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Everything posted by Bob_Coffee

  1. The trailer is diffrent from the first one realised.=D watching now
  2. Oh those will be mine, oh yes those will be mine.
  3. Thank you gainax for pissing on my teenage years. Gunbuster a long time ago in a galexy far far away was one of the first subbed anime tapes i ever saw(well you know the us renditions realise) and to this day this short 6 ep series holds a special place in my heart right along side macross. To see gainax do this really really makes me mad, i mean, they milk eva to death, and then they put out this? as if overmilking wasnt enough, pissing on one of the things that made the studio great in the first place is just wrong. and thats how i felt before i watched the trailer. So i watch the trailer at work,yesterday, and im simply horrified at how,bad this is. for one, the series looks to take place on earth, the only good thing i could find in the trailer and thats digging way way way deep here,was the use of slightly remixed music from the orignal gunbuster oav in the trailer. ether way i check out the first ep, forget it exsists, and keep telling myself There are only 6 episodes of gunbuster and thats all.
  4. You know, someday when i have a capture card,im going to encode the konya wa hurricane pv off the BGC vol1 tape. its spectacular 80's cheezynees. too bad it wasnt on the hurricane live disks for laughs.
  5. re-watch subbed now.nuff said
  6. Wes brings up an intresting point. First of all i dont think the english of japanese people has improved however, we get the same thing over here. I was in a pepboys shop to pick up some part wth a friend one time like a yr ago and someone who we shall refer to as import ricer #1 decides to look at the import ricing er racing merchindice and remarks "wow its the japanese symbol for acura" i look at him and say "dude, theres no kanji for acura" my friend and i (both japanese majors) laughed as he didnt beleve us. it was quite funny. so i guess you can say the whole abuse of lanuguge goes both ways.
  7. Yea, your rightt,those first appear in redeyes. those would be hella cool toys.
  8. here goes my first pic post, Hikaru disposing of a pesky gundam
  9. curse you yamato, do you people ever get tired of stealing my money=D. im definately picking these up. and if we get a motoslave down the line,i will be teh happy. Just glad to finally see some BGC action figure goodness. I hope to see some "inner suit" figures in the future as well. all in all, Yamato, you got my damn wallet. =D
  10. You know come to think of it im suprised they didnt talk about macross toys.:/
  11. i dont remember exsactly what was said, but egan had some intresting trivia about how gerwalk mode was designed. i wish they would have talked a little more about zero personally.
  12. w00t its on right now.
  13. Well keith as far as i know, having attended said AX, i dont remember any refrences to his hory froatingness, being mentioned to his hory froatingness. Although i do remember him and the producer of macross plus(Minoru something or other,forgot his last name) with there hands shaped like airplanes doing battle at the end of the pannel that year,which was funny. Sadly i did not get to speak to his hory froatingness for long, just long enough to get my friends macross lithograph thingy signed.*sigh* memories. all in all i hope his hory froatiness blesses us with his presence at a future ax.
  14. I was looking at the chiken hands from my 1/48 VF-1j hikaru and i thought hey these might just be the right size to put on the previous 1/72 scale valkyries,ive done some experiments,and it holds my Yammie 19a's gunpod well, mabie it might be worth it to mod my yammie 19a, to use the 1/48 chicken hands?
  15. Im about to go see this possible crap fest. which brings me to my next comment, Its so farting easy to make a good avp movie, you just need to follow the following mathamatical formula Alien + preditor + Colonial Marines + ass kicking + R rating = good movie. Now if only some fox execs only knew how to read, or even think they would have realised this, we dont need any modern plausable preds are our mentors bable Bullshit, we need Alien + preditor + colonial marines + ass kicking + R rating damnit. Untill then id rather see this movie
  16. the day that happens is when hell freezes over. of the three console makers if you look at the games business alone, nintendo is in the best financial position with nearly 6 billion dollars+ in capital, the best first party devlopment studio in the world,and not only that shiguru Miyamoto. Sony and M$ on the other hand have other businesses which buey there losses in hardware(everyone knows you make money in the console hardware business by software licenceing). despite nintendos positition in the marketplace, they still remain the most profitable, and this on nearly almost FIRST party games with exception to the gba. Secondly if ANY company knows the portable business its nintendo. Sony may have a nice syestem in the PSP but they kinda shot themselves in the balls with the projected battery life,and the Disc format, and the likely fraglieness of the psp, portable syestems are ment to be rugged, i could walk out of my room right now and toss my GBA at a wall,and the wall would have a dent, not the gba. if i threw a psp at a wall, id be one very stupid for throwing a $300 dollar portable at a wall and secondly it would prolly break, sony doesnt have the best track record when it comes to reliablity. as for the Ds myself after seing the redesign, i am more pleased with the syestem than ever,mainly because its something New. the PSP face it guys is nothing more than an portable ps2, which is fine, but it offers nothing new in the game design department. whare as the dual screens of the DS offer a designer to implement various new idea's. personally aside from map screen stuff, id hope to see say square enix in there planned seiken densetsu game, apply the 2 screens for use in multiplayer game, that way say if your in one area, you can be watching your buddies in another room throw a switch to open a passage forward, without being teathered to them as a party. which brings me to the next thing about the DS, Multiplayer. Now from the specs, the psp and the DS are pretty evenly stacked when it comes to wireless capablity, but i think what nintendo means by its "3rd pillar" is connectivity, this thing is going to become the new poster child for connectivity, with all of its various wireless technlogy some of the recently announced games for DS even mention the magical word "internet" something not expected from the big N. all ive seen of PSP so far is FMV, *yawn*. as it stands now, my moneys going to nintendo, the DS looks to actually bring something new to the plate, and affordable. Try again sony.
  17. Right now i only own 1 1/48, and thats the Hikaru 1J. and i whole heartedly recomend it, and i have exprenced no qc issues what so ever. it is truely a great toy. just treat it nicely,and it'll treat you nicely, the thing however i beleve, is as durable as a chunky monkey. just be kind to the backpack and you will have no problems. if you are a macross fan you owe it to yourself to plop down the $130+ dollars for a 1/48 and get atleast one, it truely is the worldly representation of his hory froatingness's vision.
  18. Im in total agreement there, toss in some enemy mecha(glaug anyone?=D, moreover Varible Glaug anyone?),and ill be one happy macross fan. hopefully the Konig Monster is a sign of good things to come. I really wish yamato would hire the guy who did the D'stance YF-21/21FP to do a toy scupt of the 21 since even the current yamato 21 FP, doesnt look all that spiffy in battroid and gerwalk mode. that would be a toy this poor college student would scounge up cash for. and would go nicely, with a Good 19 FP resculpt.
  19. My opinon, after only recently getting a 1/48 VF-1J i have to say quite simply it is the incarnation in toy form of the hory froating heads valkyrie. the only problem i have with it is the chicken hands, but when i slapped on the tv style hands,it was mm good. tho,i would love to see some tv series sized DYRL hands done ala the bandai perfect grade gundam hands. with articulation, i want my valk to be able to flip someone off. otherwise, i find the perportions to be fine, much better than the 1/60's, especally the cockpit area, its got that unique kind of curve to it, you get a nice side view of in the psx/sat dyrl game intro. i really hope yamato does reissue the VF-1S fokker type,as thats the only other VF-1 i want. then they should get off there ass and give us some VF-0 perfect transformation loving, as the 1/100 VF-0 looks like ass in anything but fighter mode. the monster looks spiffy, and i hope to one day pick up a Q-rau. However, yamato really needs to exploit the non VF-1 market, PEOPLE would buy, good quality non VF-1 toys, as evidenced by our rabbid longing for any information on the YF-19FP. i guess thats all i can say. Overall being rather new to the addition known as valkaholism, i can say i am most satisfied with the 2 yamato products i own (1/48 VF-1J, 1/72 VF-19A) and hope they contiune to give us quality macross toys. because the world needs less gundam and more macross.
  20. Hi everyone, sorry to revive this thread but i wanted to add this picture to the thread, its a pic of everyones favorite drunken womanizing skull leader, and a bottle of sapporo.
  21. Well, the suit was damaged partially(not to the point whare he knew it was going to blow,true) if memory serves me right, but in that case,you would think he would do a full syestems check or something. But of cource this being anime,that kinda logic doesnt occur, and there had to be covienient plot point,whare he just happeend to be reading teh big plans,then boom.
  22. well worst deaths macross wise would have to be Fokker and guild, funniest macross death without a doubt is Kakizaki in DYRL "omoshiro... *Dead*" Non macross stupidest death for me would have to be Gai Daigoji from Kidou Senkan Nadesico. I understand that with him around Nadesico would have turned out much diffrently .but damn he was like the best charicter in the show, and he had to go so early,in such a pointless death ;.;. I know nadesico is a parody,but still give the man, one last fight to do some ass kicking. As for Gundam, in alot of cases i have to say one word: ejection seat. especally in 0083, South Burning(i think thats the name of the commander of Kou's Unit) had plenty of time to get the hell out of that GM before it blew if memory serves me right.
  23. Is it me or does that core fighter thingy's cockpit area reak of Yukikaze? otherwise the designs look meh to me.
  24. yea , you would figure,if the YF-19 was going to be the next front line fighter,they would have a full armored varient, and if i had any say in it,the weapons pack would definately be part of it, i wonder if the the laser looking weapon keeps its own charge ala the one laser blast cartridge of the VF-17, or draws power from the 19 in some way,and odd this weapons pack never appeared in macross 7 if memory serves me right.
  25. Np, glad i can help in someway,i figured that was an animation error,because there was no depth to indecate the weapon actually folded in internally.not to mention picture #1 planely spells out,its an add on.
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