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Everything posted by R0P3-F15H

  1. Honestly im kinda thankful for a slow release, means i don't have to spend to much on back to back releases. however. i am not to happy with the inevitability of having to pay scalper prices...
  2. seeing it was given a release date for spring/late spring id assume a PO during the winter. it seems the gears have finally started rolling again after covid at least.... generally its a year to two before a PO goes up for something that's shown off ( if its not shelved and never mentioned again )
  3. damn id love to have one of these in 1/48th...
  4. seeing that it was a TWE Lottery they may? its hard to really tell how many of them where put out.... LP always feels kinda sketch to, i do wonder how they sources their items.
  5. Looks like it went instantly
  6. Yea this makes sense to me as the VT-1 is the equivalent to the VF-1D in the move iirc? just means the super parts will look great on the VF-1D๐Ÿ˜
  7. just means you gotta get it for seated pilots for the 1D now ๐Ÿ˜œ
  8. nah see you gotta take it into a clean room with a suit, get every last bit of dust off them then hermetically seal it in a box made of UV protective glass or acrylic! now it'll be perfect~!
  9. i wonder how scary those tail fin clasps are going to be, can't say i use them on Arcadia VE-1 out of fear they'll ruin the thing.
  10. the mechanical clear version ๐Ÿ˜
  11. R0P3-F15H

    Hi-Metal R

    this actually looks fine, much less blue then the promo and more in line with the Yamie/Arcadia
  12. same, i hope they release the booster set as a separate pack! but i wouldn't mind a second VF-0A either.
  13. Oh damn, wonder if it will be TWE lottery? i suppose this explains the new packaging to hah!
  14. as i posted in the other thread, it feels way to blue in this image? did they touch it up in post or something?
  15. R0P3-F15H

    Hi-Metal R

    why is it such a darker shade of blue??
  16. Im really hoping they are going to be releasing future sets with their supers now tbh! then i won't have to deal with scalpers to get a super set ah hah ( i like the missile tube a lot actually )
  17. On one hand, i don't think i ever experience this issue to much, and if i push them in enough they stay pretty strong... on the other hand it wouldn't hurt for there to be a second peg point for the legs to hook into here so the arms don't droop. even have a little cover for it? i guess they just don't expect people to move it around much and only have it on display so see it as a non issue?
  18. maybe they want to do a M&M VF-1J release? so it pushed them to do this sooner, i could see that tbh. I can only hope future releases come with super parts now.
  19. But you see... they glue them at the factory for the other versions. my thought is, a few sets might accidentally get glued again here, but all in all... i wonder if they will do re-releases of the super parts separate from this now? its still an... odd tactic.... to do a VF-1S release with it, and not have a separate new super parts release.
  20. Be funny if the clear covers are glued on.
  21. im holding out hope for another VF-1A release i can actually get but i don't have hope it'll be a VF-1 release.
  22. The forums here can be incredibly slow, its how it is. i mostly lurk only to pop my head out with releases or purchases myself tbh. but would love to have a print of the little guy.
  23. so long as the cad files are about, and can be converted. Making a set from scratch would take a lot of work.
  24. I expect it to go up to $500-600 tbh. Itโ€™s still lottery based iirc so itโ€™s going to hike quickly.
  25. im unsure if this is something i should actually worry over now.... ๐Ÿ˜ต
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