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Olitech Industries

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Everything posted by Olitech Industries

  1. Update to the throttle quad base plate. Interesting mix curves and edges. I like this shape. Ready for detailing.
  2. Thank you! No where near the volume of your work. =)
  3. I can teach you. if you only knew the power...
  4. *fist pump* thank you!!!
  5. Very simple. 3ds max, 2x2080ti or 4x1080ti gpu. Fstorm render.
  6. Aww hell yeah, it still works! Panel back-lighting came right on *boop*. And not complaining, but this new hangar is so much better than that dusty old destroid factory! (Pretty sure bad things happened there once!)
  7. First off, a MASSIVE shout out to my friends at Rockwell Bell for kindly donating one of their old Skunkworks facilities for our "1S" hotrod project. You know who you are. =) Big change from our old shop. Now there's room to grow and make lots of noise! Finally enough light to see. Although now, all I can see are the flaws in the bodywork and canopy. =(
  8. Here is the guide I am trying to follow. The rest is improvised. http://mechajournal.com/2016/03/rockwell-bell-vf-1-valkyrie-3mccs-2-early-cockpit-gallery/
  9. Time to dust off an old "restoration" project - The iconic 3MCCS-2 late cockpit from DYRL. I wanted to take 'real' flight controls and see if they could translate into the cockpit we all love so much. Inspired by Dodiano's real world build and Dan Bickell's earlier work. This is an ongoing work in progress, as I'm trying to stay true to the layout of the attached diagram yet trick it out with 'real life' switches and legends. My apologies for the mess in the shop, seems like there's Destroid parts everywhere. =) EDIT: I am not a pilot, so please chime in if something looks wrong.
  10. Thanks guys, but I need to get back to this. Still a lot of pinching and puckering in the geo that needs to be perfected. Contours need work.
  11. Well, you’re not going to get very far without the rest of the plane!
  12. Crap. Going to need a bigger shop.
  13. Creepy isn't it? Tried to make the last two images look like badly shot Vintage VF-1 throttle parts from Ebay 2013-2018-ish.
  14. Spy shots of the assembled part.
  15. Refined it further. Simplified like the drawing. I felt it needed more Macross.
  16. With the same Level of Detail and craftsmanship as my other CG models, this will be modeled super-clean and water tight for multi-resolution applications.
  17. This will be the Olitech Industries VF-1S Valkyrie thread; aircraft exterior. Nowhere near the level of progress that I've seen on this site, but we had to start somewhere. A very crude beginning, but it shall be done. Started tracing out the Masterfile diagram last year, but then got caught up reading on the proportional differences with some of the model kits vs. illustrations. Of course referring to Dan Bickell's progress over the years. This is really Work In Progress, hence the low-res temporary textures and geometry.
  18. More WIP detail work on the throttle elbow for scale. And some fake mechanisms inside.
  19. Yeah, I have to do it anyway for animation.
  20. Ok we need to do this, but at 1080p so we can play it on the main mfd: https://mobile.twitter.com/6jiro1/status/1235913971015626758?s=20
  21. Roger that. Part of the master plan.
  22. Excellent! Then it it's working. =)
  23. Peter, Interestingly after years of lurking, I was totally inspired by Dodiano’s real life instrument panel project and of course grandmaster Dan Bickell’s VF-1. And all the predecessors before that. Dodiano could build this for real. Art imitating life, imitating art, imitating life again.
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