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Everything posted by Bob_Coffee

  1. Step1: go to radio shack pluck down $10 for the psx/ps2 to usb converter, so you can use your psx/ps2 dual shock on pc. step2: download epsxe and petes epsxe graphic plugin and the eternal spu plugin from your favorite emulation site. step3: Gaming.
  2. i think another thing we have to factor into the battle with the ghost in both macross plus oav4 and the movie,is the fact Isamu and guld didnt have sh!t for weapons. i think a fully loaded 19 and 21, could take a ghost out easly, and the gap between the YF-19 and the Ai controled ghost wouldnt be as important. Atleast they would have put up a good fight without having to take out the limiters, or anything crazy like that. Isamu and Guld both pretty much exsausted there weapons when they fought in that city. the Ghost however had a full payload.Ai pilot or not, with little weapons there isnt much you can really do. that being said gulds decision was the most prudent one, in that his thoughts can match the speed of the ghosts Ai. and thus the 21, without its weapons and limiters was able to compeate and eventually take out the ghost. Isamu, as bad ass as the YF-19 is wouldnt have been able to match it, without some serious ingeunity. if he had a full payload of weapons, it would have been a much diffrent story in my opinon.
  3. My only response to this is..... Say it with me everyone. SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIG ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEON.
  4. Dont tempt fate man, Just dont.
  5. before i add in my 20 cents to this thread sometime in the future, all i have to say is dont count nintendo out.
  6. First of all, i want the time i spent watching everything past episode 14 back. Destiny went to the Sh!tter, and what glimmers of hope you can see throughout the recrap fest are simply pooped on in the last ep. the only smile i got out of the last two eps, was when Mwu busted out the beam shield, and thats only cause it reminded me of the Nu Gundam. simply put, Fukada, Morosawa, and nearly anyone involved in this series shouldnt touch gundam for a very very very very long time. Bandai should really really use some of those spare money hats laying around,and get Tomino or the people behind 08th MS team to finsh off the CE stuff, secondly a new staff should be commisioned to make 3 destiny movies, to pick up the crap fukada and co left behind and make it somewhat cohessive and entertaining. If tomino can make a new ending for zeta(as evidenced by comments made when the zeta movie trilogy was anounced), by god another staff should be able to make movies to clean up the mess destiny turned out to be, first starting with rewriting everything that happened past ep 10. I think the Cosmic era has enough room,and potential for a good series, with the right staff of cource. I still hope for a new UC series... Sentnel, Crossbone or Gaia Gear Animated would be nice. As for newtypes, i would say overall Kamille is second. Amuro is still the most powerful in my book as far as newtype powers go, CCA should be enough evidence of that. That being said i would like to know what happened to Kamille Post ZZ, and why he wasnt fighting aside londo bell in CCA.
  7. Well just watched 49, a few laughs. but i was glad to see the neo/mwu type person bust out some amuro style uses for the funnels. other than that, stuff blowing up eased the pain a little. as for sharks, i think fukada and co need to be offed with sharks.. WITH FRICKEN LASER BEAMS!. lets see fukada try and beam deflect that.mwahahhahaha. one more ep to go.
  8. Nah Ocelot isnt related to the snakes in any way other than his part in the story. His mom, the boss wasnt psychic ether, it was his dad, the sorrow who was the psychic, again playing MGS3 is recomended here. As for the hand itself, In MGS3 you'll notice, Ocelot, admires Big Boss, quite a bit, and by Having liquids hand grafted to him, mabie he feels psychologicly that he has a part of big boss with him, keep in mind Big boss is supposed to be the greatest soldier who ever lived. or mabie just liquids hand was the one most readly availble?
  9. Actually the Liquid-Ocelot thing has an explanation if you play MGS3. Spoilers . . . . . . . Ok Ocelot, unknowningly is the son of the Boss(the joy) and the sorrow. The sorrow has the ablities to channel the dead, and take there capablities into battle. Our Old Friend Ocelot seems to have inherited some of that power and is now channeling liquid through the hand. Not very realistic, but given the scope of the metal gear games, the explanation fits. Thank you Kojima i can sleep at night now. heh.
  10. Ok, like previously mentioned in the thread ep 48 is boring. few things of note, ray finally reveals that he's a clone to shin, which suprises him. we knew this already. Secondly orbs been buzy, in GS they only really had the Kusanagi, now they have the Kusanagi and mutiple Izumo(?) class ships. and Eternals got it self some back up with some support ships. i hope we'll get some good ship to ship battles in the last eps, to ease the pain a little. Earlier in the thread there was debate on AA/Eternal vs Minerva, so id thought id toss my two cents in. AA and Minverva nearly have equil firepower, id give to the edge to minerva, because minerva has better defense and anti missle capablities, and a higher MS complement. AA is of cource more manuverable and has a better helmsman to boot, the Gottfried(spell?) are i would say on par with minerva's tanhouser. id say as weve seen, its pretty even. the wild card here is Eternal, In GS we are pretty much told, its a support ship for freedom and justice, it can use the meteors as turrets, but it wont because those will be in use for other things.. The question we should be asking ourselves is, Was eternal upgraded after GS? Eternal is already the fastest ship made by Zaft, i would say even faster than minerva. making it a good ship to use to take the heat off AA. but i think with its speed,and the fact it does have some weapons, it might put some "peck" shots at minerva. id like to see what neuman(AA helsmman) could pull off with a fast ship like Eternal. All in all, lets hope the last 2 eps ease the pain.
  11. Cool, nice to know a bit more about varible phase shift armor. but we all know the color changing is so bandai can milk more model kits. And isnt testament gundam the Ea's attempt at creating something as powerful as freedom? I really wish the ea would atleast you know accomplish something, other than being pwned by ZAFT. You know come to think about it with all these recaps and general unpolished story for the majority of GSD, i have a feeling bandai will prolly do some oav's or 3 part movies covering the series since the destiny dvds are aparently selling very well. hopefully if so it'll be alot more coherant. Another thing i was thinking about in reguards to GSD, is how in the hell do they have all these people only being what 2 years after the end of the war in GSD? i think one of the faults of GSD may be the writers choosing to place GSD relitively close to the end of GS. In comparision Zeta gundam takes what 7 or 8 years after the OYW? in Zeta we get a passage of time a sense of change, the technology logically improved, but not so much as the leap in GSD. which is a good point someone brought up earlier in the thread. GS to GSD is too much advancement, it took UC timeline a long time to display alot of the eqvilant tech in GSD. i hope if there is a third Seed series, they actually let some time pass but theres not much more room, with the tech in Seed Destiny for "improvement". ah well its almost over, lets hope for some entertaining last 2 episodes, and try and enjoy whats left.
  12. uh... just watched episode 47.. Fukuda must pay... what is this like the 5th f*cking recap? well it was pretty much 99% recap. nothing really add to the story. that couldnt have been done like 10 episodes ago. Really this ep wasnt needed except for dilliundal's anouncement of the destiny plan from his "Death star", from the looks of it, this "death star fires a really big "Laser" next ep at the moon. and prolly earth. And also to top that off Dillundial's anouncement came complete with sinister backround music. i wonder still to this day if there will be a last min, pulled out of the ass MS ala providence for GSD. I really overall want to kick the writers right square in the nuts for what they pulled with this series... it could have been much better. please bandai/sunrise if you do a Seed 3, get diffrent writers, or give Tomino a money hat to finsh the CE universe off? or hell better yet, Give tomino a money hat to do F91/crossbone tv series or Sentenel oav., the way its supposed to be done, and be done with this CE nonsense. And Damnit Lunamaria better survive all the sh*t thats gonna hit the fan next two eps.
  13. using the latestes nvidia drivers is useually a best bet for most problems. but keep in mind Nvidia optimizes there drivers for the most current generation of cards. so you might not get boosts to that old geforce4 mx. As for the DVI output, your best bet, being it seems your having problems with the DV to HDMI adaptor, is to get a dvi to vga adaptor, i bought mine for like $2, so i could hook up an old svga monitor to run dual monitors on my ghetto old Radeon 9600 pro. it might make things a bit easier.
  14. http://www.tatsunokousa.com/macrossfilm.html Here is the entry for Dyrl heres the entry for flashback 2012 http://www.tatsunokousa.com/macrossflash.html No Entries for macross plus and 7 i might add. No mention of HG in these entries ether, except if you count the mentioning of robotech,and clash of bionoids. so everything listed is fairly fair sounding imho.
  15. How do you like your plant roasted? Well done, Sataued? well you get it all in this weeks ep. Most of plant gets whiped out it looks like, but then again Seed never really makes it plain just exsactly how many plants there are, Do they have plants at every Lagrange point ala UC shows? Yzak and Derraka fight well, but they dont succeed. but Yzak's gouf is pretty spiffy. the chariman is as expected a good actor, no whare near an actor as char was when he paid off the feddies, to get axis in CCA. but im getting the feeling we'll see providence redux ie a last min pulled out of the ass MS that the chariman himself will pilot. Secondly his fortress(wasnt paying attention to the kana/kanji for what its called) looks like it has a Big ass beam cannon. it will be intresting to see how the next battles go, especally as it seems orb(and thus AA/Eternal) is labeled(as realisticly it should be,even tho it isnt) part of the EA. good ep, this should have came sooner, nice to see ZAFT take some massive losses for once? and any Bets on the "last" Ms being Sasabi Ignighted?
  16. <quote>QUOTE(Bob_Coffee @ Aug 7 2005, 01:55 PM) Is the new Hyaku shiki retooled any or did they just add the parachute pack thingys? wit he the zeta movies out, it would make sense they retool Char erm i mean quattro's pimp ride. * Seth, it's not retooled. Same original molding.. minus chrome. But the ballute pack itself looks pretty universal.. I think you could fit that bugger on the HiZack.</quote> Jinnai, damn its been awhile man, hows life treating you? Sad to hear its same ol Hyaku shiki, but the ballute pack looks damn cool none the less. ah well, its off to set up the desk on the patio for some airbrushing action.
  17. Is the new Hyaku shiki retooled any or did they just add the parachute pack thingys? wit he the zeta movies out, it would make sense they retool Char erm i mean quattro's pimp ride.
  18. Holy poo ep 42 was awesome. Kira totally showed up Shin good with strike freedom and he didnt even have to pull out the funnels( i have a feeling kira's work in astmosphere, since the super dragoon syestem might be diffrent from the one Legend uses). i laughed my ass off when shin was low on power. also it seems shin's F91 esque super speed and strike freedoms speed are roughly equil. also arent destiny and legend supposed to have half nuke/half battery engines? i guess like hybrid cars they need a little horsepower to start things up. the doms... Oh man teh awesome, they even pulled off the jet stream attack. And we actually See a semi useful cagali, Akatsuki held up pretty well agenest destiny, for the time they fought, But i think the murasame trio bought it, atleast a trio of murasame's did. Cagali also seems to have taken some lessons from our old friend Bright Noa and does the bright noa punch to Yuna. Orb seems to be taking way more damage then it did in GS. Zafts attack is pretty ruthless. last but not least we see the man who makes the impossible possible(im still not sure its mwu, but after hearing what he says in ep42, im giving it a 90% chance) help out the AA with skygrasper. sadly the ep ends, with Athrun launching strike justice. Damned cliffhangers. this ep ALMOST made up for the inexcuseable recap ep. Almost.
  19. キターï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ Wow i have to say this is the best dorama i have seen in a very long time. scary yet unbeleveably cool. highly recomended. and damn Misaki ito is tall. or atleast tall compaired to the main charicter. and the scary thing is the main charicter has more gunpla in his room than prolly a good portion of macrossworld combined.
  20. The main problem with 0083 is it was only 13 eps, i think it would have made a much more memorable contribution to the UC timeline if it were a Tv series. that way we could have found out some important post OYW things about both sides, why the remnants of Zeon are hold up in Axis, why the GP project was started. and more indepth into the formation of the titans. i for one would like things elaborated in a much more indepth fashion. but nope, were left with an OAV with more holes than swiss cheeze, but atleast the mecha designs were great, as was the albion.
  21. Question in reguards to strike freedom, are there any offical specs on the dragoon system it uses? im assuming its diffrent from the dragoon syestem legend employs as it was contructed by the cline faction?
  22. Strike freedom <3. totally awesome. kira newtype ping more totally awesome. I wonder if Kira will get creative ala amuro in CCA, and find some new uses for his funnels. It seemed atleast in the raw i saw, there was a little bit of an after image when freedom took out the two goufs come to think about it.:/ also Bartfield in Gaia, Pwnage, cant wait for him to tear it up bacow style during the obligatory bs Orb fight. Oh and Mwu is gaining a bit of his memorys back, Marrue remarks,at one point that he remembers the code to call the bridge for the comm system. Even cooler, and proof phase shift colors can be altered or programed according to the pilots wishes(suprised luna isnt in a pinkish red impulse by now), is Kira changes strike rogue's colors back to og strike colors for his sortie in to space. no IWSP tho, which was the only disapointing part of the ep. Not only that we get PLOT DEVLOPMENT. what plot you ask? a little bit on dillundial's "destiny plan" which has something to do with human evolution. Sadly while ep 40 introduces the 48 k bling gundam erm Akatsuki, it seems from the preview to be nothing more than a soap box for cagali to cry in. they need to give it to neo/mwu hell even the beat up athrun could do a better job. Also rumor is Lacus is the one who brings Infinate Justice to athrun. Mabie we'll get to see our pink princess in battle? I Know damn well she can do a better job than cagali on the battlefield thats for sure.
  23. Just thought i would pop in, and note that the next fmp series, Full metal Panic: the second raid, begins airing on Wowwow(jp satalite) next month on the 17th. which means, encodes will be out shortly after in the usual places. it looks pretty damn good. fumo! Fumo!
  24. Kick ass, an Isamu figure!, now i might just have to repaint my VF-19A to original YF-19 colors. or get a hase YF-19. right now i only have Roy and Misa from CMS set 2 displayed. but i have plenty of shelf space for more. too bad Cms set 1 wasnt re realised. i had the chance to pic some up last year but i didnt realise it>.<
  25. mabie minerva is going to get somemore faith pilots or cannon fodder pilots?(they certinly have the space for it) ether way, we now know for rey going to end up with legend. and now we need to see neo/mwu see AA underfire so he can remember and go back to being the man who makes the impossible possible, instead of being Reject Char clone B(yes i mean B, Athrun is Reject Char clone A,atleast in the begining of the series.)
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