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  1. Thanks, I wanted to take advantage of the XL-3 booster being significantly cheaper now for my Gernsback and Arbalest, I guess I'll have to wait 10 years for the XL-2 to be produced and 2 more years to go on sale. 😃
  2. Hey folks; Does anybody know if the Meral Build XL-3 Booster is compatible with other MBs besides de Laevatein? I was planning to get it for the MB Gernsback and MB Arbalest, but I'm windering if any of you already tried to put the togerher. Thanks!
  3. Oh man, this is so touching that would gladly share one with you if only I had secured pre-orders for this monstrosity, but here I was, at 4:59 Pacific Time, ready to smash the F5 button at USAGundamStore just to realize the preorder had happened an hour earlier, so I share your pain! I pre-ordered at Sugo, but I know my chances are slim. Good luck!
  4. Ah, I didn't know they were the same, I have not opened my other VF-1's. What's the 'WTB'' section? I looked for it on this forum, but didn't get a straight reference. Thanls!
  5. Unfortunately both got lost, I didn't even get to use them, they must have fallen off the tray when I was putting the plastic cover back.
  6. Hey guys, is anybody selling one of the Dx Chogokin VF-1J antennas? Or knows where I can get one? Unfortunately they are too small that it just got lost without noticing for a while. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for your response. They didn't even bothered sending me an apology, haha. I probably made the mistake of changing the shipping method to parcel when they reached out to me in Jan asking for more money for shipping, I paid the extra cost and that was the last time I heard from them. I'll keep trying with tickets since it looks like they don't have the live chat option anymore. Thanls!
  8. That's great, may I know when you placed your order? I placed mine last year and never got mine in January, I've been creating tickets since then and no response at all.
  9. Thanks for the advice, I guess the worse that can happen is that I pay a few more bucks at Nin-Nin Game if they keep selling the reservations they still have available. Thanks!
  10. Hey guys; I'm a little late for theDX CHOGOKIN YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (SAOTOME ALTO CUSTOM) FULL SET PACK pre-order and most of the online stores with decent prices have closed the pre-order, I see it is still available for pre-order at Nin-Nin Game for $291.41 (+ shipping), is that a decent price? Do you know of another reputable store with a better price? Thanks!
  11. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter, that has saved me hundreds of dollars with scalpers and other websites that increase their prices when their quantities go low (I hope I'm not hurting anybody with this comment, haha).
  12. Thanks for adding some perspective, I get their perspective as business owners, but I don't think they should get 'emotional' trying to justify why this may be a common practice for them. Anyway, I'm done with that topic. Regarding your question on the MB Concept 2, bluefin just posted earlier today that they will have it available and they will soon announce when they will open the preorder window, so expect a bloodbath if a lot of people in the US are also looking for it, because I'm guessing you will not get it cheaper from anywhere else. Good luck with your hunt!
  13. Thanks for your input, I got in touch with them and to point out that their website estimated $60 to ship the MB Astray Red Frame Kai via Fedex US express (3 days), which has the same box dimensions and is slightly heavier than the Snow White. They told me their website is wrong, and that I should ignore their rates, I just pointed out that it was inneficient for their business and customers whom place an order, to get into another round of discussions because the initial payment is predetermined to be wrong. I get what you guys are saying, valid points, but there are several things that are fishy in this situation, but I guess we'll just have to deal with this until shipping is stabilized. Thanks!
  14. I included the outer package weight and dimensions (I already received the same item from other vendors, so I can be precise with my inputs), don't assume everybody you intereact with are 15 and have no clue how shipping works. I didn't ask the question to feel good or bad, I asked to see if somebody has had similar experiences with this vendor that seems to be taking advantage of the situation, but you seem to have an incentive to defend their rate, even when facts seem to prove they're being unfair. Anyway, thanks for your input, I wish I had received feedback from somebody whom has been in a similar situation with them recently.
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