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Everything posted by rematron

  1. lol. This topic almost needs its own discussion thread. ‘What’s next for Arcadia’s goggles?’
  2. Weathering aside, I feel like most people would like at least panel lining to be part of the standard PF option. I certainly would.
  3. Well, if the VF-4 pre-order becomes verified, and Arcadia has survived as a company, I hope that panel-lining becomes the new norm for perfect finish products. It definitely is a step above Bandai and makes the $500 price tag a bit more acceptable. This as opposed to say the PF VF-OS that just added a few more tampos. I’d love to see panel-lined reissues of a lot of birds. I don’t really have time or space to do that kind of customization stuff myself but it looks soooooo good. While they’re at it, perhaps they could make a new mold for the pilots of the VF-1s that are slightly more in line with the newer releases and more accurate to 1/60 scale. Make their bodies slightly smaller and make the helmets not so large.
  4. Great news. Thank you.
  5. If a person were to order one of these from HLJ now, would they get the replacement parts automatically with the order since it’s a well known problem at this point? Or do you have to inspect your toy before you can order the fixings?
  6. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    My cat wishes I would stop playing with my Kairos and pay attention to him.
  7. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Transforming it to battroid and back to fighter worked! Phew! Thanks all!
  8. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah I hope that does the trick. Got it into battroid last night. I’ll put it back into fighter mode when I get home and massage it properly. Lol
  9. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Here it is. Not completely awful but significantly larger than the one in the background. I haven’t transformed it yet and I’m hoping that’s the problem. It was used and whoever transformed it back into fighter mode didn’t do it correctly so when I got it, the intake nacelles weren’t sitting into their mounts correctly. So I’m gonna transform it to battroid and back and see what that does.
  10. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ok. Thank you. I guess I just have to live with it. Haha.
  11. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Anybody know a way to tighten the gap in the fuselage behind the canopy? I acquired a 31a recently with a rather unsightly one.
  12. My attraction to these toys is all about the engineering. I’d rather have it not follow the line art if the line art is all anime magic. I’d rather appreciate what is possible aside from the standard suspension of disbelief. Just my opinion. That said, I’m definitely buying at least one of the Bandai 21s regardless of the final result.
  13. HLJ has preorders available again. Limit of 20 per order. Wow.
  14. Great! Thanks, no3Ljm!
  15. Anybody know of a shop that is still taking preorders for the PF VF-0D? I’m a little concerned of the price vs risk factor of something wrong with it but I’m still playing with the idea of getting one anyways in hopes that it’ll be ok. But damn that thing isn’t cheap
  16. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Lowest price on Arad’s I’ve seen since the armor parts were introduced. On e-bay now.
  17. What was the SV mistake? Sorry, I’m out of the loop.
  18. I’d like to see a Super Ostrich minus the shoulder issues and in premium finish.
  19. rematron

    Bandai DX VF-31

    On eBay right now if anyone is interested. Sealed box and free shipping from Japan.
  20. Perhaps the stubby front fuselage and nose could be improved by engineering the nose in such a way so that it could be pushed in a little in battroid and extended in fighter mode. If that were the only part of the mech that folded in that manner then perhaps the over all structural integrity wouldn’t be a huge concern.
  21. I’m keeping my Yamato and I’ll be picking up at least one Bandai. Both will have different desirable aspects. Even if I just end up storing one or the other or both, I’ll be happier knowing I have them. Getting 2-4 hundred for my Yamato now isn’t worth the gamble on how much I will or won’t like the Bandai. And like I said, I’m pretty sure I’ll just want both anyways.
  22. I’d really like to see a direct profile of the DX in fighter mode. Or even a shot from slightly in front. There’s one in this thread but it’s still just slightly from behind so isn’t quite a true profile and this makes the nose look shorter than it possibly is and camera angle can do so much for a fighter (as we see from all the VF-31 fighter mode shots that Bandai gave us making the nose and canopy area seem larger and longer than they actually are. But I’m sure we we’ll get to see one in time. Also I’d like to say hello to you all.
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