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Everything posted by Digitalfiend

  1. ^^^ that’s just awesome looking
  2. Btw I’m tempted To buy a YF-19 Full Set and was wondering if some of the missiles will fit the VF-1? Anyone know?
  3. Doesn’t work in Canada either...time to fire up the VPN.
  4. When I tried to order a 2nd Max from that first seller in your pic it gave me a “can’t ship to this address” error right at the last step of checkout, which is odd because it’s fulfilled by Amazon. I’m in Canada so I’d imagine the same issue to the US. Anyone else in NA try to order from these sellers?
  5. Thanks for all the info guys, much appreciated.
  6. I'm new to this craze and the general chaotic ordering surrounding it so have to ask, how do you guys know when to camp out at your computers? I assume extra PO stock probably goes on sale a day or two before (or on) the release date. I've got the VF-1S added to my wishlist on various sites but don't know if I'll get a timely notification or whether I should plan to stay up late one day in November.
  7. Haha, you're probably right. But with that said, I'm sure there will be some (likely overpriced) stock available if I can't get in on left-over/cancellation PO stock. I must admit, I almost passed on the Max at first because it seemed a bit drab compared to the VF-1J - e.g. the chest is pretty bare; I understand why that is but it's also the reason I'm going to get the VF-1S as well ... more detail and well, it's generally just bad*ss looking (my favourite head of the VF-1 series) In the end though, I think the VF-1A will compliment the VF-1S nicely on my shelf - assuming I can pry the Max away from my daughter haha.
  8. Nice and thx! Confirms the stand for me (which was probably a given but I'm new to this product line :))
  9. anime-export is still showing in-stock (still 24,800 JPY). Shipping was more expensive than I expected though - EMS to Ontario, Canada was 4,100 JPY; so now that Amazon has them, it seems that might be the better option as international shipping, iirc, is 1,600 JPY for DHL, which is quite amazing actually. That's the route I'll probably go for the VF-1S when it becomes available.
  10. Yeah about that. I could have bought another one but then refreshed and it was sold out. You guys are crazy...didn’t realize the demand for these toys! On the plus side, just got my shipping tracking number from AE. Woohoo. I wonder how long AE’s “fast” shipping will take to reach Ontario, Canada.
  11. Wow! I guess I should have waited a few more minutes. I checked that site a couple of days ago and I swear it said reservations closed...because of that I didn’t expect them to have any product once it was released. Edit: ...and now sold out.
  12. Sry, didn’t mean kit... I’ve been building Gundam kits lately so that’s just stuck in my head. I wonder if Bandai addressed any of the minor issues ScorchedEarth pointed out in his review? I don’t know if Bandai makes small improvements to a product line. One thing I couldn’t find about the VF-1A is whether it comes with a basic stand...I don’t see one in any of the pics. Even the box doesn’t seem to show one.
  13. Thanks for the reply. I decided to just go ahead with placing an order on anime-export. I emailed them about availability and they confirmed they have it in stock ready to ship...so I figured what heck; now I can stop reading, researching, and watching videos! Got my fingers crossed that all goes well...just have to wait for the shipping cost. Looking forward to joining the money-pit club hehe Just need to pre-order the VF-1S now ... My daughter is going to freak when she sees this kit.
  14. If you don’t mind me asking, what seller did you order through on Amazon JP?
  15. I’ve recently been rediscovering my childhood building Gundam model kits with my daughter, who is surprisingly good at building the MG and RG kits. Macross was always my favourite though and I just found out about Bandai’s VF-1J - obviously it’s now hard to find at a reasonable price but I see Bandai is releasing a VF-1A and 1S. I’ve never ordered direct from Japan before and was sort of leaning towards Amazon JP or Anime-export to buy a VF-1A and VF-1S; I’m not entirely sure how pre-orders are handled and, in the case of Amazon JP, which seller to pre-order through. My concern is if you pre-order are you guaranteed a product? I know a lot of places disable pre-orders once they’ve hit their product allotment, but what about these pre-orders from Amazon JP sellers? Reliable? I’d hate to pre-order and have my cash tied up for months due to shortage of product. I guess my question is, if I want to snag a VF-1A now - which I think is releasing on the 21st..or 30th - should I go with anime-export or pay a bit more for the reliability of Amazon? Are there any particular Amazon JP resellers you guys recommend? Sorry, as I said, I’m new to order from Japan and there seems to be a number of things to watch out for. Thanks so much in advance. I’ve been watching YT videos all night on the VF-1 and it looks insanely awesome.
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