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Everything posted by Bob_Coffee

  1. I think that sabrina sh!t is freaky and that Otaku sasuage party is even more freaky however one should not label all cosplay bad, there is some good cosplay a surprising amount of it if you look bad such bigfoot like things as ManFaye and the ilk of that kind. I myself have personally only cosplayed once as "the box from metal gear solid" at AX2k3 and while i hardly call myself serious or even a "cosplayer" or anything i had fun, why cause i did it cause it was funny. i guess thats all the commenting i have to make on this topic.
  2. Well, its more of a personal thing, after 2 and 1/2 years of japanese classes, sometimes while watching subbed anime, at times i overly focus on reading the subs,as opposed to listening to the dialog for meaning. mostly late at night tho,when my brains too fried to think.which was the case with zero ep 3. now to get back on topic. is it me,or is all of the anti-un mecha,rediclously practical. while the Spacy's mac-0 mecha designed with more of an experimental purpose in mind(VF-0 being a rushed testbed/anti-un mecha counter etc) however i think the chyenne destroid,is pretty damn spiffy for plantary based combat, a shame it didnt have the room to really kick some ass but i was impressed. the anti-un destroids however... anphibious/land based, carry infantry. man those suckers are nasty. hope we get to see more of em.
  3. little quick note,i would like to mention about the Zero. When edgar is telling shin, he only mentions that the zero can work in space/underwater for a few mins, i doubt it was designed to do so,for anything but trials for technology used in the vf-1. and damn the Asuka fleet got creamed, but i think Sempai is gonna lay some ass kicking down,in ep 4.i hope. and yay for desteroids. otherwise,i thought the ep was excelent. im going to go back and watch the raw when i get sometime,without subs,just to check if the translations are correct. cause the whole "same DNA as the ASS-1" doesnt sit well with me, the ASS-1 is a supervision army ship,i highly doubt it has any bioorganic componets.. however its too late right now for me to think coherently,especally in a diffrent languige.
  4. Well i also attended the Kof2k3 beta test,and snagged a few posters. Gamewise,its a very refreshing,fast paced game,and alot of the returning charicters are changed up quite a bit. it didnt leave a bad taste in my mouth like SVC: chaos did. good stuff, im glad to see the 2d fighting game world not dead. id post more,but im up to my neck, in japanese homework that needs to be finshed.
  5. Hi everyone, noticing the replies mentioning the box on the Mylene Cosplay thread i decided to write this post. for those who attended AX03 know that someone cosplayed as "the box from metal gear solid". that someone who did that was me,and with the help of two of my friends,who without there help,the box wouldnt have been possible, entered the Mini-masqurade. unfortunately we didnt win anything(we should have imho,since our skit was easly the most orignal), but won over the fans,and even some AX staff members which made the convention for me. What i am asking you fellow macrossworlders who have attended ax03, is if you have any footage or pictures of the box in action, please contact me, i have had little luck perusing the web,in search of box pictures(found some pictures)/people with footage of the skit. This is all for the upcoming "the box from metal gear solid" section of a webpage i am working on. Footage would especally be apreciated, as my groop didnt have a video camera for the event. Also any opinons on the box would be apreicated. I would also like to take this opertunity to recolect on my memories of macross pannel/macrossworld con part of AX03. The pannel took place the day before the box skit, and was undoubtably the highlight of thursday's activites for me. Most noteablly getting to ask ishiguro a question reguarding flucating production values during the span of macross tv(read:animefriend) affecting the series overall. I was please to hear someone who was high up in the macross tv produciton saying that they thought they(animefriend) not putting there heart into the series,was a really bad thing and affected the series.i forgot the rest of his awnser,i would have loved to ask the same of his froatingness and see what he thought of "animefriend". The Second thing that made the night for ,were the awesome customs that were on display in the backround of the macross pannel room. noteablly for me were the awesome 1/55 scale bandai valk customs Christopher B had on display, this being the first time aside from good ol jetfire, that ive seen a chunky monkey up close and personal.And while i didnt get to talk with many of you, i think i only got to talk with Christopher B for a moment(really nice guy), and seiichi the year before that at ax2k2. i thought it was a cool experience,and i hope to see you all at a future Macrossworld con. ill end this now with saying im sorry for boring the hell out of you all with my long winded posts, any help with box related materials is much apreciated. thanks everyone.
  6. thanks for the link,after taking a look at the stampy again,i realised, what was i thinking? turns out it was the VF-X-3 star crucader i was thinking of,the fact both look really redicoulous compaired to the run of the mill valks must have confused me However, looking at the stampy again, i still think id be cool to do a banpresto into one. ill have to ponder this during my free time,it'll be like lego's all over again.
  7. Hi everyone, While i have not done any customs, I could not resist posting this idea in the forums. I noticed last night on my desk i just happened to have a cannon from a 1/100 scale HG wing zero tv type sitting on my desk(one of my HG wing zero's parts broke unfortunately,and i dont know what to do about it aside from buy another kit in the future). So anyways,pick up the cannon take off one of my Super VF-1s's fast packs,and somehow attach it in place of the fast pack. what do i notice? the cannons bare a uncanny resemblence to the stampy cannons. So anyone got pictures of the stampy lieing around? I dont know if i have the skill to customise my banpresto into one,but i think its a really cool idea, and just wanted to make a post about it in the hopes that someone who's more skilled than i am may attempt it.
  8. A new kawamori gundam series would be ownage. and you know what series he should do,or atleast take part in help making happen, Gundam:Sentenel. id love to see a 52 ep series of this done(with some sort of light shed on some pre CCA stuff), with kawamori's interpretations of the sentenel mecha, Tomino directing, and the good stuff. However even more than that id kill to see a new macross tv series from the mind of his hory froatingness.Why? cause theres so much more to the macross universe that needs to be explained.especally the period of 2013-2040, and beyond that of macross 7. i think if people were given this,it would rekindle the fire of macross, and new people would be brought into the fold. and yamato would get more excuses to steal money from our wallets. a post mac7 series would be nice,it would give yamato a chance to give us macross7 mecha but without dealing with the whole can of worms that is the bandai owning the mac7 licence. Conversely a pre 2040 show, would show us some of the more underated mecha in action such as our old friend the VF-4, the Macross m3 mecha such as the VF-9 cutlass and the VF-14. All in all, his hory froatingness is wise,what ever he blesses us with,will hopefully be great in its own right.
  9. Vostok7, It is sad to hear that about your car, And while i have yet to own a car myself,i cry at the notion of a good car like a WRX, being hit by a pos Civic, those things are like zerglings. everywhare. Otherwise i hope all goes well for you and the car.
  10. Bob_Coffee

    Meeting with yamato

    Just a few questions id like to toss in Ichiban #1 question: will yamato,bless us in the US(as in domestic valk realises) with macross toys in the near future? Question #2: Macross 7 mecha, When will we see the VF-17,22S,and full armored 11 not to mention varuta mecha goodness? Question #3: Hikaru VF-1S, when,with strike fasts packs? id love to see this one come with a special display stand so one could recreate the dramatic pose from the end of dyrl. Question #4: VF-4 Lightning III, When and please yamato make this happen ;.; Question # 5. last but not least, how are the macross 0 toys coming along,and Please let there be a VF-0D. Thats my three cents.
  11. Tadima ;.;. Glad to see the macrossworld forums up and better than ever, Excelent Job shawn and Graham.
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