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Olitech Industries

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Everything posted by Olitech Industries

  1. Can't wait to get back to this badboy. Maybe next week's episode.
  2. Looks like our little family is starting to come together.
  3. I can't get enough of the bluing. Not sure how much of this texture I'll use for the final, but it's really cool. Cold and hard.
  4. Today was supposed to be throttle day, but it's really just elbow day. Got totally sidetracked with this badass cold-bluing shader. (and actual day job) Still working out the mechanics.
  5. If we build it, (hopefully) they will come...
  6. More temporary placements/materials.
  7. Definitely seen some action. All procedural shaders. No need to bother with uvw-mapping or bitmaps.
  8. Detailing throttle buttons and throwing down some shade. Raw titanium alloy, followed by worn down red powder-coat.
  9. Last one for today. Promise.
  10. In the meantime, some wire-porn for the curious. All quads. Should be useful for low-mid-high-superhigh polygon applications.
  11. At least start at pg. 88-89. =D
  12. A great man once said, and I paraphrase, "There's a lotta things about me you don't understand peter. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you shouldn't understand". Seriously though, this is a passion project I've been meaning to get to for a long, long time. And I have a feeling you all DO understand. Thanks for letting me crash-land here.
  13. Found it! I don't suppose there is an English translated version? Looks good! I was already in the process of 'buttoning' the control grips. I'm intending my version to be a little 'softer' and more ergonomic like the original sketches. The Masterfile side-stick pistol grip looks brutal on the palms (even with gloves). Attempted to make mine look and feel more like a firearm (to visually denote its function). Now if only I could find the general dimensions.... EDIT: Loving that ball joint connection!
  14. I need this badly! I've been "free-styling" this alone way too long. Any help, guidance or suggestions will be gratefully received. Thanks so much for the tip. I'm on it!
  15. "Stopping"? (Jabba's booming laugh echoes in the next chamber) Be careful what you wish for. Because THAT'S another story...
  16. Peter, Quite honoured that you would think that. And this is still the “factory OEM” finish. Once oxidization/scratches/weathering are applied, it should (hopefully) be indistinguishable from reality. It’s taking all my patience NOT to do that until each part is complete. However if I get the scale right, it should be 3D printable. These models will be distributed freely with no limitations once I get them perfect. In other words, you can make it “real” if you wish.
  17. Rough placeholders + temporary mumbo-jumbo on the throttle base plate.
  18. Minor refinement/articulation/detail.
  19. I concur on the minimal controls; however, trying not to deviate too far from the original design. Aside from some detail styling, the only additions are the NASA style toggle switch-guard, Dzus fasteners and 3.5mm audio jack below the 1/4” jack. Instrument panel and throttle in progress. Everything modelled from scratch to the millimeter.
  20. WIP interpretaton on the 3MCCS-2 Block 6 flight stick (DYRL).
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