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Everything posted by Bob_Coffee

  1. Oh and i forgot to mention The somewhat recent Gundam Seed game, Owaranai ashita e. If you like seed, then this game is really worth picking up,as in addition to going through the seed story it includes alot of the seed MSV stuff. Gameplay in it IIRC is like encounters in space, so if you liked EIS, then this is worth picking up.
  2. Gundam games worth importing? hrm... Well I highly recomend Namco's Gundam:ichi nen sensou. even tho its more one yr war stuff, Gundam actually moves like gundam, unlike a slow peice of crap. the control is semi fps like,which works suprisingly well,and on hard the Ai actually uses tactics. but the speed is what truely shines in this game. Char is damn fast. As for A.C.E if you like Super robot taisen games,and wish there was an action based SRT game, but with real robots only. then well, thats what you get with A.C.E. its control is like a faster less clunky armored core, and is generally pretty damn fun.plus in addition to your usual gundam mainstays, you can get Ryoko's Astivalis and Akito's black sarina from the Nadesico movie, along with a variety of other mecha. Highly recomended. On the subject of import gundam games, anyone played the cube gundam game, Gundam:Senshitachi no kiseki? is it any good, i heard it was compairable to Lost war chronicles in goodness.
  3. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/04/04/news_6121649.html Looks like Gundam Seed(and hopefully destiny at a later time) is getting the good ol Capcom vs treatment with Gundam Seed:Federation(i think fed in this case refers to EA) vs Z.A.F.T. and aparently it will have a new system which allows for better aereal combat(something the previous UC games didnt really emphasise,even with Z Gundams Transforming mobile suits).
  4. Hikaru engages in a little Cqc here...
  5. Just watched ep 13 myself, and as usual Shin gets no "main charicter" time, except for a few mins when the Minerva crew gives him props. Looks like everyone hasnt really lost there skills in the preceeding 2 yrs. especally Kira who doesnt seem like he's in the whinny hippy mode of SEED and makes mince meat out of ZAFTS Z-gok looking MS. which brought a smile to my face. Makes me wish i had a extremely powerful MS burred under my apartment. I think Kira's gonna live through this one, as his role seems to be very much like Amuro's in this series, IE he'll make a few cameo's. but atleast unlike Amuro in Zeta Kira has an actual good MS and likely the most powerful MS untill Shin's mid season replacement MS shows up. the ep preview ends with showing scenes from 14, which include the archangel launching freedom. Everyone even Kira in Orb uniforms which looks kinda werid. but cool at the same time. btw i wonder who the girl with long blue hair is, with the Orphans? minor charicter they wont explain? and it seems to me like the kids/lacus are gonna end up on Archangel. ah well another week untill ep 14. >.<
  6. Actually all the Z gundam BGM is in the game, likewise with the original Gundam BGM and ZZ bgm, i was refering to vocal songs specificly. Secondly, Judging by the amount of content in the UC mode and the main arcade mode routes, its a Z gundam game more than anything, while you do unlock 0079 routes and missions, the bulk of mission content and charicters are from Z gundam.
  7. this game is worth getting, simply for the UC mode, which is mainly what sets it apart from AEUG vs Titans/DX, also from what ive read, the suits have been further balenced from AVT DX. UC mode is quite chock full of stuff to do and some of the alternate What IF routes are quite intresting(ie: keeping Lalah Sun alive).,and theres the ZZ gundam stuff. Ive only got 28% of the game complete,and i have to say i like it. theres a few things i wonder tho, for one Why no 0080/0083 and 08th MS pilots? i mean ground gundam makes a cameo, but nothing from around that tim. the games UC mode timeline begins with Z gundam, and later you can unlock the one year war stuff but it goes from like OYW to Z gundam, with nothing between. One thing also, ive noticed, and this goes back to the Z gundam DVD thread,and that is thus far, none of the Z gundam opening songs are unlockable. but many of the other gundam vocals are(mostly from the orignal series, including the "char" song). for specific balence/notes issues: As for Gaplant, it is slower. And the only ZZ suits i know for sure were put in the game are ZZ gundam and Qubley MKII. not sure about the Zaku III etc. Zeta's hyper lancher is also toned down. otherwise, the game comes highly recomended.
  8. Nanase Aikawa =D i like her music also. As for jrock, I hate visual kei for the most part, but good Jrock to me is stuff like B'z.
  9. totally agreed on the fake lacus thing. scary. However she does dress better than the real lacus=D. the "WTFOMGBBQ" look on Athrun's face when she appeared was great. Wonder whare Cagali shipped off to, as the EA decided to roast plant? im getting the feeling she's gonna end up on Minerva(or Archangel down the line). Bartfield and Ramius seem to be taking a keen eye to the situation as well. Also Zafts new BFG is quit intresting the effects look simlar to the EA's cyclops syestem. Also anyone notice that new Zaft ship? thing must be huge as it dwarfed the Nazca class ships, im thinking it may be atleast 2x the size of minerva mabie bigger. but you dont really get a good view of it. Looking forward to ep10, Saviors finally gonna show up. =D now the next question is gonna be, will it have the N jammer canceler like justice did? or are they going to save that for the traditional Mid series upgrade suits? Athrun is a pretty high tier Charicter thus far, So he's likely in line for a mid series upgrade, Unless Savior is going to be Athrun's "hyaku-shiki"(much like in zeta whare char got the shiki relitively early on). Shin for being the main charicter is kinda just hanging out in the backround, id like to see more out of him, but so far Seed destiny is really Athruns show.
  10. So they didnt licence the op/ed thats pure lazyness in my book. however there is a solution and it involves video/audio editing. all you would have to do is in thery, ether splice in just the audio or both the audio/video from the r2 or hk boot(depending if the opening animation for the r1 was ever altered) into the us dvd,and re author/re burn it. lots of work, but if you want the op/ed this is likely the way to go sans buying the r2 box sets, if you have axcesss to a dvd burner anyways.
  11. most of the orb goverment are just reacting to the colony drop that much is true,and i dont blame them, however the one guy with blue hair who seems to have an afinity for Cagali, and the Older guy with glasses(I forget there names), seem to be up to something.i dont know i just get the feeling, theres a tad more going on with orbs sudden change of heart so to speak. this is why i think those two specificly may be linked with BC. I dont think she'll die, she's a tad above second tier cannon fodder charicter i would think.
  12. I just finshed watching ep 8 and it looks like BC is already kicking up the propaganda machine, upon cagali's return to orb, they show her the footage Jibrill obtained in the last ep, and alot of the Orb goverment people(i almost have the feeling some of them atleast may be afliated with BC) seem to be hinging toward the earth alience thinking it was totally plants fault,and not just a faction. Cagali tries to explain things, but of cource they dont listen(otherwise we would have no subplot would we?). also scenes are shown of earth people pissed off at plant saying the BC catch phrase,and fireing up at the sky. Azuran meets up with kira and talks about whats going on, and Mariyu ramius and the Minerva captain have a nice chat at Morgenrater, Also Bartfield has his missing arm back, but still the scar. I have the feeling since its pretty much confirmed by this ep, that archangels crew is with orb, that we'll see a retrofitted archangel later in the series along with Eternal. on the Subject of ships, the Minverva is absolutely huge.. I think its prolly atleast 1.5x the size of archangel. Meanwhile shin goes through his usual agnst, opening and closing the cell phone in his room,and later decides to visit whare the attack took place during the first war, there Kira and Shin have there first encounter, shin not knowing who kira is and vice versa. and the ep ends with shin walking away,and lacus laying down some flowers. Also of intrest during the episode, Azuran gives Cagaili an engagement ring before departing to plant. The next ep preview is intresting, Showing the plant forces going out to battle, agenst who,its not entirely clear, im guessing its the Zala Zaft faction as i did not see any EA mobile suits during the preview, and not the EA as the EA is prolly still recovering from the colony drop. Otherwise, a very good ep, if seed destiny contiunes on the path its on, i will be a very happy person as i have not followed a series as it was being realised for quite sometime.
  13. Well the patriots arent who otacon said they were,thats for sure after finding out about the philosephers in MGS3. So i think the "patriots" are quite alive and well.MG:acid is supposed to take place right after Sons of liberty so it may fill in a few gaps, but i doubt it'll bring things to a close,as i think there saving mgs4 for that. as for a MG and MG2:SS rerealise using the solid 3 engine,id be all for it. Seing as like 5 non japanese people got to play MG2. also it would be intresting to see what big boss did in between forming foxhound, and the end of MGS3. as for the lalilulelo isnt that just another name for the patriots?
  14. From this first impressions thread i see quite a few of us have beaten this great game. And seing as im a big fan of the metal gear series in general, i decided to start up this thread for discussion of all things tactical espionage action. First for starters Now that things are somewhat explained about the patriots and there reason for exsisting, i was left wondering whare will the series go next? Now that we know alitle more about Big Boss, and some insights into why he created outer heaven. was he such a bad guy? and looks like we found out whare he got his funding(pay very close attention to the ending for what i mean) And Ocelot.... Damn he's been working for the patriots/phlosophers for the whole time. And i cant beleve im saying this but MGS2 is begining to make alot of sense... Anyways, thoughts opinons, questions post away! !
  15. Just watched ep7, good stuff the colony drop did alot more damage than i expected, not quite UC levels, but how it showed the distruction in various parts of the world was nice. including massive title waves.As expected Lord jibril the blue cosmos guy is going to use this to start anti-cordinator conflict, even more intresting,is the fact he has the footage of the ZAFT sepreatist(if the end of ep6 is any indecation and the flashbacks in ep7,its safe to say, the ZAFT sepreatist, are leftovers from the war still loyal to Azuran's dead father) as they were doing the whole colony drop thing. Plant of cource sends aid to earth, and minerva lands and decides to head for ORB. about the zaku,Damn its actually pretty damn strong, it survived reentry mainly intact. Impluse of cource cheated and used the traditional gundam staple of using the shield to protect yourself during reentry. in the middle of the ep, Azuran talks to lumeria. Lumeria of cource is well aware of azurans reputation, and seems to actually respect him more after he showed her up on target practice and dropped the whole Char-like alas thing. after that cagali appeares, says some stuff then Shin decides to bitch and whine again. the ep ends with kira and lacus on the beach, of the island with the orphans. Ep8 should be intresting with shin returning to orb. and the likelyhood of kira sans mobile suit showing up. the funny thing tho, ive noticed,so far in all the scenes kira has appeared in, he hasnt said a damn thing.:/ Another intresting note, is theres a scene back at plant in this ep, of the chariman, and a girl in shadow who appears to have the same slioquette as lacus(clone?). overall looking forward to ep 8 entitled "junction".
  16. Seing as i havent piped in on my opinons on ep 6 yet, i figure might as well now.I really liked the ep, seing the zaku's beat the crap out of the gundams was a great delight. i really do get the feeling phase shift aside these zaku's in general are far far better than your adverage CF suit. Yzak's custom zaku beats the pants off duel, and azuran did a good amount of damage himself. Also Seing as Minerva and the ZAFT forces broke the colony into 3 peices, i wonder how big the drop is going to be? i assume, its not going to be UC level damage, but i think it'll be enough to start the whole anti-cordinator attude amoung the EA again, and start things up.the pacing is so much better than SEED's was, lets hope they keep up the momentium.I have a feeling freedom is going to be showing up soon(like with in the next 4 eps),unless kira is going to pilot a ghetto suit for a few eps, cause it looks like from the end of ep 6 he's going to be reentering the pictures. looking forward to ep 7 =D
  17. Actually the new SEED game isnt that bad, im liking it quite alot actually. however, the only problem, i see in it, is during the ground levels theres slowdown sometimes,other than that its pretty fun.
  18. Hi everyone, Well like i said earlier if i had some free time i would post a review of sorts for the recently realised gundam seed game, Owaranai ashita e(never ending tomrorow) so here goes. Story After the really cool cg intro, your presented intially with the choice of playing through Kira or Asuran's story. Kira's story follows the seed anime peice by peice, while Asuran's shows the seed story from his perspective. but whats the intresting thing here is the mission mode, which has all the the Seed MSV stuff. along with the ability to play through missions as minor charicters like Mu and Cagali. Also you get to use various obscure seed mecha, now i dont know if the astray girls are playable, but the M1 and the various astray frames are included, i think the MSV stuff adds alot of backround to the seed world atleast the mobile suits i havent played much of it yet, due to school and such. but theres alot to do here. The game itself does a good job of making you feel like part of the seed story, for instance in the first stage, in kira's story, Strike moves like a turtle untill kira reprograms the OS, then it becomes a much more agle killing machine. Also during the desert battle with Bartfields troops,strikes control is simlarrly impaired by the sand untill the os is reprogramed. which brings me to the gameplay Gameplay People say this plays like Encounters in space the previous UC gundam game. but since unfortunately i have never played EIS, so ill start from the begining as i have nothing to compair it to. Battle in this game has two "parts" to it, Long range and close range. but the basic controls for each part are the same, your long range primary weapon is fired by pressing square, you can hold down Square to lock on to multiple enemies. Pressing triangle brings up your melee weapon. when you move in close, the control changes a little as you are in a Melee sphere. which allows you to move around your enemy and combo, yes the game does count your combos now, which leads to getting more SEED points at the end of a mission, more on that later. the melee sphere of combat is pretty damn good for the most part, however you cant clash beam sabers. also in the melee sphere, square the button for your long range attacks,allows you to fire i guess you can call it a mid range weapon, is say if your in close with strike, triangle would be your saber, but square would be your vulcans. the X button is your boost button, self explaintory, press to move faster. the circle button has an intresting function, as it allows your MS to do a super move of sorts, useually at the cost of some of your phase shift meter. R1 and R2 move up and down. you have your hp bar and your phase shift bar. The phase shift bar only drains when you take damage, or use a super. theres no time limit unlike in the anime whare phase shift was limited. so treat it like an aditional Hp bar. also if your unit carries a shield, like say the allie strike, it also has a limited amount of damage it can take. The partner syestem is also intresting for the most part, but realisticly unless your goal is to unlock everything you can get away with leveling up mabie one or two charicters.the assist have various effects like Ensign Bajioru's assist is fireing the vallants at your enemies for damage, or ramius's first level assist restores some hp. as you level up your partners, you are given acesss to diffrent types of assists.which is cool. Along with this is the aforementioned stuff is the seed points syestem, which is simply just points you earn to unlock crap in the "seed shop" which lets you buy new MS, Items to boost partner stats, and also, you can buy the seed enclopedia's which provide more backround on the seed world. Acording to what ive read theres about 61 MS unlockable(note they count each diffrent strike pack as a diffrent MS and each diffrent Jinn as a unit) which is not too shabby. also rumor has it bandai is going to put up the force impulse from destany as a d/l for this game. Conclusion: recomended Now while im sure theres points i missed in here, for the Gundam seed fan, this is a pretty good game to grab with plenty of stuff, the games difficulty ranges from easy to frustrating depending on the mission, but overall is pretty fun. i havent finshed unlocking everything nor completing the missions yet, but i can wholeheartedly say i like the game.
  19. I just recently got this wonderpeice of macross goodness, but i wonder,what is the complete controls for this game, For instance, i know you can execute a roll in battroid mode, and a barrel roll ni both fighter and gerwalk, but i havent figured out how. so if anyone can help here. id be much apreicated.
  20. Off hand i dont remember,as im not totally fluent in japanese(but enough to get me through raws somewhat). but ill rewatch the ep in the morning and see if the pilots spout the usual BC crap.
  21. I just watched ep5 raw,and i must say i am liking seed destany so far. heres the quick down and dirty points of the ep - Pilots of Zaft mobile suits(not sure if there Zaft or EA/blue cosmos in stolen Zaft suits, but the uniforms the pilots were wearing are ZAFT) set up the COLONY DROP. of whats left of junious 7. - Apparently some old folks in the EA seemingly are seemingly behind the colony drop in order to further earth/plant hostilities, the dialog was a little tough for me to understand, but i have the feeling there somehow linked to blue cosmos - After cagali goes into one of her outbursts, at the meh attutude the Zaft pilots are showings towards the impending colony drop, Shin decides to give her a peice of his mind on why he hates orb/anyone involved with orb. -After Consoling Cagali, Azuran requests a mobile suit, and gets his very own cannon fodder Zaku, Launching at the end of the ep saying "azuran Zara launching". He really cant pull the Char alias thing off well. but its good that we'll be seing him back in action soon - Zaft seems to want to atleast lighten the damage of the drop by blowing the colony in peices, as the bombs are set up, the Zaft forces are attacked by giins - Issac and Deraka(Spell?) are back and are part of the force trying to stop/slow colony drop otherwise a good ep, from the title of the next ep "sekai no owaru toki" or the end of the world, i think we'll see just how bad the colony drop impacts things. Btw has anyone on here played the gundam seed game, Never ending tomorrow which was realised recently? So far its pretty good, if i have some free time ill post a review in this thread.
  22. to me it looks fine, what i think your refering to is the the white kinda blurry bits on the hair. my advise, is you can do one of two things, A take the blur tool in photoshop,and lightly, blur it. or B) run a light gaussian blur,again in photoshop, which will kinda fix things a bit.
  23. I had have another idea,i would like to throw on the table, if it ever comes to pass i prolly wont be able to put into it as i am a poor college student but, as i was stareing at the page with all the parts listing in my 1/48 instruction manual, and i thought, mabie with modification of some of the peices, a VF-1 could be modified into a VF-zero. We all know yamato's 1/100 zero while imensely improved, is not perfect.the transformation of the 1/48 should be simlar to zero. alot would have to be modified, but the basic frame work is already there in the 1/48. and i think the casting/modification work would likely be fairly equivlant to modifing the VF-1 into a stampeede valk. as the stampy is fairly diffrent from your standerd VF-1 Again this is an idea id just like to toss up for you guys to pick apart at.
  24. Looks great. really great, dont mind the parts swapping, but please yamato, do somethign about the head, which is a ugly bulbous abomonation.
  25. You know ive been thinking, while we know Shin and Roy dont get VF-1's in ep 5, as they get new Zero's with the drone backpack, i think its still possible that the VF-1 will show up, remember MR. Low vis is a 1a... and the pilot is a macross zero style pilot. Id personally be happy to see a Low vis 1a do some damage in the last ep. the M zero monster looks mighty spiffy, i wouldnt mind seeing this in 1/100 scale,unlike the VF-0 toy.which still looks werid to me. Secondly, the screens look great, but i get the feeling, that somethings going to be left unfinshed, we only got some semblance of charicter devlopment in episode 4, that leaves only 30 mins to bring it to a close. one hour, and i think you could mabie close it. 30 mins, nah. But we'll see what his hory froatingness comes up with. With zero coming to a close, i hope his hory froatingness, decides to do a new macross tv series. or at the very least a VF-X OAV.
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