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Everything posted by weiser21

  1. Dude, if you haven't already, you should make a YouTube channel and monetize your hobby.
  2. Who did the custom paint job? Looks like they did a good job! I'm scared to ask how much it cost.
  3. I haven't been mountain biking in a while. Too damn hot now in Texas. Definitely wouldn't do it on a couple hours of sleep.
  4. I paid a fellow MWer $95 shipped for set of missiles. Got here yesterday,
  5. How much does it cost to ship though? Only DHL is available to USA.
  6. I bit the bullet and ordered one too. My wife's gonna kill me.
  7. NY has TV Roy for 35k Yen. Too rich for my blood. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/31609-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1s-valkyrie-roy-focker-special.html
  8. Luna Park still has TV supers at 12,800 Yen https://www.lunapark.store/product-page/bandai-dx-chogokin-super-parts-set-for-tv-edition-vf-1-japan-version
  9. I remember those days. I have a Max and a Milia 1/55 Takatoku I bought on eBay with gun pod missiles still on tree and unused sticker sheet. I paid way for them individually than the highest TV Roy you can find now. I was single and had no responsibilities though.
  10. So how do pre-orders from AE work? I made payment for the item but not shipping. Will they email me later with shipping cost once the item is in hand?
  11. Placed an order for super parts from AE. I'll use them on my Max, I don't have super parts for it yet. Thanks for the links dudes!
  12. Literally slept again and lost out on TV Roy.
  13. Man, I missed out on TV Roy and the super parts. You snooze you loose.
  14. Anyone know if FJ surface shipping has tracking or insurance? Anyone ever lost a sipment?
  15. Dude, I had an EMS shipment stuck in Tokyo Int for over a month. I shipped something via surface mail and it got here 2 weeks faster than the EMS package. I made the EMS purchase one week after the surface mail purchase too.
  16. That's pretty cool dude!
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