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Everything posted by Bob_Coffee

  1. As you can see from picture #1 clearly the weapons syestem is an addition that wraps around the YF-19's arm, the second picture, could be construed as making the weapons syestem appear to fold back into the arm,however if you look closely its mearly a pannel that lifts up, like wise the top and bottom of the weapons system remain in place, in the third picture you see all three pannels lifted. the little piston like structures,are mearly what lifts up the pannels in order for the weapons to fire, otherwise, the pannels/weapons remained fastened to the outside of the normal yf-19 arm, i assume, most likely this weapons addition is ejectable ala arm fast packs,and is mearly a heavy weapons option for the YF-19,in those sticky situations whare battroid might be the best mode for the job.
  2. And here is number 3
  3. heres the first of three posts basicly illstrating that the cool blaster thing,is an add on,not part of the YF-19's internal arm structure
  4. Bob_Coffee

    1/48 Decals

    Hi everyone, At AX i was lucky enough to manage snagging myself a 1/48 Scale VF-1J Hikaru,thus contiuning feeding my addiction of valkholism. However i have a question, I have not applied the decals supplied with my 1/48 as of yet, because im wondering if I should look into mabie aquireing 3rd party decals for my 1J? also im wondering if DYRL style pilot recasts exist,as i like the dyrl flight suit more than the tv suit. As for the 1/48th... Wow is all i have to say, aside from a few minor issues,more nitpicks really,this is the holy grail of macross goodness. Also to all you people whove attended ax, is it me or were there a lack of 1/48th's in the dealers room? i only remember seeing like a total of 5. any advice is apreciated.
  5. Macross world Dvd, sounds good, i am totally down for that.
  6. Time to add more to the pic fest. I myself did get a pic of the miria at the robotech panel,but it didnt turn out so well. anyways here goes another pic.. Whip it good
  7. Alrighty A7, i see your ragnorok Cosplay picture and up you with this. i really need to sort through all my pics.
  8. Nah, wasnt the sandman guy. It was one of the translators who has helped translated a few of the past macross titles, I just cant remember how to spell his last name for the life of me hense the (spell?) within my, it does sound a little simular to gaiman tho. Sorry for the confusion.
  9. Ok, time to throw up my partial AX report thingamajig. first of all, to awnser a question posted earlier,there were girls showing overall more skin for instance a girl cosplayed as Bakurestu hunters OAV style Tira Misu,she had a decent enough body for it tho. next on to the harmony gold shiznitch. First they anounced Robotech:shadow force, and gave a tenitive realise date of 2005 to coincide with the so called robotech 20th aniversary. they said you can find out more at the roblowtechh er robotech.com website. but the real news, was at the end of the harmony gold pannel they anounced they had the rights to dyrl. Which was suprissing. In a realited thing they were selling DYRL super poseables in the dealers room. Secondly after hearing this anouncement i decided to ask the tough questions. So i brought up the court case between BW and Tatsunoko. Apparently Yun's explantion for it was no one in the world(japan Exceptionalised) had the rights to the dyrl licence so they asked tatsunoko which suposivly has these rights(according to HG). Now whats intresting is he specifically used the word merchindicing. which leads me to suspect as usual something is up with HG.If anyone who was there remember anything more to add please do so. Edit:i forgot to note,it seemed like the Dyrl anouncement was kinda just tacked on at the end Next came the Macross pannel, and one intresting thing came out of it, I asked Egan a question in reguards to Tatsunoko's involvement with DYRL, and turns out there involvement may be much deeper than we have speculated,which goes back to the whole HG thing. After the pannel i had the fortune of meeting several macrossworld members including Areaseven(how did you get the logo on your badge?) and Commander Mcbride, and a few others. the highlight of that was us macrossworld members preaching the gospel of the 1/48 Yamato valkyre to Neil Gaidmen(spell?) he seemed genuinely impressed with the Fastpack Max. Dealers room and macross merchindice: first of all 1/48's were hella hard to come by in the dealers room, i think there were a total of mabie 7 at the whole convention. 2 1A max's, a max and millia fast pack valk, 1 VF-1J are all the ones i saw. I was lucky enough to snag a 1j for $130 which is not bad. other than that 1/60's and chunky monkeys were quite abundant, i noticed they were mostly cannon fodders on the chunky monkey side of things Overall on a personal side of things,i had a soso time, but it was worth going to. if i think of anything more to add ill post later.
  10. Thanks for the advice everyone. anubis, i like your advice on the tamiya paints,so i think i will try to paint the kit that way, luckly i do have a GP-01 1/144 scale kit around here,i wouldnt mind sacrificing as a ginuea pig for this project. its looking like it'll be after ax before i can put some time into the kit, by then i should have a digicam,so i think ill post pictures when i start working on it.
  11. Thanks for your advice, if i get the chance ill seek out that issue of hobby japan. as for gundam markers do they work better than say using a sharpie for pannel lineing? also, im wondering,if i should do a combination of spray paiting using tamiya spray paints + hand painting using model paints? Anyone around here whos built a PG gundam, feel free to pipe in on advice.
  12. Hi, im that box guy, the nick "The_Box" is the one i use on cosplay.com. I think i have a picture of the Box with the soldier from MGS. but untill then enjoy this Mgs box pic.
  13. Hi everyone, At pacfic media expo i somehow got lucky at the tofu records realise thingy, and won a Perfect grade RX-78-2 Gundam kit, And since i have never really built a perfect grade kit before i was wondering if anyone could offer me some build tips? like simple inexpensive ways of painting the kit and doing a really good job, without having to say go out and buy a expensive airbrush. I know macrossworld is the home of many talented modelers,so any advice would help. I really hope to do a good job on this kit. so any tips, pictures/examples of things to do to make the kit turn out really well would be much appreicated. oh and if this forum isnt the right forum for such a thread, mods do your mod thing,and move it to the approprate forum please.
  14. Well, first of all i have to agree with Agent one in saying that robotech did indeed butcher our beloved drunken womanizing skull leader, DYRL aside there is quite a diffrence in charicters between macross tv and Robotech. For instance In an early ep of macross tv,you see Our favorite womanizing drunken skull leader, "abusing" the camera on his VF-1S to get a nice view of minmei. Also the ep detailing his relashionship with claudia, paints Roy Fokker as Much more human charicter than the robotech counterpart. Roy in Robotech is simply the big brother type to rick hunter. nothing more. In macross Roy fokker is truely a "sempai" to Hikaru, showing him the ropes, yet giving him the room to do his own things and make mistakes(more so in DYRl than macross tv,but still). Ether way,i would prefer if Zero were ever brought offically to the states,that our favorite drunken skull leader be kept the way we know and love him. Ether way, im still definately looking forward to episode 4
  15. Blessed is his hory froatingness,may the following years bring blessing to him,so that he may impart on the faithful, new transforming vessels to cary fourth the gospel known as macross. Amen Other than that all i can add,is happy birthday Mr.Kawamori
  16. i have to say i like macross's music much much better than pretty much all of robotechs music. the only robotech song i found memorable was the opening. But i like the macross op better, cause it just eludes cheezy early 80's anime goodness.nuff said MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUROOOOSSSSSUUUU!.
  17. Your problem is you dont have Ac3(dolby digital) playback codec installed on your computer, the easiest way to fix that is to go to www.doom9.org and download the gordian knot codec pack. and install everything in that pack except for dvix5.1.1 pro(the version inside the codec pack is the free,spyware supported version). and that should solve 90% of your playback problems period with anything.
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO;.; Chiyo-channnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! someone honestly, needs to go and smack adv upside the head for that.
  19. The generater gave me the fearsome code name of - Dispicable Salamander. bleh.
  20. i have both versions, and yes the japanese version is pretty much goodness. for those intrested, the movie(japanese uncut) has been encoded and subbed and weighs in at a hefty 700mb. Id offer to upload it to an ftp, but im on dial up.
  21. yeah, MGS:the twin snakes is going to be pretty friggin awesome, last footage i saw was the tgs stuff,and that had me sold. but it really is a sad state of affairs,when companys wont put out new content for gc,saying "it wont sell" when you know damn well,if its good it'll sell. i hope konami has the balls,and puts out some orignal content for gc,after MGS:TS sells through the roof. Id ether like personally them to do a new castlevania game for gc, or Remake MG2:Solid snake, Since that game in peticular never came to the states. Or even a new contra game would make me happy. the Gc's a great syestem,its a shame it isnt getting much support.
  22. First of all, those bookends, hugely overpriced... Next, how in the hell,do you get the yammie VF-19a to pose like that? i never really tried to get it into an action pose,it just sits in battroid on the top of my desk... Mabie i should.
  23. from the posts and the looks of the AVP site it looks like this films going to blow goats. Heres what i think the avp film should be(mainly based upon the capcom final fight ish avp game) Scene 1, Drop ship going down to a southern california town,cause of some distrubance(read: aliens, but they dont know this), the craft is full of Colonial Space marines, next we'd be introduced to the female marine Lynn Kurosawa(played by a really hot asian chick,for the purposes of this post imagine someone like Akane soma), and her friend and fellow Comrade (i forget what the guys name is in the game) who's this big Colonial Space marine dude. Ship lands, and the aliens start more or less kicking the hell out of the Marines, untill only Kurosawa and marine dude are left, then two preditors would decloak, save there ass, and join up with them for the hunt. then some ass kicking would begin and for pretty much the whole movie a non stop action fest of Aliens vs preditors/space marines through this california town, to add a touch of humanism to the film, they could run in to a few survivors,who through unfortunate events after meeting up with the preditor/marine group, get the face hugger treatment, and then *insert plot details of how weyland yutani actually got some aliens on to earth etc* and *insert just a sprinkle of the reasoning why preditors hunt*. and from there the movie would work its way to a final confrintation with an alien queen on a weyland yutani space station. I hope fox/whoever whos in charge of the avp realises before its to late that we want Space marines, preditors and aliens, and ass kicking,lots of ass kicking and a somewhat beliveable plot, none of this preditors built the piraymid bull, trying to relate it to things in earths past, because quite frankly its not needed. Preditors + aliens + space marines + ass kicking = Awesome summer flick. and i guess that pretty much sums up my comments.
  24. yea, it was me. The whole idea was a little thing my friends and i thought up for AX2k3,we even did a mini-masqurade skit. unfortnuately we didnt win,but we did have the most innovational skit of the whole thing. its ashame i cannot find footage of said skit. and i lost most of the pictures i had of the box,in a format several months ago unfortunately. i wish i could find them again.
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