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Everything posted by capt.actionjackson

  1. Datterboy, I completely sympathize with your pain in collecting Macross toys, but I think it's just a matter of setting limits for yourself. As a father and homeowner, it just seems nutty to me to be spending $450+ a shot to try and get every single valk that is coming down the line. So, I basically drew a line in the sand for myself and figured out what I would or wouldn't want to own. I decided that I didn't want non-canon valks and the only one I have wanted (the vf-0) has already been re-released once, so I'm sure it'll come down the pike again.
  2. Nah, I don't think Paramount is capable of that. They'd rather go in for the killing stroke and destroy Trek-fandom completely with a weak reboot.
  3. Hasn't the price of producing the valks fallen for Yamato (due to production refinement, re-using the same molds with slight repaints)? So, shouldn't the repaints and re-release just gravy/profit? I would think that would give them a good reason to bring prices down a few dollars.
  4. Maybe the easisest thing to do is to go completely animated, Pixar style. The budget would be reasonable (no costly special FX) and you could have an animated younger version of Kirk and Spock, voice by Shatner and Nimoy. Everybody wins!
  5. I definitely agree with Mog. They created such a great universe, it would be a shame to put it to bed after all that history. I'd s really like to see the Timm-verse version of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
  6. Maybe the reboot would be better served by taking it back to Christopher Pike's time as captain of the Enterprise? That way we don't have to watch somebody try...to channel...Kirk...
  7. A little thread necromancy, but completely relevant: Bruce Timm comes back to DCAU The DCAU version of the Death of Superman? Sweet. This will erase the memory of Braniac Attackzor!!??!! at least.
  8. I thought I read somewhere, heck it was probably here, that someone spoke to a Toynami rep at a con recently and they were considering a STATIC/non-transformable Beta that would attach to the Alphas.
  9. I'm sure someone with photoshop can enhance these, but I think Crispin Glover looks much more like the joker than Ledger.
  10. Nolan and Bale did a great job bringing back Batman's diginity (no nippled batsuits = good Batman film) and returning him to his Dark Knight roots, but I just don't know about Ledger. I was personally hoping for either Crisping Glover or even Paul Bettany.
  11. Heath Ledger as the Joker? I really hope this is a mistake: I can't quit you Bats! I guess his age would be right, but I just don't see Heath Ledger doing "crazy/sociopath". Maybe it's just me.
  12. Defintiely Zardoz, ST V, Swamp Thing and return of Swamp Thing. All are worthy of a nice MST3K roasting.
  13. Maybe they wouldn't complain if you just posted the Claudia/Misa yuri?
  14. Oh, you're one of those guys (airquotes optional) Um, you're 30 and you have transformers? I like your airplanes (smirk) Oh, Chris is into transformers.... My wife recently: I can't believe my 3 year old son and my 30 year old husband are fighting over who gets to play with the robot (after I took away my 1/48 CF from my son) You do know you're 30, right?
  15. Well, if we're going to take it outside of strictly mechs/robots, I wouldn't mind seeing Yamato make some Gatchaman vehicles with pilots. Oh, and Big O would be cool.
  16. Yes, they're still looking for a distibutor. Go figure.
  17. Just out of curiousity, has HG said what they spent on this project? Or does anyone within the industry have a guesstimate? I can't imagine that they were given a Dreamworks or Pixar sized budget to get this done.
  18. I have ceased to care for this project. I doubt I'd spend any money on it (rental or otherwise), but if it ever comes out I'll probably DL it. If it can't find a distributor after all this time, it must be god awful. I mean, those stupid Dean Cain fights radioactive yetti sci-fi movies get released to DVD just about every week, don't they?
  19. Shouldn't we be asking, What if they were chasing Keira's booty?
  20. Well, I saw it last night and while the action was good, overall it was kind of meh. Maybe my expectations were too high or maybe my vision of Superman has been tainted by the Timm-verse version, I'm not really sure. Seeing Spacey playing a sadistic Hackman-type Luthor just seemed like a waste. It seems as though Singer just watched the Donner film obsessively and didn't even look outside the box to see if there was some other way to bring Superman back to the screen with a fresh take. Did anybody even consider playing or writing Luthor as a cool, collected megalomaniac businessman who didn't come up with obscene ways to get more land? Is Luthor just a one-trick pony to Singer? Well, he threw in Jason, but it just doesn't fit into the overall mythos for me at all. To me, Jason is like putting Dick Grayson at the scene of the Wayne murder or making Alfred's niece Batgirl. It's almost like at the writers realized that all they were doing was emulating the Donner film, and just threw him in so they could put their own mark on the film franchise (and put the fanboys into convulsions). Superman hasn't had a child in his 70 or so years (that I am aware of), so why fix it if it ain't broke? To evolve the character? To bring him beyond his one note Big Blue Boyscout? I can see that point of view, but you're just giving Superman a sidekick and a writer's crutch. What's happening next week? Oh, Superman's son is going to get kidnapped by Luthor/Metallo/Bizarro/Braniac and Supes has to save him. If I go back and change that to Robin and insert Batman's rouges gallery it's the same result. Writer's crutch. IMO, the Jason storyline isn't going to help the franchise in the future; it will just make it bland and predictable.
  21. Except that they made the Koenig Monster, and then gave us even more VF-1 variants and re-releases (unless there are Monster repaints on the way.... ) Anyways, I'm sick to death of the VF-1 personally, and I hope that after the 19 they can go back and give us the Macross, TV and DYRL versions. My frankensteined Matchbox/Bandai model needs to be retired. Besides, like some of the others have said, the show is called Macross, not Valkyrie.
  22. I wonder if the symbiote is going to be some kind of secondary mutation for Pete or something that Harry has created to take him out.
  23. Hopefully we'll get to see some more of the CF Aquarion in action this time around.
  24. It is drastic, but you can't argue with the fact that BSG's reboot has been very successful. With the right cast and writing team (and proposed guest writers), this version sounds to me like it would have been great TV. I think we all have to admit that Trek has been missing something for awhile, and this sounds to me like it would have been worthy of at least a pilot.
  25. JMS and Bryce Zabel's proposal to reboot the Star Trek franchise from Zabel's blog. A really interesting read: Re-boot the Universe
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