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Everything posted by capt.actionjackson

  1. I wonder if Funimation is going to have an edit done to try and get this into the Adult Swim line up? I'd much rather see this on a pay cable network (like the Action channel or something) to avoid the editing.
  2. I'd imagine they're going to try and market this towards the same people who went to see the X-Men and Spiderman movies. Plus, they can rope in all the 15 year old monochromatic girls I see sitting on the floor of my local Barnes and Noble reading Inuyasha manga.
  3. I hope you're clairvoyant Dante, becuase I've been waiting patiently for some time for Yamato to do their reindition of the SDF, but my wallet is hiding in fear.
  4. The trailer for the film should just be filled with Jun action shots
  5. Well,he states in the interview that it's at least getting a PG-13, and maybe even an R (although if they want it to make more money I doubt it) so I will hold out hope. A CGI film would probably due Gatchaman more justice than a live-action crap fest starring some b-list stars. Although, if they cast Scarlett Johannsen as Jun I may reconsider.
  6. Actually Mog, I had the same thought. A Yamato produced Dairugger would be pretty cool, but the price tag Yamato would attach to it might make my wallet cry.
  7. Yamato, just as demanding on your wallet as your old lady.
  8. Were we reading the same report? The surprise was that the SV-51 is going to be even more expensive than the 19
  9. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/news/comments/?entryid=394113 "Turtle" Makers to Tackle "Gatchaman" Next Posted by Scott Weinberg on Monday, Jan. 15, 2007, 03:10 AM Ftopel writes: "Imagi, the animation studio bringing "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" to CGI life, has set their sights next on the Japanese superhero "Gatchaman." "TMNT" director Kevin Munroe will get to work on it next. "How I juggle is I take a laptop with me to color timing," said Munroe. "We're in the middle of the script and we're doing preproduction on Gatchaman. And it looks like it comes from the same people that brought you this but now are doing this and the whole point of it is to up the bar from what Turtles is." Producer Thomas Gray revealed that the company has a particular attachment to the Japanese superhero genre. "Our whole reason now too is expressed in superhero," said Gray. "Most of the Japanese inspired ones, which our owner, Francis Kao was the one that said, 'I don't want to do happy talking animals anymore. I want to do what I remember as a kid growing up in Asia, that it was Gatchaman and it was Astroboy and that's what I want to make.' And we've acquired those rights." Astroboy may be a ways off, but with Gatchaman coming up, the company is aiming to make more animated films for teens and adults. "It's a PG-13," said Munroe. "It's just fun. It's a different movie completely so it's kind of fun although it has teenagers and ninjas. Other than that, it's completely different." Gray even considers raising the bar into more dangerous marketing territory. "This is one we're going PG-13 definitely. We put it on the pants on this one. This is going to be a very interesting film and even maybe pushing R."" This would be a nice break from the all the Shrek and Pixar films that seem to be coming out monthly these days.
  10. I would also love some Mospeada love from Yamato, but Graham said its based on a "popular" 80s anime. I thought Mospeada was pretty much a failure in Japan? Unless of course he meant popular in the States.
  11. My Bandai SDF-1.... ... ... .... .... Until Yamato makes one. HINT HINT HINT
  12. Just wondering if any MWers listened to the commentary on "The Return". The director explicitly says the missile animation (fired by Red Rocket) was inspired by Macross. I geeked out.
  13. Okay, this thing must be god awful if they are dragging and dragging this release date. Isn't that they standard MO for really bad films?
  14. Agreed. As excited as I am to see they DYRL Macross in toy/playmodel form, I'll wait until I can have one in a larger size. Especially at this price point. If they had made this in the same scale as the old Bandai and made it mostly plastic to keep down on costs, I would snap up at least 2.
  15. Dear model kits, I culled this from 4chan this morning: http://www.hobby-wave.com/pickup/macross/index.html Is this a transformable model? Would one need to be a modeling guru to build this?
  16. I just don't see how the Sub Mariner is a character an entire movie can revolve around. To me he was always the Marvel answer to Aquaman. Both are equally as lame IMO. Spending millions of dollars to launch a movie around either one just seems like a waste of money.
  17. I'm deifintely picking one up; the price and pack-ins are just a bonus. I just can't imagine having to tell my wife that I need a $600 PS3.
  18. This is probably going to be really bad. I can't believe that they would rather revamp and regurgitate the Thundercats than give us another season of Justice League
  19. No Shining Force = Fail Other than that, it's a nice lineup.
  20. When I see something like that I think 2 things: 1. The person who buys that doesn't have a significant other 2. The person who buys that doesn't want to have a significant other for longer than it takes for he/she to unwrap and build it
  21. Just a few things.... 1. Transforming Macross in DYRL and TV flavors 2. Space out the releases better: Only the hardest of the hardcore (with the deepest pockets)can be expected to buy this many valks when they appear simultaneously within a 2 or 3 month time frame. 3. Transforming Macross 4. 1/48 Battlepods with pilots or 5. Action figures of non-micronzied Kamjin, Millia, Breetai, etc. so Hikaru can go toe to toe with Breetai in my display case 6. Did I mention transorming Macross?
  22. Has anyone heard if they're planning on including Harley Quinn?
  23. It would be pretty tragic if Yamato didn't consider producing a super detailed transfroming SDF. Even if they did it in the same 1/3000 scale as the Matchbox, I'm sure they'd put that one to shame. Hopefully, they'll get bored of repainting vf-1s one of these days and get around to this. The yf-19 will distract me....for now...
  24. I think it's possible for them to produce the toy, but maybe they don't see any profit. Did the Keonig Monster sell well? They may be using that as their bellwether in this matter since that was pretty much a one-off. I'm sure they can make a low-viz or jungle or even desert camo but like the Koenig, the 2 seaters aren't just a simple head swap. If I was Yamato however, I'd bet somebody has already done a CAD or even a sculpt of these. I'm sure someone has tinkered with it and it's only a matter of time until we see them. That and the actual Macross.
  25. Does anyone else get the feeling that this is becoming a valkaholics anonymous thread? I feel like we should light candles or something.
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