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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Nin Nin has it up for pre order if anyone is interested.
  2. Same here
  3. Well they only just shipped my Roy 1s today so that has been nearly a month...and that was after paying an additional shipping fee. But I hear some people have had no issues with their orders.
  4. I pretty much got the same message. They say my order is in dispatch awaiting shipping. That was 4 days ago. I ended up getting another Roy from Okini Land to be safe which has already shipped and $100 cheaper than Nin Nin.
  5. I paid a markup at Nin Nin and still no word on shipping.......
  6. Has anyone from Australia received their focker 1s yet? Particularly from Nin Nin?
  7. Yeah I also just got word from NY my VF-1S is being prepared for shipping. My order no was in the 7014 area. Must have been your kind words spanner to get the ball rolling haha
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