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Everything posted by Delta-One-One

  1. Probably need a bank balance equally as big to afford it. Judging by what I can see, the overall size would be approaching that of the table it's sat on!
  2. Here's a few. Just finished Minmei. Doesn't look too bad, and I am not great at painting figures. The large VF-1S used to be a Bandai StarScream. I have 3 of them, and that one was particularly scruffed up so I painted it up as it should always have been. The VF-1A is a recent build. Had it sat around and it was a spare kit. - in the collection.
  3. @MechTech Trents, then Beatties. I used to love that shop when it was around. I knew someone who worked there (I used to build their display kits for them). I got a few kits from them, but I mostly remember Xabungle kits being on their shelves. That motorized VF-1J is some next level modelling! I'd struggle to do that in 1/48th, let alone 1/72nd. Mind you, in 1/48th scale the way the cockpit is put together is totally different and doesn't give me much room to work with - even with major hacking. I've done the wings and tails already (but I just couldn't see a way to do the formation lights - just not enough depth to the plastic to work with). The cockpit instrument panel is minute - I might be able to run some fibres but it won't be a lot. I have small LEDs for use on the MLG landing lights, and flickering ones for use on the engines. When things quieten down I wouldn't mind getting a 1/20th scale Valkyrie - that has got to have some really interesting options for extreme modding!
  4. ...and I just about finished this VF1-D. Currently building a 1/48th VF-1J. Working out how to add lights using fibre optic. The wings and tails are done, but a lot more to still work out. Not much room to play with, and I don't really know what the results will be like. Still, it has to be tried!
  5. I have just over 300 boxed kits (all stored out of the sun so no fading hopefully), and around 50 made kits (most posted on this forum). That's just the Macrosss/Robotech related stuff. Also a whole bunch of toys (some re-branded). Slightly off topic, I also have all the comics - there used to be a comic shop not far from Comet Miniatures, and that was always my second port of call. I managed to pick up a box of Robotech trading cards there (one packet opened by someone unfortunately but otherwise full). I also would have loved the Macross VISA card - how cool is that! As far as I can tell it was never available in the UK. You guys in the US/Japan had much better access to Robotech/Macross kits back in the day. It never really took off here, and I only found out about it because I used to play Battletech and came across some of the re-boxed FASA kits. In fact some of the first Macross kits I made are done as Battletech units and not Macross. Marauder, Stinger, Stinger LAM, Centurion, Wasp, Spartan, Warhammer, and Phoenix Hawk. They also 'borrowed' Mech designs from Dougram and Crusher Joe. The FASA kits led me onto the only Robotech books I could find at the time (they were found in a local Sci-Fi shop called Blackwells - also sadly now gone).
  6. @Shawn, I used to go to a place in London called Comet Miniatures (sadly closed now). I used to go there a lot and always bought Macross items when I was there. I hadn't been for years and I went there for old times sake. The owner remembered me, and I found 3 of the Nichimo kits I was missing. We chatted, then he said "Oh, I have something for you"! He came back with that box. He gave it to me. I really, really miss that place. It had an Alladins cave down stairs chock full of different kits. Once in a while I would find a gem or two.
  7. And these. I don't like moving the Cyclone - its quite fragile. Its fully transformable, but I just leave it like this.
  8. If anyone knows where I can find the following so I can complete my box of Nichimo kits (pictured earlier in the forum): HBUE16-200, HBUE17-200, HBUE25-200, HBUE26-200, HBUE33-200, HBUE34-200, and HBUE35-200 that would be awesome. When I get a few minutes I'll upload a few more pics. I started out getting into Mechs by playing BattleTech. Some kits were made to reflect that universe and not Macross. A mix of Dougram and even Crusher Joe in there too.
  9. Really nice build. If only I could get this past the missus.....
  10. I loved making this VF-11B kit, but I couldn't do much with the control surfaces - the kit doesn't quite match the drawings, and on the kit the control surfaces extend into the body (which didn't seem to be the case on the reference material I could find).
  11. 1/72nd YF19. I have a 1/48th scale one too.
  12. YF21. Modified it quite a bit. Made a removable engine piece and made a few mods to the wings. Damn, these models are dusty! Sorry!!!
  13. VF21 in 'fast' mode.
  14. Alpha in all modes.
  15. And last for today....
  16. Few more pics. Sorry - they are a bit dusty. Had them for years!
  17. And here's a couple of kits - after seeing Macross with the F14 in it. Also did a mock F18, and an EC2.
  18. And here are a few kits I've made. Not all strictly Macross, I;ll upload a few more when I get time.
  19. Some amazing kits on here. I have around 300 still boxed and not touched. But this item took me years - and I am still a few kits short. An original Nichimo display box with most of the kits!
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