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Everything posted by FattyMoBookyButt

  1. The Kampfer is already on the pricey side, thankfully I got in at pre-order price or I'd probably be skipping it. I think these lights are too much $ for glorified Xmas lights. They don't really 'do it' for me. I have the Steel Legend version and it's awesome. I think the popular opinion is Metal Club is slightly better, from youtube comments and what-not...it's like 51% MC vs 49% SL. Check out some youtube reviews and it'll definitely push you over if you're currently on the fence and have an interest: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Metal+Club+Kshatriya
  2. Some day it'll happen...with or without the remote...and with/without Alexa. Those wireless LED displays are pretty nifty but still limited in functionality and range. In 10 years we're going to have to replace all our collectibles with the next greatest/biggest/baddest thing that has wireless cosmic matter powered lights. So you might as well let all your current batteries leak away in the meantime. /s.
  3. I think it's a 1/6th, which are around 12 inches. The 1/4 figures are closer to 20 inches. I say go full in on the quarter scale, worry about the logistics later.
  4. Did anyone jump on this? Was it retail price plus shipping? All of them that I see now are ¥ 150,000 (~$1300). I've ordered a handful of bandai/metal builds from AJP but I still can't tell which items can be shipped to me in the USA without jumping through some hoops. MP Transformers normally don't have the restriction, for Bandai I have to add each available item individually from each seller to my cart and then try to check out and see if it give me the "Choose your address" page. I'm glad it's not available because I'd have a hard time resisting the FOMO on this big dude at a decent price.
  5. I think everyone has good points but you already stated the only guaranteed scenario where "no one loses". You have to wait for BlueFin to settle up with FedEx and then BlueFin will settle up with you. It sucks for you. It sucks for BlueFin. It kind of sucks for FedEx. * Yes, FedEx loses here but that is part of their business model. You/BlueFin pay FedEx to responsibly deliver an item...and you pay them more than USPS because they take responsibility for delivering the package or they pay up. (Depending on fees paid/proof of delivery, etc.) ...personally I've had @sqidd 's scenarios 2 and 3 happen this year. And the packages showed up the next day each time.
  6. Can anyone please give a quick rundown on buyee? I've checked it out once or twice from hearing about it from Mecha Gaikotsu's videos. Would you suggest Yahoo Japan or Amazon Japan listings? Do it add $30-50 in shipping and other fees in the end? (Shipping to the US.)
  7. In. And +1 to wondering if we could go the group buy route as well.
  8. And your videos are annoyingly convincing. I bought Max from AMJ last night after watching your review. I've been resisting after missing out on reasonably priced VF-1Js and every email notification I get from this thread pushed me closer and closer to the edge. But I was steadfast in needing/wanting to have a set that included 1J or nothing at all. Narp. Not anymore, I'm in.
  9. Did they send an email and/or give a reasoning? I got in when they re-opened the pre-orders recently. I wonder how many of us are on the chopping block?
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