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Paco Grande

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Everything posted by Paco Grande

  1. I just received the DX YF-19 Full Set Pack and I was very impressed with the whole package except for the tail fins falling off. On mine it's both sides and if you look at it funny they will fall off. I just keep putting them back on. It's a flaw in the design. They should have put a pin in those hinges but I'm sure that would have ruined the look of the fins so they went with the crappy joint. As for your scratches, they aren't ideal but I've seen much worse on other collector toy lines. For example, the white parts could be painted white with a different colour of white plastic underneath. That would make the scratches much more visible. I'm actually surprised you were able to return the figure for those issues. Where did you buy it from? Mine is from Nippon Yasan so I have no hope of returning it.
  2. My Kaki arrived from NY today. Haven't had a chance to open it yet. I also received a DX YF-19 this week so I went from one DX Valk to three in a few days. Geek overload. I really love the attention to detail, quality packaging and instructions with the DX stuff. I'm very impressed. I used to only collect Takara MP Transformers and their instructions are crap compared to Bandai.
  3. NY shipped my Kakizaki. I’m amazed. They usually take at least a week to ship.
  4. At first I assumed you were in the U.S. but you are apparently in Canada. Why are you still waiting? EMS is working great to Canada. I received my super packs and missiles a long time ago from NY.
  5. I ordered my Kaki from NY but I still haven't received my YF-19 DX set that was in stock and paid for July 7th. It's been "preparing for shipment" forever..... I'm not expecting the Kaki for months. I'll be shocked if it ships anywhere near the release date. EMS is working fine in Canada and stuff gets to me from Japan in a week so that ain't the issue. I put a ticket in for the YF-19 because it's been way too long but no reply as usual.
  6. That looks so much better than the red heat shield. I understand that red is correct but I think it looks terrible. It’s the only thing I don’t like about that figure. Still hoping to get a DYRL Roy one day.
  7. I mentioned in this forum recently that I received a second run missile set from NY. I'm in Canada so I was able to use EMS and the set arrived in 7 days which is pretty much normal EMS speed so I was very happy.
  8. I'm in shock because Nippon-Yasan shipped my DX missile set EMS and it arrived to my door in 7 days including the weekend. So for anyone in Canada, EMS appears to be working pretty well from Japan at the moment.
  9. Sorry to see that horrible packing job. But one of the perks about using AJ is that they are one of the only places I'm aware of that will pay for return shipping. You pay and then send them the receipt and they pay you back. I had to return something this past winter and I actually made money on the deal because the Yen became stronger since I ordered and the refunds are all in Yen.
  10. Just an update for any Canadians waiting on Nippon Yassan like me. I was under the impression that SAL and EMS shipments were still being sent to Canada but apparently it's only EMS and not SAL for some reason. NY contacted me to let me know I needed to upgrade my shipping method to EMS so they could ship my missiles. I had to raise a ticket with the magic words "change shipping method" and then they sent me an invoice for 1000 Yen. The ticket was responded to very quickly so maybe they are improving customer service? Ferry is still available as well but they will refund you the difference in cost with store credit which I'm not crazy about. They are still very slow to ship though. The missiles released 3 weeks ago I believe and they only contacted me about shipping yesterday. I also ordered a DX YF-19 set from them which was in stock weeks ago and they haven't even started processing it yet. But I do realize I'm lucky to still have access to EMS and my stuff will ship eventually. Just trying to give people hope!
  11. I don't own the figure yet but that looks like a screw cover. Have you checked to see if there's a screw covered on one side of the figure but not the other?
  12. Man..... I put that in my cart and almost pulled the trigger but $350 USD is pretty steep and I just bought the YF-19 set because I thought I missed out on Roy. Still one left I think.
  13. Just curious but what exactly is wrong with a lurker getting a unit and then joining the forum to thank someone for the tip? Maybe I misunderstood? Are lurkers not allowed to buy figures? Speaking from experience, I'm a new guy on this board and I'm afraid to post much because the "old boys club" on here are pretty harsh with new people.
  14. Personally I feel that part of the issue is collectors buying 3 or 5 units when most of us can't even get one. That's like going for thirds at dinner when some people haven't even sat down yet LOL. Slightly off topic but related: Bandai DX fans are used to this insanity but Transformers collectors are not. The Back to the Future crossover Transformer had a "PO Madness" last Thursday and it sold out in about 1 second because only 1985 units were available and Walmart.com allowed up to 12 units per person. It showed up on Ebay minutes later at $800 and up (It only costs $30 normally). Anyway the Transformers fans lost their minds and could not believe it. But at least there's a larger release with many more units coming later and everyone should be able to get one that wants one. I understand that Bandai is only catering to the Japanese market but isn't the Japanese market hurting as well because there aren't enough units and lots of people from outside the country are buying them all up? Personally I think they should just make more available or try to fix the scalper bot issue. Maybe every site should use a captcha? I know that's not a popular opinion but it might slow down the scalper bots. And yes I'm bitter because NY sold out of Roy at 35,000 Yen before I even woke up today......WTF??? That's ridiculous. I'm really hoping they do a DYRL Roy in the future and make it more available. On the "plus" side I may buy that Bandai YF-19 set since I aparently can't get a Roy.
  15. The regulars may experience what you’re talking about but some of us noobs find it a little more difficult. I was really happy I received my strike parts from NY and I posted to give others hope that they would receive them eventually. But I received so much butthurt I ended up deleting my post to avoid offending people. Your mileage may vary of course!
  16. LOL! Oh I know the thrill of the hunt! I'm way too damn old to hunt anymore, though. I wish all of you hunters good luck on PO night! I'll have a drink in your honor!
  17. I agree. That's why I'm so tempted to just get it over with now. I'm guessing DYRL Roy will happen at least three releases from now. Maybe more. So possibly two years? I'll wait for the official pics and hopefully someone will do a side by side comparison with the Hikaru VF-1S so I can see the differences.
  18. I only tried PO night once and it was so demoralizing I just buy the next day on NY for the markup now. I don't like doing that, but it's worth it for my sanity.
  19. It looks sooo good!! I was planning to wait for the DYRL version because I was only collecting DYRL. But to me other than the pilot and cockpit moulding the figure looks really close to the DYRL 1S already released. I have a feeling once the official photos roll out I’ll be powerless to resist.
  20. Thanks for the links! I assume if Bandai used the same white plastic on both their TV and DYRL releases the white should at least be the same. Is it blasphemy to have a TV VF-1S among DYRL VF-1's on a shelf? Probably!
  21. Thank you for the info. Yes I was aware of the pilot differences but in battloid mode the pilot is hidden anyway so I'm thinking it may not matter. I am somewhat OCD though so I can see the difference in markings bugging me......
  22. Sorry I'm a complete noob when it comes to the differences between the TV and DYRL versions. I'm collecting the DYRL versions. Are there enough differences that we expect a separate release for the Roy DYRL version? Or is it close enough that Bandai may only do one release for Roy? The markings are the main differences correct? But the white plastic is the same for TV and DYRL? Or is it a different shade of white? Also they appear to have changed the 1S headsculpt for the TV version. But all I can see that's obvious are the 4 antenna bases are larger. I would rather wait for the DYRL version but I'm not sure it will even happen and if it does it may be a while. Thanks!
  23. I've seen that happen before and sometimes the region lock will be lifted later. You may want to try again later or contact their customer service. They speak English and are usually very helpful. My DHL Amazon shipments are usually on time. Sometimes the outer box is pretty beat up and a few times the perforation gave way and the box was pretty much open. But the item inside was always fine for me. So far (knock on wood).
  24. DHL is great through Amazon Japan. It's 1200-1600 Yen for the stuff I usually buy and 2 day delivery even during a pandemic. No extra fees when it gets to Canada because Amazon charges those fees up front. And for the last 6 months or more I've been getting 100% refunds for my Canadian taxes from AJ around a month after delivery. So I'm currently not paying any taxes or duty for AJ purchases. But the cheap DHL shipping is because Amazon makes insane deals with all the parcel carriers that is so low it's actually hurting USPS and other companies. For other stores using DHL they don't have those awesome rate deals in place like Amazon so it costs a lot more. And I wish Mandarake would tell you up front what the DHL shipping cost is. They only tell you after you purchase. Whether or not you pay taxes using EMS, SAL etc. is based on whether or not the store is willing to mark down the price on your parcel and luck. If the border officers are really busy they may push your parcel through. Also I find if the price is listed in Yen they often don't bother. But I believe they are working on a system that will ding every single parcel so eventually we are screwed. Anyway that Bandai YF-19 set looks amazing and I really want to get it before the 21 comes out.
  25. Man those pics you guys are posting look amazing! I almost bought a YF-19 set on Mandarake yesterday but I heard in a different thread that the DHL shipping for that size box is 8000 Yen and also Mandarake apparently refuses to mark down the value for customs fees so I would get nailed with that too. I’ll have to wait and my wallet will be destroyed another day.
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