems to me it is just rehashing the same theme as the original with unfortunately a greater emphasis on the singing part. I'm ready for a destroid series, without singing.
  16. Thanks for the info. I guess its me but the winglet looks too big to me in the wave model
  17. Did Hasegawa ever do a vf-4? Seems like an odd omission since its such beautiful plane. I know wave did one but its proportions look off to me.
  18. Lol. Yes. 0.5 is for pussies. 0.1-0.3 is where its at.
  19. I always imagined that dual strike cannons are reserved for the baddest badass who doesn't need to rely on a cloud of missiles to take down pods. A sharpshooter.
  20. Combine both for the ultimate Kyehige version!! Do you think those are 0.3mm drilled holes for the lights?
  21. Does Bandai ever upgrade or change their products in between production runs?
  22. I always wanted more stories in that setting. Always intrigued me.
  23. No worries. My comment was not to you in particular but something I've noticed in general across a multitude of differing models. Your stuff is sweet. It makes me conjure up a backstory every time I see it. I hope to reach your level one day. Might be heretical to say this but your model is what I imagine a remnant RDF valk to look like post Invid Invasion.
  24. Sparkly...
  25. So much model goodness here! Inspirational!
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