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Everything posted by epiksol

  1. Thanks, @JakCrow! I actually had that exact listing in my cart already (was waiting for confirmation about the proxy before pulling the trigger). What's odd to me is I had the item in my cart with a price of ¥19,008 (USD ~$179.87). However, when I proceeded with the checkout, the price ended up being ¥17,600 (USD ~$166.55). From what I see the listing still shows as ¥19,008. What am I missing here...?
  2. Thanks for the share! Looks like it went up just a bit after your post, but I may just hop on this one. Are there any other decent buying options other than Amazon on the board?
  3. My guess would be they were testing the waters with the initial allocation and when they started getting bites it was decided to reserve more units from their supplier to continue offering them. 5000+ ratings @ 100% is absurdly reliable.
  4. Their expected ship date is Nov. 2019. Also, I wouldn't worry about them. They're a legitimate business in the Netherlands. Here's the info from their order confirmation in case you want to verify: Otaku Square is a legal entity registered in the Netherlands (KvK) E-mail: info@otakusquare.com - Phone: +31(0)850013955 Chamber of Commerce: 72435976 - VAT: NL230492459B01
  5. AnimUK pre-orders for EVA Unit-02 now live (£224.99): https://www.animuk.co.uk/anime-merchandise/neon-genesis-evangelion-eva-02-production-model-metal-build-action-figure.html
  6. I personally have not purchased from them. I am just passing the links along as I find them. Edit: So I've gone ahead and placed an order to see how they are. I'm really liking their site, it's clean and simple. It reminds me of a shop I really liked that closed not that long ago, MHToyShop...
  7. For those in EU still looking to pre-order, Otaku Square just went live with their PO (€249.00): https://www.otakusquare.com/products/neon-genesis-evangelion-metal-build-action-figure-eva-02-production-model-22-cm/view
  8. This is awesome. Good on you guys for owning up to all of this. Thank you and I look forward to shopping again with you in the future! For a company to dig this deep into a forum, register, and issue an official statement like this is truly impressive. Bravo, guys!
  9. Just popping in to say I was able to secure one at HLJ, but am scouring the rest of the sites for a link to post here for you guys who still have had no luck.
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